#!/usr/bin/env perl # # sshtunnel.pl # # $Id: ssltunnel.pl,v 1.17 2003/06/10 14:54:16 alex Exp $ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # Copyright 2002, 2003 Alex Hornby # # Inspired by ssh-tunnel.pl by Urban Kaveus # # Run perldoc on this script to see the documentation my $VERSION=1.0; package ssltunnel; use strict; use IO::File; use IO::Select; use IO::Socket; use Getopt::Long; use MIME::Base64; my %options = ( proxyport=>8080, reproxyport=>8080, localaddr=>"", ); sub usage { print STDERR < Optional proxy user name --proxypasswd pass Optional proxy pass word --proxyhost Mandatory proxy host IP or name --proxyport 123 Optional proxy host port (default 8080) --reproxyhost Optional intermediate proxy host --reproxyport 123 Optional intermediate proxy host --reproxypasswd pass Optional proxy pass word --reproxyhost Mandatory proxy host IP or name --localport 123 Optional local port to listen on --localaddr Optional local addr to listen on (default e.g. To run a local proxy to the public SDF shell service: ./ssltunnel.pl --proxyhost gatekeeper \ --proxyport 8080 --localport 23002 sdf.lonestar.org 22 EOF exit(1); } # Parse command line arguments sub parseArgs { GetOptions(\%options, qw/dumpfile=s useragent=s proxyhost=s proxyport=i proxyuser=s proxypasswd=s desthost=s destport=i localaddr=s localport=i reproxyhost=s reproxyport=i reproxyuser=s reproxypasswd=s debug! name=s help! log-file=s pidfile=s nodaemon!/); if ( $options{help} ) { usage(); } if ( $#ARGV != 1 ) { print STDERR "error: Not enough arguments\n"; usage(); } $options{desthost} = $ARGV[0]; $options{destport} = $ARGV[1]; if ( !defined($options{proxyhost}) ) { print STDERR "error: You must give a proxyhost\n"; usage(); } } sub connectProxy { my $proxy = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => $options{proxyhost}, PeerPort => $options{proxyport}, Proto => 'tcp', ); die "Error connecting to proxy host $options{proxyhost} " . "port $options{proxyport}: $!\n" unless $proxy; # Force flushing of socket buffers $proxy->autoflush(1); if ( $options{reproxyhost} ) { # First contect to local proxy httpProxy($proxy, $options{reproxyhost}, $options{reproxyport}, $options{proxyuser}, $options{proxypasswd} ); # Then forward to next proxy print STDERR "Now connecting to second proxy\n"; httpProxy($proxy, $options{desthost}, $options{destport}, $options{reproxyuser}, $options{reproxypasswd} ) } else { httpProxy($proxy, $options{desthost}, $options{destport}, $options{proxyuser}, $options{proxypasswd} ) } return $proxy; } sub httpProxy { my ( $proxy, $desthost, $destport, $proxyuser, $proxypasswd ) = @_; # Force flushing of socket buffers # The actual connect $proxy->print("CONNECT " . $desthost . ":" . $destport . " HTTP/1.0\r\n"); if ( $options{debug} ) { print STDERR "CONNECT " . $desthost . ":" . $destport . " HTTP/1.0\n"; } # Basic auth if needed if ( $proxyuser ) { my $auth = encode_base64( $proxyuser . ":" . $proxypasswd); $proxy->print("Proxy-authorization: Basic $auth\r\n"); if ( $options{debug} ) { print STDERR "Proxy-authorization: Basic $auth" } } # User agent name if needed if ( $options{useragent} ) { $proxy->print("User-Agent: " . $options{useragent} . "\r\n"); if ( $options{debug} ) { print STDERR "User-Agent: " . $options{useragent} . "\n"; } } # end of headers $proxy->print("\r\n"); my $status; # Wait for HTTP status code, bail out if you don't get back a 2xx code. $_ = $proxy->getline(); next if /^[\r]*$/; ($status) = (split())[1]; die("Received a bad status code \"$status\" from proxy server\n$_") if ( int($status/100) != 2 ); while($_ = $proxy->getline()) { if ( $options{debug} ) { print STDERR "Got extra data [$_]\n"; } chomp; # Strip last if /^[\r]*$/; # Empty line or a single left } return $status; } sub stdioMainLoop { my($fhin, $fhout, $proxy) = @_; # UTF-8 locales mean we need this. binmode $fhin; binmode $fhout; $| = 1; select ($fhin); select ($fhout); # Start copying packets in both directions. my $s = IO::Select->new($fhin, $proxy); my $dumpfh; if ( $options{dumpfile} ) { $dumpfh = new IO::File($options{dumpfile}, "w") or die "could not open dump file $_"; $dumpfh->autoflush(1); } while ( 1 ) { for my $fh ( $s->can_read(10) ) { my $num = sysread($fh, $_, 4096); exit unless ( $num ); syswrite(((fileno($fh)==fileno($fhin))?