# p6-Text-VimColour Converts language source code into colour syntax HTML using vim. Idea was shamelessly stolen from the original Perl 5 Text::VimColor Pull requests welcome. ## Installation To install this module, you'll need `vim` version at least 7.4. An optional step for the best syntax colouring results is to also install updated [Perl 6 vim syntax files](https://github.com/vim-perl/vim-perl) ## Synopsis ```perl6 use Text::VimColour; Text::VimColour.new( lang => "perl6", in => "file-to-highlight.p6", out => '/tmp/out.html' ); ``` ## Methods ### new ```perl6 Text::VimColour.new( lang => 'perl6', in => 'file-to-highlight.p6' code => 'say $foo;', out => '/tmp/out.html', ); ``` #### in Specifies the input file with the code to highlight. You **must** specify either `in` or `code`. #### code Specifies the code to highlight. You **must** specify either `in` or `code`. #### lang Optional. Specifies the language to use for highlighting. Defaults to `c` #### out Optional. Specifies the path to a file to output highlighted HTML into ### html-full-page ```perl6 say Text::VimColour.new( lang => 'perl6', in => 'file-to-highlight.p6') .html-full-page; ``` Takes no arguments. Returns the full HTML page with highlighted code and styling CSS. ### html ```perl6 say Text::VimColour.new( lang => 'perl6', in => 'file-to-highlight.p6') .html; ``` Same as `html-full-page`, but returns only the highlighted code HTML. ### css ```perl6 say Text::VimColour.new( lang => 'perl6', in => 'file-to-highlight.p6') .css; ``` Same as `html-full-page`, but returns only the styling CSS code.