# Net::Payjp

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# Perl version

5.10 or higher is required


In advance, you need to get a token by [Checkout](https://pay.jp/docs/checkout) or [payjp.js](https://pay.jp/docs/payjs).

# Create charge
my $payjp = Net::Payjp->new(api_key => $API_KEY);
my $res = $payjp->charge->create(
  card => 'token_id_by_Checkout_or_payjp.js',
  amount => 3500,
  currency => 'jpy',
  description => 'test charge',
if(my $e = $res->error){
  print "Error";
  print $e->{message}."\n";

# Retrieve a charge
$payjp->id($res->id); # Set id of charge
$res = $payjp->charge->retrieve; # or $payjp->charge->retrieve($res->id);


This module is a wrapper around the Pay.jp HTTP API.Methods are generally named after the object name and the acquisition method.

This method returns json objects for responses from the API.


Please check [API Reference](https://pay.jp/docs/api/)


This creates a new Payjp api object by `Net::Payjp->new()`.
The following parameters are accepted:

### api_key

Type: Str

This attribute is required.
You get this from your account settings on PAY.JP.

### max_retry

Type: Int

You can automatically retry the request when the client received HTTP 429 response caused by [Rate Limit](https://pay.jp/docs/api/#rate-limit).
By default, this is 0 (=retry disabled). To activate, set `max_retry` for 1 or more.

my $payjp = Net::Payjp->new(api_key => 'sk_live_xxx', max_retry => 2);

### initial_delay

Type: Int

Please check `max_retry` and [Rate Limit](https://pay.jp/docs/api/#rate-limit).
By default, this is 2 (sec).

### max_delay

Type: Int

Please check `max_retry` and [Rate Limit](https://pay.jp/docs/api/#rate-limit).
By default, this is 32 (sec).

# Contribute
## Setup

$ cmanm package
$ perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install LWP::UserAgent
cpan> install LWP::Protocol::https
cpan> install HTTP::Request::Common
cpan> install JSON
cpan> install Test::More
cpan> install Test::Mock::LWP

## Test

$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make test

or Check GitHub Actions