use strict; use warnings; use Unicode::UCD qw(charinfo charblock charblocks charscripts charscript casespec compexcl); use POSIX qw(ceil); use Tk; use Tk::LabFrame; use Tk::Balloon; use Tk::Pane; use Tk::BrowseEntry; use Tk::StayOnTop; # Inits # my $VERSION = '0.01'; my $COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright 2004 - Chris Whiting. All rights reserved.'; my %common_hash; my %codepage; my %codeframe; my %codeframe_lines; my %codeframe_btns; my $current_entity; my $l_label_width = 6; my $process_line_no = 0; my $max_codepoints = 10000; my %code_labels; my @hframes; my @hframes_labels; my %btns_hash; my @btns_head; my %codepage_fonts; my $codepage_fontfam = 'Arial'; my %bidi; populate_bidi(); my %uni_category; populate_category(); my %uni_mirror; populate_mirrors(); $common_hash{main} = new MainWindow; $common_hash{main}->configure(-title=>"Codepage - UniCode Version " . Unicode::UCD::UnicodeVersion() ); codepage_display(); MainLoop; #----------------------------------- sub codepage_display { my $downarrow_bits = pack("b17"x9, ".111111111111111.", "..1111111111111..", "...11111111111...", "....111111111....", ".....1111111.....", "......11111......", ".......111.......". "........1........". "........1........" ); $common_hash{main}->DefineBitmap("downarrow_Icon" => 17,9, $downarrow_bits); $codepage{font_name} = codepage_create_font($codepage_fontfam); $codepage{main} = $common_hash{main}->Frame(#-bg=>'green', )->pack(-anchor=>'n', -side=>'top', -fill =>'both', -expand=>1); $codepage{select_frm} = $codepage{main}->Frame(-bd=>1, -relief=>'groove', #-bg=>'yellow', )->pack(-anchor=>'n', -side=>'top', -fill =>'x', ); #-expand=>1 my @listed_charblocks; my $charblocks = charblocks(); for my $entity (keys %{$charblocks}) { my $ranges = charblock($entity); my $count = 0; while (my $range = shift @$ranges){ $count++; if ($$range[0] >= hex $max_codepoints) { # displaying codepoints above U10000 get an error in Tk. #print "$entity $count (from $$range[0], to $$range[1])"; #printf "%06X -> %06X\n", $$range[0], $$range[1]; #print "\n"; } else { push @listed_charblocks, $entity; } } } my $charscripts = charscripts(); #$codepage{select_frm}->Label(-text=>'Blocks')->pack( -side => 'left', -anchor => 'w', -padx => 10); $codepage{select_frm}->BrowseEntry( -label=>'Blocks', -textvariable => \$codepage{block}, -choices => [ sort @listed_charblocks ], #[sort keys %{$charblocks}], -state => 'readonly', -command=>sub{ if ( ($codepage{block} =~ /CJK Unified/) and ($codepage{main}->messageBox(-type=> "YesNo", -message => "This block is large and may produce unpredictable results. Continue?") eq 'No') ) {return} codepage_buttons($codepage{block}, 'charblock'); #print "current_entity $current_entity codepage{current_entity}{selnbr} $codepage{$current_entity}{selnbr}\n"; if ($codepage{$current_entity}{selnbr}) {do_button($codepage{$current_entity}{selnbr} , $codepage{$current_entity}{sel_dec_code} , '');} }, -disabledbackground=>'white', -disabledforeground=>'black', -width => 35, -listheight=>20, )->pack( -side => 'left', -anchor => 'w', -padx => 2, -pady => 8); $codepage{select_frm}->Button( -bitmap => "downarrow_Icon", #-text=> "\x{25bc}", -anchor=>'s', -relief => 'flat', -command => sub { list_pop(); } )->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor=>'s', -ipadx => 2, -ipady => 6); my @fonts = sort $common_hash{main}->fontFamilies; my $newfont; my $browsefont = $codepage{select_frm}->BrowseEntry( -label=>'Font Family', -textvariable => \$codepage_fontfam, -choices => [@fonts], -state => 'readonly', -disabledbackground=>'white', -disabledforeground=>'black', -browsecmd => sub { code_page_button_reconfig($codepage_fontfam); }, -width => 22, )->pack( -side => 'left', -anchor => 'w', -padx => 0); $codepage{select_frm}->Button( -bitmap => "downarrow_Icon", -anchor=>'s', -relief => 'flat', -command => sub { list_pop2(); } )->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor=>'s', -ipadx => 2, -ipady => 6); $codepage{more_less} = $codepage{select_frm}->Button(-text=>'<< sub { if ( $codepage{more_less}->cget(-text)=~/More/) { $codepage{more_less}->configure(-text=>'<<pack(-anchor=>'w', -side=>'left', -fill =>'both', -expand=>0,); } else { $codepage{more_less}->configure(-text=>'More>>>'); $codepage{right_frm}->packForget; } }, )->pack(-side=>'left', ); $codepage{main_frm} = $codepage{main}->Frame(#-bg=>'red', )->pack(-anchor=>'w', -side=>'top', -fill =>'both', -expand=>1); $codepage{left_frm} = $codepage{main_frm}->Frame()->pack(-anchor=>'w', -side=>'left', -fill =>'both', -expand=>0,); $codepage{codepage_frm} = $codepage{left_frm}->LabFrame(#-bg=>'blue', -label=>'', -bd=>1,)->pack(-anchor=>'n', -side=>'top', -fill =>'both', -expand=>1); $codepage{right_frm} = $codepage{main_frm}->Frame()->pack(-anchor=>'w', -side=>'left', -fill =>'both', -expand=>0,); $codepage{codepoint_btn_frame} = $codepage{right_frm}->LabFrame( -label=>'Code Point Search', -bd=>1, )->pack(-anchor=>'n', -side=>'top', -fill =>'both', -expand=>0, -ipadx=>10, -ipady=>5); $codepage{codepoint_btn_frame}->Entry(-textvariable=>\$codepage{search_point}, -width=>8, )->pack(-side=>'left'); $codepage{search_hex} = 'hexon'; $codepage{codepoint_btn_frame}->Radiobutton( -text=>'Hex', -value=>'hexon', -variable=> \$codepage{search_hex}, )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 5, -pady => 0,); $codepage{codepoint_btn_frame}->Radiobutton( -text=>'Dec', -value=>'hexoff', -variable=> \$codepage{search_hex}, )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 5, -pady => 0,); $codepage{codepoint_btn_frame}->Radiobutton( -text=>'Char', -value=>'char', -variable=> \$codepage{search_hex}, )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 5, -pady => 0,); $codepage{codepoint_btn_frame}->Button(-text=>'Search', -command=>sub { $codepage{current_button_nbr} = ''; codepage_clear_ents(); my $value = $codepage{search_point}; if ($codepage{search_hex} eq 'char') { $value = ord($value); } elsif (($codepage{search_hex} eq 'hexon') and ($value =~ /[^0-9a-fA-F]/)) { $codepage{main}->messageBox(-message => "Search data $value is not a valid hex value"); codepage_unselect(); return; } elsif ($codepage{search_hex} eq 'hexon') { $value = hex($value) } elsif (($codepage{search_hex} eq 'hexoff') and ($value =~ /[^0-9]/)) { $codepage{main}->messageBox(-message => "Search data $value is not a valid value"); codepage_unselect(); return; } my $x = charblock($value); if (!$x) { $codepage{main}->messageBox(-message => "Code Point $value was not found"); codepage_unselect(); return; } codepage_buttons($x, 'charblock'); $codepage{block} = $x; if (exists $btns_hash{$current_entity}{ $value } ) #$btns_hash{$codepage{current_entity}}{$current_dec_code} { do_button($btns_hash{$current_entity}{$value}, $value, '' ); } }, -width=>8, )->pack(-side=>'right',-padx=>6); $codepage{codepoint_byname_frame} = $codepage{right_frm}->LabFrame( -label=>'Code Point Search by Name', -bd=>1, )->pack(-anchor=>'n', -side=>'top', -fill =>'both', -expand=>0, ); for (0..2) { $codepage{codepoint_btn_byname_frame}[$_] = $codepage{codepoint_byname_frame}->Frame( )->pack(-anchor=>'n', -side=>'top', -fill =>'both', -expand=>0, ); } $codepage{codepoint_btn_byname_frame}[0]->Entry(-textvariable=>\$codepage{search_byname_point}, -width=>35, )->pack(-side=>'left',-fill=>'x', -expand=>1,); $codepage{search_byname_type} = 'regexp'; $codepage{codepoint_btn_byname_frame}[1]->Radiobutton( -text=>'Regexp', -value=>'regexp', -variable=> \$codepage{search_byname_type}, )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 0,); $codepage{codepoint_btn_byname_frame}[1]->Radiobutton( -text=>'Exact', -value=>'exact', -variable=> \$codepage{search_byname_type}, )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 0,); $codepage{codepoint_btn_byname_frame}[1]->Radiobutton( -text=>'+-Word Match', -value=>'word', -variable=> \$codepage{search_byname_type}, )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 0,); $codepage{search_from_where} = 'here'; $codepage{codepoint_btn_byname_frame}[2]->Checkbutton( -text=>'Start from beginning', -onvalue=>'beg', -offvalue=>'here', -variable=> \$codepage{search_from_where}, )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 2, -pady => 0,); $codepage{codepoint_btn_byname_frame}[2]->Button(-text=>'Search', -command=>sub { my $start; if ($codepage{search_from_where} eq 'beg') {$start = 0} elsif ( $codepage{$current_entity}{sel_dec_code} ) { $start = $codepage{$current_entity}{sel_dec_code}} else {$start = 0} $start++; my $testtext = 'abcd'; my $regexp = $codepage{search_byname_point}; if (($codepage{search_byname_type} eq 'regexp') and (!defined (eval { $testtext =~ /$regexp/i } ) )) {$codepage{main}->messageBox(-message => "Regexp $codepage{search_byname_point} is not valid."); return; } elsif ($codepage{search_byname_type} eq 'exact') { $regexp =~ s/([\[\^\$\-\]\/(){}*+.