[![Actions Status](https://github.com/titsuki/raku-Algorithm-LibSVM/workflows/test/badge.svg)](https://github.com/titsuki/raku-Algorithm-LibSVM/actions) NAME ==== Algorithm::LibSVM - A Raku bindings for libsvm SYNOPSIS ======== EXAMPLE 1 --------- use Algorithm::LibSVM; use Algorithm::LibSVM::Parameter; use Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem; use Algorithm::LibSVM::Model; my $libsvm = Algorithm::LibSVM.new; my Algorithm::LibSVM::Parameter $parameter .= new(svm-type => C_SVC, kernel-type => RBF); # heart_scale is here: https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvmtools/datasets/binary/heart_scale my Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem $problem = Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem.from-file('heart_scale'); my @r = $libsvm.cross-validation($problem, $parameter, 10); $libsvm.evaluate($problem.y, @r).say; # {acc => 81.1111111111111, mse => 0.755555555555556, scc => 1.01157627463546} EXAMPLE 2 --------- use Algorithm::LibSVM; use Algorithm::LibSVM::Parameter; use Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem; use Algorithm::LibSVM::Model; sub gen-train { my $max-x = 1; my $min-x = -1; my $max-y = 1; my $min-y = -1; my @tmp-x; my @tmp-y; do for ^300 { my $x = $min-x + rand * ($max-x - $min-x); my $y = $min-y + rand * ($max-y - $min-y); my $label = do given $x, $y { when ($x - 0.5) ** 2 + ($y - 0.5) ** 2 <= 0.2 { 1 } when ($x - -0.5) ** 2 + ($y - -0.5) ** 2 <= 0.2 { -1 } default { Nil } } if $label.defined { @tmp-y.push: $label; @tmp-x.push: [$x, $y]; } } # Note that @x must be a shaped one. my @x[+@tmp-x;2] = @tmp-x.clone; my @y = @tmp-y.clone; (@x, @y) } my (@train-x, @train-y) := gen-train; my @test-x = 1 => 0.5e0, 2 => 0.5e0; my @text-y = [1]; my $libsvm = Algorithm::LibSVM.new; my Algorithm::LibSVM::Parameter $parameter .= new(svm-type => C_SVC, kernel-type => LINEAR); my Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem $problem = Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem.from-matrix(@train-x, @train-y); my $model = $libsvm.train($problem, $parameter); say $model.predict(features => @test)