NAME ==== RPi::Device::ST7036 - Support for the ST7036 dot matrix display. SYNOPSIS ======== use RPi::Wiring::Pi; use RPi::Wiring::SPI; use RPi::Device::ST7036; wiringPiSPISetup 0, 1_000_000; my RPi::Device::ST7036 $lcd .= new( setup => RPi::Device::ST7036::Setup.DOGM081_3_3V, rs-pin => 25, spi-channel => 0 ); $lcd.init; $lcd.write: 'Shiny!'; DESCRIPTION =========== Display driver for ST7036 based matrix displays. METHODS ======= new --- Takes the following parameters: * rs-pin RPi pin number connected to the register select pin of the display. This library uses the Wiring Pi pin numbering. * spi-channel The SPI channel the display is connected to. Either 0 or 1. * setup An RPi::Device::ST7036::Setup object. Instances of this class contain all configuration options that are always the same for a specific display. If you have a display for which there is not yet an entry in the Setup class ready to use, please write one and create a pull request! * cursor Whether to display a cursor. * cursor-blink Whether the cursor should blink. * contrast A contrast value between 0 and 63. * double-height Whether a double hight line should be used (irrelevant for single line displays). * display-on Whether the display should be turned on initially. init ---- Initialize the display. Must be called before anything else works. write ----- Write some text on the display. home ---- Return the cursor to position 0. clear ----- Clear the display.