|?])/\\$1/ } # \[\^\$\-\]\/(){}*+.|? my @word_patterns; my $cnt = 0; if ($codepage{search_byname_type} eq 'word') { my @words = split(/\s+/, $regexp); for (@words) { my $search_word = $_; $search_word =~ /^([+-]*)(.*)/; ($word_patterns[$cnt]{ADDINDR},$word_patterns[$cnt]{WORD}) = ($1,$2); $cnt++; } } $codepage{main}->Busy(-recurse=>1); for ($start..$max_codepoints) { my $charinf = charinfo($_); my $name = $charinf->{name}; if ($name) { if ((($codepage{search_byname_type} eq 'regexp') and ( $name =~ /$regexp/i)) or (($codepage{search_byname_type} eq 'exact') and ( $name =~ /$regexp/i))) { $codepage{block} = charblock($_); codepage_buttons($codepage{block}, 'charblock'); do_button($btns_hash{$current_entity}{$_}, $_, '' ); $codepage{main}->Unbusy(-recurse=>1); return; } elsif ($codepage{search_byname_type} eq 'word') { my $neg_match = 1; my $match = 1; $cnt = 0; do { if (($word_patterns[$cnt]{ADDINDR} eq '-') and ($name =~ /$word_patterns[$cnt]{WORD}/i ) ) { $neg_match = 0; } elsif ($word_patterns[$cnt]{ADDINDR} eq '-') {} elsif ($name !~ /$word_patterns[$cnt]{WORD}/i ) { $match = 0; } $cnt++; } until ($cnt > $#word_patterns); if ($neg_match and $match) { $codepage{block} = charblock($_); codepage_buttons($codepage{block}, 'charblock'); do_button($btns_hash{$current_entity}{$_}, $_, '' ); $codepage{main}->Unbusy(-recurse=>1); return; } } } } $codepage{main}->Unbusy(-recurse=>1); $codepage{main}->messageBox(-message => "Search for $codepage{search_byname_point} was not successful."); }, -width=>8, )->pack(-side=>'right',-padx=>6); $codepage{code_frm} = $codepage{right_frm}->LabFrame( -label=>'Code Point Details', -bd=>1,)->pack(-anchor=>'w', -side=>'top', -fill =>'both', -expand=>1, -ipady=>5); $codepage{code_pt_pane} = $codepage{code_frm}->Scrolled('Pane', -scrollbars => 'se', -width=>300, -sticky=>'nw' )->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'n', -expand => 1, -fill => 'both',-ipadx=>0, -padx=>0); my @labels = ( 'General', 'Case', 'Numeric Type', 'BiDirectional Parameters'); for (0..3) { $codepage{code_frm_top}[$_] = $codepage{code_pt_pane}->LabFrame(-label=>$labels[$_], )->pack(-side=>'top', -fill =>'both',); $codepage{code_frm_labs}[$_] = $codepage{code_frm_top}[$_]->Frame()->pack(-anchor=>'n', -side=>'left', -fill =>'none',); $codepage{code_frm_ents}[$_] = $codepage{code_frm_top}[$_]->Frame( )->pack(-anchor=>'n', -side=>'left', -expand=>0, -fill =>'both',); } for (qw(name code block script mirrored )) { $codepage{code_frm_labs}[0]->Label( -text=>uc($_).':', -width=>14, -anchor=>'e' )->pack(-anchor=>'e',); $code_labels{$_} = $codepage{code_frm_ents}[0]->Label(-text=>'', -anchor=>'w' , -width=>60)->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w', -fill =>'x', -expand=>0,); } for (qw(upper lower title condition status mapping )) { $codepage{code_frm_labs}[1]->Label(-text=>uc($_).':', -width=>14, -anchor=>'e' )->pack(-anchor=>'e',); $code_labels{$_} = $codepage{code_frm_ents}[1]->Label(-text=>'', -anchor=>'w' , -width=>60)->pack(-anchor=>'w', -fill =>'x', -expand=>0,); } for (qw(decimal digit numeric )) { $codepage{code_frm_labs}[2]->Label(-text=>uc($_).':', -width=>14, -anchor=>'e' )->pack(-anchor=>'e',); $code_labels{$_} = $codepage{code_frm_ents}[2]->Label(-text=>'', -anchor=>'w' , -width=>60)->pack(-anchor=>'w', -fill =>'x', -expand=>0,); } for (qw( category bidi combining decomposition compexcl )) { $codepage{code_frm_labs}[3]->Label(-text=>uc($_).':', -width=>14, -anchor=>'e' )->pack(-anchor=>'e',); $code_labels{$_} = $codepage{code_frm_ents}[3]->Label(-text=>'', -anchor=>'w' , -width=>60)->pack(-anchor=>'w', -fill =>'x', -expand=>0,); } $codepage{statusfrm} = $codepage{main}->Frame(-bd=>1,-relief=>'sunken')->pack(-anchor=>'w', -side=>'bottom', -fill =>'x',); $codepage{statusbar} = $codepage{statusfrm}->Label(-text=>"Welcome to Perl CodePage",-background=>'#ffffd5',-anchor=>'w',)->pack( -fill =>'both',); $codepage{balloon} = $codepage{main}->Balloon(-initwait => 700, -state => 'both', -foreground => 'black', -background => '#ffffd5', -balloonposition=>'mouse', -statusbar => $codepage{statusbar} ); $codepage{codepage_text_entry_frame} = $codepage{main}->LabFrame( -label=>'Edit Buffer', )->pack(-side => 'bottom', -fill=>'x', -expand => '0', -padx => 0, ); $codepage{codepage_text_entry} = $codepage{codepage_text_entry_frame}->Scrolled( 'Text', -scrollbars=>'se', -exportselection=>1, -font=>$codepage{font_name}, -state=> 'normal', -wrap => 'none', -height=>4, -width =>40, )->pack(-side => 'left', -fill=>'x', -expand => '1', -padx => 5, ); $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->menu(undef) if $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->can("menu"); $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->update; $codepage{text_popup} = $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->Menu(-tearoff => 0); $codepage{text_popup}->command(-label => 'Magnify Selected', -command => sub{ $codepage{main}->Busy(-recurse=>1); popup_character($codepage{codepage_text_entry}->getSelected, 'mouse'); }); $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->bind('', sub { $codepage{text_popup}->Popup(-popover => 'cursor', -popanchor => 'nw'); }); $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->bind('' => [ sub { $_[0]->yview('scroll', -($_[1] / 120) * 3, 'units') }, Ev('D') ]); $codepage{codepage_text_btn_frame} = $codepage{codepage_text_entry_frame}->Frame()->pack(-side => 'right', -fill=>'none', -expand => '0', -padx => 0, ); $codepage{codepage_text_btn_frame}->Button(-text => 'Clear', -width =>8, -command => sub { $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->delete('1.0','end'); }, )->pack(-side => 'top', -fill=>'none', -expand => '0', -padx => 0, ); $codepage{codepage_text_btn_frame}->Button(-text => 'Copy', -width =>8, -command => sub { $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->selectAll; $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->clipboardCopy; }, )->pack(-side => 'top', -fill=>'none', -expand => '0', -padx => 0, ); $codepage{codepage_text_btn_frame}->Button(-text => 'SelectAll', -width =>8, -command => sub { $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->selectAll; }, )->pack(-side => 'top', -fill=>'none', -expand => '0', -padx => 0, ); $codepage{codepage_text_btn_frame}->Button(-text => "Magnify\nSelected", -width =>8, -command => sub { $codepage{main}->Busy(-recurse=>1); popup_character($codepage{codepage_text_entry}->getSelected, 'anywhere'); }, )->pack(-side => 'top', -fill=>'none', -expand => '0', -padx => 0, ); $codepage{heading} = $codepage{codepage_frm}->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top', -ipadx=>30, -padx=>23, -pady=>1, -fill=>'x', -expand=>0);#(-side=>'top', -fill=>'none', -expand=>0); $codepage{spacer} = $codepage{heading}->Label(-text=>'',-width=>$l_label_width)->pack(-anchor=>'w', -side=>'left', ); for my $char (0..15) { my $hex = uc(sprintf('%x' ,$char )); if (!Exists $btns_head[$char]) { $btns_head[$char] = $codepage{heading}->Button(#-bg=>'green', -text=>$hex, -font=>$codepage{font_name}, -width=>2, -state=>'disabled', -relief=>'flat', )->pack(-side=>'left', -padx=>1, -pady=>1); } else { $btns_head[$char]->configure( -text=>$hex, -font=>$codepage{font_name}, ); $btns_head[$char]->pack(-side=>'left', -padx=>1, -pady=>1); } } $codepage{pane} = $codepage{codepage_frm}->Scrolled('Pane', #-bg=>'magenta', -scrollbars => 'se', -width=>550, -height=>450, -sticky=>'nw' )->pack(-side=>'top', -expand => 1, -fill => 'both',-ipadx=>30, -padx=>20); $codepage{option_frame} = $codepage{left_frm}->LabFrame(-label=>'Edit Buffer Insert Mode', )->pack(-side=>'top', -expand => 1, -fill => 'x',); $codepage{insert_type} = 'Character'; for ('Character', 'UCD(hex)', 'chr(dec)', 'UCN', 'Full', 