_     _                                     _   _          
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   _____ _           _ ____        _            
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  | |_  | | '_ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | __/ _ \/ __|
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  |_|   |_|_| |_|\__,_|____/ \__,_|\__\___||___/

This is the README for Lingua::JA::FindDates version 0.029.

Lingua::JA::FindDates is a "module" for the Perl computer programming
language, a library of computer code to install on a computer.  This
document contains four sections:

1. About - what the module does

2. Documentation - how to learn more about the module

3. Installation - how to install this module on a computer

4. Help - what to do if you get stuck



Lingua::JA::FindDates - scan text to find dates in a Japanese format

This is an aid for translating documents in Japanese. This module's
main routine, "subsjdate", scans a text and finds things which
appear to be Japanese dates.

The module recognizes a variety of date formats. It recognizes the
typical format of dates with the year first, followed by the month,
then the day, such as 平成20年七月十日 "(Heisei nijūnen shichigatsu
tЕЌka)". It also recognizes combinations such as years alone, years and
months, a month and day without a year, fiscal years (年度, "nendo"),
parts of the month, like дё­ж—¬ ("chЕ«jun", the middle of the month),
and periods between two dates.

The module recognizes both Japanese years, such as "平成24年"
(Heisei), and European years, such as 2012年. It recognizes ASCII
numerals, 1, 2, 3; the "wide" or "double width" numerals sometimes
used in Japan, пј‘, пј’, пј“ (see
"What is "wide ASCII"?"); 
and the kanji-based numeral system, дёЂ, дєЊ,дё‰. It recognizes some
special date formats such as 元年 for the first year of an era. It
recognizes era names identified by their initial letters, such as S41
年 for Shōwa 41 (1966). It recognizes dates regardless of spacing
between characters, such as "平 成 二 十 年 八 月".

The input text must be marked as Unicode, in other words character
data, not byte data.

The module has been tested on several hundreds of documents, and it
should cope with all common Japanese dates. If you find that it cannot
identify some kind of date within Japanese text, please report a bug.



You can read the documentation for the module online at the following

    * http://metacpan.org/release/Lingua-JA-FindDates

(This link goes to the latest version of the module.)

After installing the module, you can read the documentation on your
computer using

    perldoc Lingua::JA::FindDates



This module requires Perl version 5.10.1 or later.

To install the module from CPAN, use

    cpan Lingua::JA::FindDates

If you have the App::cpanminus installer, you may prefer

    cpanm Lingua::JA::FindDates

To install the module from the source file,
Lingua-JA-FindDates-0.029.tar.gz, follow this sequence of commands:

    tar xfz Lingua-JA-FindDates-0.029.tar.gz
    cd Lingua-JA-FindDates-0.029
    perl Makefile.PL
    make install

If you want to test the module before installing it, use "make test" after
"make" and before "make install".



To get help with the module, you can email the author, Ben Bullock, at
<bkb@cpan.org>. If you think there is a problem in the module, you can
report a bug at 


or if you want to alter the source code of Lingua::JA::FindDates, try the
public repository on github at 



This README was written on Wed May  1 19:18:33 2019.
