[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ruzhnikov/Mojolicious-Plugin-BModel.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ruzhnikov/Mojolicious-Plugin-BModel) # NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::BModel - Catalyst-like models in Mojolicious # SYNOPSIS # Mojolicious # in your app: sub startup { my $self = shift; $self->plugin( 'BModel', { %Options } ); } # in controller: sub my_controller { my $self = shift; my $config_data = $self->model('MyModel')->get_conf_data('field'); } # in <your_app>/lib/<namespace>/Model/MyModel.pm: use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::BModel::Base'; sub get_conf_data { my ( $self, $field ) = @_; # as example return $self->config->{field}; } # DESCRIPTION This module provides you an ability to separate a business-logic from controllers into a 'model' class and use this one by the method 'model' of a controller object. This approach is using in the L<Catalyst framework|https://metacpan.org/pod/Catalyst>. All model classes have to be inherited from the class 'Mojolicious::BModel::Base', examples see below. This module works in Unix-like and Windows systems. ## Options - **create\_dir** A boolean flag that determines automatically create the folder '<yourapp>/lib/<namespace>/Model' if it does not exist. 0 - do not create, 1 - create. Enabled by default - **namespace** A place in the '/lib' folder of application where there are your model classes. By default it is the name of application. The value of this parameter should be in the format with a delimiter '::', for example 'Aaaaa::Bbbb::Cccc'. This string(in format 'Aaaaa::Bbbb::Cccc') will be converted to the path 'Aaaaa/Bbbb/Cccc'(or 'Aaaaa\Bbbb\Cccc' for Microsoft Windows) and the absolute path to the your Model dir will looks like '<your app>/lib/Aaaaa/Bbbb/Cccc/Model' and all Model classes will be sought in this direcory. # EXAMPLE # the example of a new application: % cpan install Mojolicious::Plugin::BModel % mojo generate app MyApp % cd my_app/ % vim lib/MyApp.pm # edit file: package MyApp; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; sub startup { my $self = shift; $self->config->{testkey} = 'MyTestValue'; $self->plugin( 'BModel' ); # used the default options my $r = $self->routes; $r->get('/')->to( 'root#index' ); } 1; # end of edit file # create a new controller % touch lib/Controller/Root.pm % vim lib/Controller/Root.pm # edit file package MyApp::Controller::Root; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; sub index { my $self = shift; my $testkey_val = $self->model('MyModel')->get_conf_key('testkey'); $self->render( text => 'Value: ' . $testkey_val ); } 1; # end of edit file # When you connect, the plugin will check the folder "lib/MyApp/Model" exists. # By defaut the namespace 'MyApp' will be used. # If the folder 'lib/MyApp/Model' does not exist, this will be created. # The method 'app' of base model contains a link to your application. # The method 'config' of base model contains a link to config of yor application. # create a new model % touch lib/MyApp/Model/MyModel.pm % vim lib/MyApp/Model/MyModel.pm # edit file package MyApp::Model::MyModel; use strict; use warnings; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::BModel::Base'; sub get_conf_key { my ( $self, $key ) = @_; return $self->config->{ $key } || ''; } 1; # end of edit file % morbo -v script/my_app # Open in your browser address and # you'll see text 'Value: MyTestValue' # LICENSE Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Alexander Ruzhnikov. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Alexander Ruzhnikov <ruzhnikov85@gmail.com>