'None') { $codepage{option_frame}->Radiobutton(-text=> $_, -variable=>\$codepage{insert_type}, -value=> $_, )->pack( -side => 'left', -expand => 0, -padx => 12); } $codepage{insert_newline} = 'false'; $codepage{option_frame}->Checkbutton(-text=> 'New Line', -variable=>\$codepage{insert_newline}, -onvalue=> 'true', -offvalue=> 'false', )->pack( -side => 'left', -expand => 0, -padx => 12); $codepage{block} = 'Basic Latin'; codepage_buttons($codepage{block}, 'charblock'); $common_hash{main}->bind('', sub { shifter(1); } ); $common_hash{main}->bind('', sub { shifter(-1); } ); $common_hash{main}->bind('', sub { shifter(-16); } ); $common_hash{main}->bind('', sub { shifter(16); } ); } #----------------------------------- sub codepage_unselect { $codepage{$current_entity}{selnbr} = ''; $codepage{$current_entity}{selected}->configure( -foreground=>'black', -background=>'SystemButtonFace', -activeforeground=>'black', -activebackground=>'SystemButtonFace' ) if Exists $codepage{$current_entity}{selected}; } #----------------------------------- sub shifter { my ($amount) = @_; if (($codepage{$current_entity}{selnbr} + $amount < 0) or ( $codepage{$current_entity}{selnbr} + $amount > $codepage{max_button} )) { return } do_button($codepage{$current_entity}{selnbr} + $amount, $codepage{$current_entity}{sel_dec_code} + $amount , ''); $codepage{pane}->see($codepage{$current_entity}{selected}); } #----------------------------------- sub do_button { my ($current_button_nbr, $current_dec_code, $option) = @_; $codepage{$current_entity}{selected}->configure( -foreground=>'black', -background=>'SystemButtonFace', -activeforeground=>'black', -activebackground=>'SystemButtonFace' ) if Exists $codepage{$current_entity}{selected}; $codeframe_btns{$current_entity}{$current_button_nbr}->configure( -foreground=>'red', -background=>'grey', -activeforeground=>'red', -activebackground=>'grey' ); #-background=>'grey25' my $cd = charinfo($current_dec_code); for (qw(name code block script mirrored upper lower title condition decimal digit numeric category bidi combining decomposition )) { $code_labels{$_}->configure(-text=>$cd->{$_}) } for ( qw( upper lower title ) ) { if ( $cd->{$_} ) {$code_labels{$_}->configure(-text=> $cd->{$_} . ' '. chr(hex $cd->{$_} ) . ' ' )} } if ($cd->{mirrored} eq 'Y') { $code_labels{mirrored}->configure(-text=> $cd->{mirrored} . ' ' . $uni_mirror{$cd->{code}} . ' '. chr(hex($uni_mirror{$cd->{code}})) . ' ' ); } $code_labels{bidi}->configure(-text=> $cd->{bidi} . ' ['. $bidi{$cd->{bidi}} . ']' ); $code_labels{category}->configure(-text=> $cd->{category} . ' '. $uni_category{$cd->{category}} . ' ' ); $code_labels{compexcl}->configure(-text=> compexcl($current_dec_code) ); my $casespc = casespec($current_dec_code); for ( qw( upper lower title condition) ) { if ( $casespc->{$_} ) {$code_labels{$_}->configure(-text=> $casespc->{$_})};# } my $casefld = casespec($current_dec_code); for ( qw( status mapping) ) { if ( $casefld->{$_} ) {$code_labels{$_}->configure(-text=> $casefld->{$_})};# } $code_labels{bidi}->configure(-text=> $cd->{bidi} . ' ['. $bidi{$cd->{bidi}} . ']' ); $code_labels{compexcl}->configure(-text=> compexcl($current_dec_code) ); my $charinfo = charinfo($current_dec_code); my $charinf = $charinfo->{name}; if ( $option eq 'insert') { if ((!$charinf) or ( $charinf eq '' )) {} else { # 'Character', 'UCD(hex)', 'chr(dec)', 'UCN', 'None' if ($codepage{insert_type} eq 'Character') { $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->insert('insert', chr($current_dec_code)); } elsif ($codepage{insert_type} eq 'UCD(hex)') { $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->insert('insert', '\\x{'. sprintf('%04x',$current_dec_code) . '}'); } elsif ($codepage{insert_type} eq 'chr(dec)') { $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->insert('insert', 'chr('. $current_dec_code . ')') ; } elsif ($codepage{insert_type} eq 'UCN') { $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->insert('insert', 'U'. sprintf('%04x',$current_dec_code)); } elsif ($codepage{insert_type} eq 'Full') { $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->insert('insert', '\\N{'. $cd->{name} . '}'); } elsif ($codepage{insert_type} eq 'None') {} } if ($codepage{insert_newline} eq 'true') { $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->insert('insert', "\n");} $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->see('insert'); } $codepage{script} = $cd->{script}; #$codepage{block} = $cd->{block}; $codepage{$current_entity}{selnbr} = $current_button_nbr; $codepage{$current_entity}{sel_dec_code} = $current_dec_code; $codepage{$current_entity}{selected} = $codeframe_btns{$current_entity}{$current_button_nbr}; } #----------------------------------- sub codepage_buttons { my ( $entity , $type) = @_; my $code = 0; my ($from, $to); my $ranges; if ($type eq 'charblock') { $ranges = charblock($entity); } elsif ($type eq 'charscript') { $ranges = charscript($entity); } #printf "Read script $entity. %d ranges exist.\n", scalar(@$ranges); my $process_range_no = 0; codepage_clear_ents(); my $heading2; while (my $range = shift @$ranges){ $heading2 = sprintf "%06X -> %06X\n", $$range[0], $$range[1]; ($from, $to) = ($$range[0], $$range[1]); my $current_dec_code = $from; my $maxline = ceil (($to - $from) / 16) -1; my $current_button_nbr = 0; #$codepage{max_button} + 1; my $heading; if ($type eq 'charblock') { $heading = charblock($current_dec_code); } elsif ($type eq 'charscript') { $heading = charscript($current_dec_code); } $codepage{codepage_frm}->configure(-label=>$heading . ' Range ' . $heading2); if (( eval (exists $codeframe{$current_entity}) ) and (eval Exists $codeframe{$current_entity} )) { $codeframe{$current_entity}->packForget; } if (Exists $codeframe{$entity} ) { $codeframe{$entity}->pack; $current_entity = $entity; return; } $current_entity = $entity; $codeframe{$entity} = $codepage{pane}->Frame()->pack; my $start_line = 0; my $end_line = $maxline; for my $line ($start_line..$end_line) { my $hex = uc(sprintf('%04x' ,$current_dec_code )); $codeframe_lines{$entity}{$line} = $codeframe{$entity}->Frame(#-bg=>'#ff0088', )->pack(-side=>'top', -padx=>3, -pady=>1, -fill=>'x', -expand=>1); $hframes_labels[$line] = $codeframe_lines{$entity}{$line}->Label(#-bg=>'#ff8888', -text=>"U$hex",-width=>$l_label_width )->pack(-anchor=>'w', -side=>'left', ); for my $char (0..15) { $hex = uc(sprintf('%04x' ,$current_dec_code )); my $uni = chr($current_dec_code); my $charinfo = charinfo($current_dec_code); my $charinf = $charinfo->{name}; if ((!$charinf) or ( $charinf eq '' )) {$uni = ''} $codeframe_btns{$entity}{$current_button_nbr} = $codeframe_lines{$entity}{$line}->Button(#-bg=>'purple', -text=>$uni, -font=>$codepage{font_name}, -width=>2, -command=> [\&do_button, $current_button_nbr, $current_dec_code, 'insert'], )->pack(-side=>'left', -padx=>1, -pady=>1); $btns_hash{$entity}{$current_dec_code} = $current_button_nbr; my $stat; # code code point with at least four hexdigits # name name of the character IN UPPER CASE # category general category of the character # combining classes used in the Canonical Ordering Algorithm # bidi bidirectional category # decomposition character decomposition mapping # decimal if decimal digit this is the integer numeric value # digit if digit this is the numeric value # numeric if numeric is the integer or rational numeric value # mirrored if mirrored in bidirectional text # unicode10 Unicode 1.0 name if existed and different # comment ISO 10646 comment field # upper uppercase equivalent mapping # lower lowercase equivalent mapping # title titlecase equivalent mapping block block the character belongs to (used in \p{In...}) # script script the character belongs to if (!$charinf) { $charinf = ''} $codepage{balloon}->attach($codeframe_btns{$entity}{$current_button_nbr}, -balloonmsg => "U$hex $charinf", -statusmsg => "U$hex $charinf"); $codeframe_btns{$entity}{$current_button_nbr}->bind('', sub { popup_character($uni,'mouse') } ); $codeframe_btns{$entity}{$current_button_nbr}->bind('', sub { $codepage{popupchar}->destroy; } ); $codeframe_btns{$entity}{$current_button_nbr}->bind('', sub { popup_character($uni,'mouse') } ); $codeframe_btns{$entity}{$current_button_nbr}->bind('', sub { $codepage{popupchar}->destroy; } ); $codepage{max_button} = $current_button_nbr; $current_dec_code++; $current_button_nbr++; } $process_line_no++; $common_hash{main}->update; } $process_range_no++; } #end while loop } #----------------------------------- sub code_page_button_reconfig { my ($newfont) = @_; $codepage{font_name} = codepage_create_font($newfont); for my $x (keys %codeframe_btns) { for my $y (keys %{$codeframe_btns{$x}}) { $codeframe_btns{$x}{$y}->configure(-font => $codepage{font_name} ); } } for (0..