AnyEvent::BitTorrent - Yet Another BitTorrent Client Module

        use AnyEvent::BitTorrent;
        my $client = AnyEvent::BitTorrent->new( path => 'some.torrent' );

    This is a painfully simple BitTorrent client written on a whim that
    implements the absolute basics. For a full list of what's currently
    supported, what you will likely find in a future version, and what
    you'll never get from this, see the section entitled "This Module is

    The API, much like the module itself, is simple.

    `new( ... )'
        This constructor understands the following arguments:

            This is the only required parameter. It's the path to a valid
            .torrent file.

            This is the base directory all data will be stored in and/or
            read from. Multifile torrents will create another directory
            below this to store all files.

            By default, this is the current working directory when `new( ...
            )' is called.

            This is the preferred port local host binds and expects incoming
            peers to connect to.

            By default, this is a zero; the system will pick a port number

            This is a subroutine called whenever a piece fails to pass
            hashcheck. The callback is handed the piece's index.

            This is a subroutine called whenever a piece passes its
            hashcheck. The callback is handed the piece's index.

    `hashcheck( [...] )'
        This method expects...

        ...a list of integers. You could use this to check a range of pieces
        (a single file, for example).
                $client->hashcheck( 1 .. 5, 34 .. 56 );

        ...a single integer. Only that specific piece is checked.
                $client->hashcheck( 17 );

        ...nothing. All data related to this torrent will be checked.
                $client->hashcheck( );

        As pieces pass or fail, your `on_hash_pass' and `on_hash_fail'
        callbacks are triggered.

    In addition to these, there are several informational methods which do
    not trigger or modify any activity:

    `infohash( )'
        Returns the 20-byte SHA1 hash of the value of the info key from the
        metadata file.

    `peerid( )'
        Returns the 20 byte string used to identify the client. Please see
        the spec below.

    `port( )'
        Returns the port number the client is listening on.

    `size( )'
        Returns the total size of all files described in the torrent's

        Note that this value is recalculated every time you call this
        method. If you need it more than occasionally, it may be best to
        cache it yourself.

    `name( )'
        Returns the UTF-8 encoded string the metadata suggested name to save
        the file (or directory, in the case of multi-file torrents) under.

    `uploaded( )'
        Returns the total amount uploaded to remote peers.

    `downloaded( )'
        Returns the total amount downloaded from other peers.

    `left( )'
        Returns the approximate amount based on the pieces we still want
        multiplied by the size of pieces we still plan on downloading.

    `piece_length( )'
        Returns the number of bytes in each piece the file or files are
        split into. For the purposes of transfer, files are split into
        fixed-size pieces which are all the same length except for possibly
        the last one which may be truncated.

    `bitfield( )'
        Returns a packed binary string in ascending order (ready for
        `vec()'). Each index that the client has is set to one and the rest
        are set to zero.

    `wanted( )'
        Returns a packed binary string in ascending order (ready for
        `vec()'). Each index that the client has or simply does not want is
        set to zero and the rest are set to one.

        Currently, this is just `~ $client->bitfield( )' but if your
        subclass has file based priorities, you could only 'want' the pieces
        which lie inside of the files you want.

    `files( )'
        Returns a list of hash references with the following keys:

            Which is the size of file in bytes.

            Which is the absolute path of the file.

    `peers( )'
        Returns the list of currently connected peers. The organization of
        these peers is not yet final so... don't write anything you don't
        expect to break before we hit `v1.0.0'.

    Anything you find by skimming the source is likely not ready for public
    use and will be subject to change before `v1.0.0'.

This Module is Lame!
    Yeah, I said it.

    There are a few things a BitTorrent client must implement (to some
    degree) in order to interact with other clients in a modern day swarm.
    AnyEvent::BitTorrent is meant to meet that bare minimum but it's based
    on Moose or Mouse so you could always subclass it to add more advanced
    functionality. Hint, hint!

  What is currently supported?
    Basic stuff. We can make and handle piece requests. Deal with cancels,
    disconnect idle peers, unchoke folks. Normal... stuff. HTTP trackers are
    supported but do not perform according to spec yet.

  What will probably be supported in the future?
    DHT (which will likely be in a separate dist), fast extensions,
    multi-tracker extensions, IPv6 stuff, file download priorities... I'll
    get around to those.

    Long term, UDP trackers may be supported.

    For a detailed list, see the ToDo file included with this distribution.

  What will likely never be supported?
    We can't have nice things. Protocol encryption, uTP, endgame tricks,
    ...these will probably never be included in AnyEvent::BitTorrent.

  What should I use instead?
    If you're reading all of this with a scowl, there are many alternatives
    to this module, most of which are sure to be better suited for advanced
    users. I suggest (in no particular order):

    BitFlu. It's written in Perl but you'll still need to be on a Linux,
    *BSD, et al. system to use it.
    Net::BitTorrent the future. I *do not* suggest using either the
    current stable or unstable versions found on CPAN. The next version is
    being worked on and will be based on Reflex.

    If you're working on a Perl based client and would like me to link to
    it, send a bug report to the tracker listed below.

Subclassing AnyEvent::BitTorrent

    If you subclass this module and change the way it functions to that
    which in any way proves harmful to individual peers or the swarm at
    large, rather than damage AnyEvent::BitTorrent's reputation, override
    the peerid attribute. Thanks.

PeerID Specification
    AnyEvent::BitTorrent may be identified in a swarm by its peer id. As of
    this version, our peer id looks sorta like:


    Where `0110' are the Major (`01') and minor (`10') version numbers and
    the `X's are random filler.

Bug Reports
    If email is better for you, my address is mentioned below but I would
    rather have bugs sent through the issue tracker found at

    Please check the ToDo file included with this distribution in case your
    bug is already known (...I probably won't file bug reports to myself).

See Also
    Net::BitTorrent::Protocol - The package which does all of the wire
    protocol level heavy lifting.

    Sanko Robinson <> -


License and Legal
    Copyright (C) 2011-2012 by Sanko Robinson <>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of The Artistic License 2.0. See the LICENSE file
    included with this distribution or notes on the Artistic License 2.0 for

    When separated from the distribution, all original POD documentation is
    covered by the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. See
    the clarification of the CCA-SA3.0.

    Neither this module nor the Author is affiliated with BitTorrent, Inc.