# emailvalidation-perl - Email Validation & Verification API This package is the official Perl wrapper for [emailvalidation.io](https://emailvalidation.io) that aims to make the usage of the API as easy as possible in your project and enables you to verify & validate any email address. ## Getting started Developer experience matters to us! For this reason, we allow you to make 100 free requests per month, with our free plan. You can register your free plan, here: [emailvalidation.io/register](https://app.emailvalidation.io/register). Alternatively, you can see our paid premium plans here: [emailvalidation.io/pricing](https://emailvalidation.io/pricing) You can install the package `Emailvalidation` via `cpanm`: ```bash $ cpanm Emailvalidation ``` Next, you can add the following line to your application code: ```perl use Emailvalidation; ``` If you'd like to install from source (not necessary for use in your application), download the source and run the following commands ```bash perl Build.pl perl Build perl Build test perl Build install ``` ## Example The following example is also included in this folder, named `example.pl`: ```perl use Emailvalidation; my $api = Emailvalidation->new(apikey => 'YOUR-APIKEY'); my $data = $api->info('john@doe.com'); print $data; ``` Learn more about endpoints, parameters and response data structure in the [docs](https://emailvalidation.io/docs). [docs]: https://emailvalidation.io/docs [emailvalidation.com]: https://emailvalidation.io ## License The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE.md) for more information.