$#btns_head) { $btns_head[$_]->configure(-font=>$codepage{font_name}); } $codepage{codepage_text_entry}->configure(-font=>$codepage{font_name}); } #----------------------------------- sub codepage_create_font { my ($newfont) = @_; my $name = $newfont; #'codepage' . $newfont; if (!exists $codepage_fonts{$newfont}) { $codepage_fonts{$newfont} = $common_hash{main}->fontCreate( $newfont, -family => $newfont, ); } return $newfont; } #----------------------------------- sub read_script { my $script = shift; my $ranges = charblock($script); printf "Read script $script. %d ranges exist.\n", scalar(@$ranges); while (my $range = shift @$ranges){ printf "%06X -> %06X\n", $$range[0], $$range[1]; } } #------------------------------ sub codepage_clear_ents() { # clear previous entries for (qw(name code block script mirrored upper lower title condition status mapping decimal digit numeric category bidi combining decomposition compexcl )) { $code_labels{$_}->configure(-text=>'') if Exists $code_labels{$_}; } } #------------------------------ sub list_pop { my $popdown1 = $common_hash{main}->Menu(-tearoff => 0); $popdown1->delete(0, 'end'); foreach my $p (sort keys %codeframe) { my $ent; $ent = $popdown1->command( -label => $p, -underline => 0, -command => sub{ codepage_buttons($ent->cget(-label) , 'charblock'); $codepage{block} = $ent->cget(-label); if ($codepage{$current_entity}{selnbr}) {do_button($codepage{$current_entity}{selnbr} , $codepage{$current_entity}{sel_dec_code} , '');} }, ); } $popdown1->Popup(-popover => 'cursor', -popanchor => 'nw', -background => 'white'); } #------------------------------ sub list_pop2 { my $popdown1 = $common_hash{main}->Menu(-tearoff => 0); $popdown1->delete(0, 'end'); foreach my $p (sort keys %codepage_fonts) { my $ent; $ent = $popdown1->command( -label => $p, -underline => 0, -command => sub{ code_page_button_reconfig($ent->cget(-label) ); $codepage_fontfam = $ent->cget(-label); }, ); } $popdown1->Popup(-popover => 'cursor', -popanchor => 'nw', -background => 'white'); } #------------------------------ sub popup_character { my ($char,$position) = @_; $codepage{popupchar} = $codepage{main}->Toplevel(); $codepage{popupchar}->overrideredirect(1); $codepage{popupchar}->transient($codepage{main}); $codepage{popupchar}->stayOnTop; my ($x, $y); if ($position eq 'mouse') { $x = $common_hash{main}->pointerx; $y = $common_hash{main}->pointery; } else { my $g = $common_hash{main}->geometry; my ($w, $h); ($w, $h, $x, $y) = split /[x+]/, $common_hash{main}->geometry; $x = $x + ($w/2); $y = $y + ($h/2); } $codepage{popupchar}->geometry(sprintf('+%d+%d', $x, $y)); if (!$codepage_fonts{'popup' . $codepage{font_name}}) { $codepage_fonts{'popup' . $codepage{font_name}} = $common_hash{main}->fontCreate( 'pupup_font'.$codepage{font_name}, -family => $codepage{font_name}, -size => -100, ); } $codepage{popupfrm} = $codepage{popupchar}->Frame(-bg=>'#ffffd5',-bd=>5,-relief=>'raise')->pack; $codepage{popuplabel} = $codepage{popupfrm}->Label( -text=>$char, -bg=>'#ffffd5', -font=>$codepage_fonts{'popup' . $codepage{font_name}}, )->pack; $codepage{popupchar}->bind('', sub {$codepage{popupchar}->destroy; $codepage{main}->Unbusy(-recurse=>1); }); $codepage{popupfrm}->focus; } #------------------------------ sub populate_bidi { $bidi{LRE} = 'Left-to-Right Embedding'; $bidi{LRO} = 'Left-to-Right Override'; $bidi{RLE} = 'Right-to-Left Embedding'; $bidi{RLO} = 'Right-to-Left Override'; $bidi{PDF} = 'Pop Directional Format'; $bidi{L} = 'Left-to-Right'; $bidi{R} = 'Right-to-Left'; $bidi{AL} = 'Right-to-Left Arabic'; $bidi{EN} = 'European Number'; $bidi{ES} = 'European Number Separator'; $bidi{ET} = 'European Number Terminator'; $bidi{AN} = 'Arabic Number'; $bidi{CS} = 'Common Number