$proxy:$fhout), $_, $num); if ( $dumpfh ) { if (fileno($fh)==fileno($proxy)) { $dumpfh->print("proxy[$_]\n"); } if (fileno($fh)==fileno($fhin)) { $dumpfh->print("client[$_]\n"); } } } } } sub connectLocal { my $listen = new IO::Socket::INET ( Listen=> 5, LocalAddr => $options{localaddr}, LocalPort => $options{localport}, Proto => 'tcp', Reuse => 1, ); die "can't listen on " . $options{localaddr} . ":" . $options{localport} unless $listen; print STDERR "Accepting network clients on " . $options{localaddr} . ":" .$options{localport} . "\n"; my %client2proxy; my %proxy2client; my $s = IO::Select->new(); $s->add($listen); my $dumpfh; if ( $options{dumpfile} ) { $dumpfh = new IO::File($options{dumpfile}, "w") or die "could not open dump file $_"; $dumpfh->autoflush(1); } while ( 1 ) { my @res = IO::Select::select($s, undef, undef, 3600); if ( @res == 0 ) { print STDERR "got select error\n"; last; } my ($read, $write, $error) = @res; # Check for disconnect for my $fh ( @$error ) { print STDERR "socket $fh is in error\n"; $s->remove($fh); exit(); } # Process handles ready to read; for my $fh ( @$read ) { if ( $fh == $listen ) { my $client = $listen->accept(); $client->autoflush(1); $s->add($client); my $proxy = connectProxy(); $s->add($proxy); print STDERR "New connection from " . $client->peerhost() . "\n"; $client2proxy{$client} = $proxy; $proxy2client{$proxy} = $client; } else { my $destfh; my $isclient = 0; if ( exists( $client2proxy{$fh} ) ) { $destfh = $client2proxy{$fh}; $isclient = 1; } elsif ( exists( $proxy2client{$fh} ) ) { $destfh = $proxy2client{$fh}; } my $num = sysread($fh, $_, 4096); if ( $num) { syswrite($destfh, $_, $num); # Optional dump of traffic if ( $dumpfh ) { if ($isclient) { $dumpfh->print("client[$_]\n"); } else { $dumpfh->print("proxy[$_]\n"); } } } else { $s->remove($fh); $s->remove($destfh); if ( $isclient ) { print STDERR "client disconnected\n"; delete($client2proxy{$fh}); delete($proxy2client{$destfh}); } else { print STDERR "proxy disconnected\n"; delete($client2proxy{$destfh}); delete($proxy2client{$fh}); } if(%proxy2client == 0 ) { print STDERR "last client disconnected\n"; } } } } } } parseArgs; if ( $options{localport} ) { connectLocal; } else { my $proxy = connectProxy; stdioMainLoop(\*STDIN,\*STDOUT, $proxy); } =head1 NAME B - Tunnels a TCP/IP connection through an http proxy using SSL. Can work both with SSH or standalone. Has the notion of "reproxying" to work around proxies that insert bytes into the i/o stream. =head1 DESCRIPTION B. Its got it all! =over =item Supports reproxying to build a chain of proxies, thus allowing access even if your local proxy inserts characters that would normally mess up SSH =item Tunnels SSH through web proxies =item Can listen on a local port, allowing port forwarding without SSH =item Can list on STDIN/OUT, allowing port forwarding under SSH =item Supports BASIC authentication to both the proxy and reproxy =item Uses IO::Select instead of forking for better performance and less load =item Works properly under UTF-8 locales =item Nicely formatted source! =back This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 README B. Its got it all! Supports reproxying to build a chain of proxies, thus allowing access even if your local proxy inserts characters that would normally mess up SSH. Supports BASIC auth. Can even work without SSH. usage: perl ssltunnel.pl [options] desthost destport Tunnels a TCP/IP connection through an http proxy using SSL. WARNING: Only use this if you have the proxy administrator\'s permission WARNING: The authors of this package offer no warranty options: --help This help --proxyuser Optional proxy user name --proxypasswd pass Optional proxy pass word --proxyhost Mandatory proxy host IP or name --proxyport 123 Optional proxy host port (default 8080) --reproxyhost Optional intermediate proxy host --reproxyport 123 Optional intermediate proxy host --reproxypasswd pass Optional proxy pass word --reproxyhost Mandatory proxy host IP or name --localport 123 Optional local port to listen on --localaddr Optional local addr to listen on (default e.g. To run a local proxy to the public SDF shell service: ./ssltunnel.pl --proxyhost gatekeeper \ --proxyport 8080 --localport 23002 sdf.lonestar.org 22 =head1 PREREQUISITES All necessary modules are included in perl 5.8.0. These include the C, C, C, and C modules. =head1 AUTHOR Alex Hornby Inspired by ssh-tunnel.pl by Urban Kaveus =head1 COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =pod OSNAMES any =cut =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES Networking Web =cut