# NAME Aion::Carp - added stacktrace to exceptions # VERSION 1.0 # SYNOPSIS use Aion::Carp; sub A { die "hi!" } sub B { A() } sub C { eval { B() }; die if $@ } sub D { C() } eval { D() }; my $expected = "hi! die(...) called at t/aion/carp.t line 14 main::A() called at t/aion/carp.t line 15 main::B() called at t/aion/carp.t line 16 eval {...} called at t/aion/carp.t line 16 main::C() called at t/aion/carp.t line 17 main::D() called at t/aion/carp.t line 19 eval {...} called at t/aion/carp.t line 19 "; $expected =~ s/^ {4}/\t/gm; substr($@, 0, length $expected) # => $expected my $exception = {message => "hi!"}; eval { die $exception }; $@ # -> $exception $@->{message} # => hi! $@->{STACKTRACE} # ~> ^die\(\.\.\.\) called at $exception = {message => "hi!", STACKTRACE => 123}; eval { die $exception }; $exception->{STACKTRACE} # -> 123 $exception = []; eval { die $exception }; $@ # --> [] # DESCRIPTION This module replace `$SIG{__DIE__}` to function, who added to exception stacktrace. If exeption is string, then stacktrace added to message. And if exeption is hash (`{}`), or object on base hash (`bless {}, "..."`), then added to it key `STACKTRACE` with stacktrace. Where use propagation, stacktrace do'nt added. # SUBROUTINES ## handler ($message) It added to `$message` stacktrace. eval { Aion::Carp::handler("hi!") }; $@ # ~> ^hi!\n\tdie ## import Replace `$SIG{__DIE__}` to `handler`. $SIG{__DIE__} = undef; $SIG{__DIE__} # --> undef Aion::Carp->import; $SIG{__DIE__} # -> \&Aion::Carp::handler # INSTALL Add to **cpanfile** in your project: on 'test' => sub { requires 'Aion::Carp', git => 'https://github.com/darviarush/perl-aion-carp.git', ref => 'master', ; }; And run command: $ sudo cpm install -gvv # AUTHOR Yaroslav O. Kosmina L[mailto:dart@cpan.org](mailto:dart@cpan.org) # LICENSE ⚖ **GPLv3**