Separator'; $bidi{NSM} = 'Non-Spacing Mark'; $bidi{BN} = 'Boundary Neutral'; $bidi{B} = 'Paragraph Separator'; $bidi{S} = 'Segment Separator'; $bidi{WS} = 'Whitespace'; $bidi{ON} = 'Other Neutrals'; } #----------------------------------- sub populate_category { $uni_category{Lu} = 'Letter, Uppercase'; $uni_category{Ll} = 'Letter, Lowercase'; $uni_category{Lt} = 'Letter, Titlecase'; $uni_category{Lm} = 'Letter, Modifier'; $uni_category{Lo} = 'Letter, Other'; $uni_category{Mn} = 'Mark, Nonspacing'; $uni_category{Mc} = 'Mark, Spacing Combining'; $uni_category{Me} = 'Mark, Enclosing'; $uni_category{Nd} = 'Number, Decimal Digit'; $uni_category{Nl} = 'Number, Letter'; $uni_category{No} = 'Number, Other'; $uni_category{Pc} = 'Punctuation, Connector'; $uni_category{Pd} = 'Punctuation, Dash'; $uni_category{Ps} = 'Punctuation, Open'; $uni_category{Pe} = 'Punctuation, Close'; $uni_category{Pi} = 'Punctuation, Initial quote'; $uni_category{Pf} = 'Punctuation, Final quote'; $uni_category{Po} = 'Punctuation, Other'; $uni_category{Sm} = 'Symbol, Math'; $uni_category{Sc} = 'Symbol, Currency'; $uni_category{Sk} = 'Symbol, Modifier'; $uni_category{So} = 'Symbol, Other'; $uni_category{Zs} = 'Separator, Space'; $uni_category{Zl} = 'Separator, Line'; $uni_category{Zp} = 'Separator, Paragraph'; $uni_category{Cc} = 'Other, Control'; $uni_category{Cf} = 'Other, Format'; $uni_category{Cs} = 'Other, Surrogate'; $uni_category{Co} = 'Other, Private Use'; $uni_category{Cn} = 'Other, Not Assigned'; } #----------------------------------- sub populate_mirrors { my $filename = $INC[0] . '/unicore/BidiMirroring.txt'; if (!-e $filename) { $codepage{main}->messageBox(-message => "$filename was not found. No mirror information will be supplied."); return;} if (!defined ( open(TEXTFILE, '<', "$filename") ) ) { $codepage{main}->messageBox(-message => "Cannot open text file $filename: $!"); return;} while ( ) { if ($_ =~ /\s*([0-9A-F]{4});\s*([0-9A-F]{4})/) { $uni_mirror{$1} = $2; } } close TEXTFILE; } #----------------------------------- __END__ =pod =head1 NAME - Display Unicode Codepages with Perl/Tk. =head1 SYNOPSIS % perl =head1 DESCRIPTION displays Unicode Codepages and is written in pure Perl/Tk. It has the following features: =over 4 =item * Selection and display of Unicode Blocks within the Unicode database. =item * Selection and display of Codepoint properties. =item * Display of Codepages for a specified font. =item * Various search techniques for Code point names including: Regular Expression Exact match +-String matches (Google-like) =item * Placement of selected code points in a text widget (optionally inserting the character, unicode name, unicode format, chr() format). =item * Magification of characters. =back =head1 STATUS AND LIMITATIONS Codepage displays code points in the range U0000 - U10000. Code points after that seem to have problems being inserted into the text widget. The script creates a button for each unicode character. CJK Unified blocks have so many characters that it causes strange results in Tk. Therefore, before attampting to display a CJK Unified block, a warning will be issued. =head1 REQUIREMENTS Perl/Tk. Unicode Character Database (Unicode::UCD) Perl Unicode Mirror file (not supported by (Unicode::UCD): $INC[0]/unicore/BidiMirroring.txt; =head1 OPTIONAL COMPONENTS =head1 TIPS =over 4 =item * Right click on a code point to magnify the unicode character using the specified font. =item * Right click on text in the text window to magnify the text. =back =head1 TODO =over 4 =item * This script may be more useful as a module since some Tk written text editors may benefit from the ability to view codepages and insert 'other' non-native Unicode characters. I am not sure if this would be a Tk::Codepage module or a Unicode::Codepage module. =item * Advanced search cpabilities. =item * Display codepage blocks beyond U10000. This, however, may not be possible with Perk/Tk. =back =head1 BUGS If you think you found a bug, or you want to discuss anything Codepage-related, then please drop me a note at I. =head1 COPYRIGHTS Copyright 2004 - Chris Whiting. This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. =end