Text::Phonetic - A module implementing various phonetic algorithms

      use Text::Phonetic;
  my $phonetic = Text::Phonetic::Metaphone->new();
      $encoded_string = $phonetic->encode($string);
      @encoded_list = $phonetic->encode(@list);
  my $same = $phonetic->compare($string1,$string2);

    This module provides an easy and convinient way to encode names with
    various phonetic algorithms. It acts as a wrapper arround other phonetic
    algorithm modules like Text::Metaphone, Text::DoubleMetaphone,
    Text::Soundex and also implements some other algorithms such as
    Text::Phonetic::DaitchMokotoff, Text::Phonetic::Koeln,
    Text::Phonetic::Phonem and Text::Phonetic::Phonix.

    The module can easily be subclassed.

     $obj = Text::Phonetic::SUBCLASS->new({ %PARAMETERS })

    You can pass arbitrary attributes to the constructor. The only global
    attribute is "unidecode" which defaults to 1 if not set. This attribute
    controlls if non-latin characters should be transliterated to A-Z (see
    also Text::Unidecode).

    Additional attributes may be defined by the various implementation

     $RETURN_STRING = $obj->encode($STRING);
     @RETURN_LIST = $obj->encode(@LIST);
     $RETURN_LIST_REF = $obj->encode(@LIST);

    Encodes the given string or list of strings. Returns a single value,
    array or array reference depending on the caller context and parameters.

     $RETURN_CODE = $obj->compare($STRING1,$STRING2);

    The return code is an integer between 100 and 0 indicating the
    likelihood that the to results are the same. 100 means that the strings
    are completely identical. 99 means that the strings match after all
    non-latin characters have been transliterated. Values in between 98 and
    1 usually mean that the given strings match. 0 means that the used
    alogorithm couldn't match the two strings at all. "compare" is a
    shortcut to the "$obj->_do_compare($CODE1,$CODE2)" method.

    You can easily subclass Text::Phonetic and add your own phonetic
    algorithm. All subclasses must use Text::Phonetic as their base class,
    and the following methods need to be implemented:

     $RESULT = $obj->_do_encode($STRING);

    This method does the actual encoding. It should return only one element.
    (eg. string or some kind of reference)

     $RETURN_STRING = $obj->_do_compare($RESULT1,$RESULT2);

    If your "_do_encode" method doesn't return a single scalar value you
    also might need to implement a comparison method. It takes two results
    as returned by "_do_encode" and returns an integer value between 98 and
    0 (see "compare").

  Object structure
    The object is a simple Hash reference containing all parameters passed
    during construction.

  Helper class methods

      Returns a true value if $STRING is in the supplied list. Otherwise
      returns false.


      Compares the two arrays and returns true if at least one element is
      equal (ignoring the position) in both lists.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to
    "", or through the web interface at
    <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically
    be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

        MaroЕЎ KollГЎr
        CPAN ID: MAROS
        maros [at]

    Text::Phonetic is Copyright (c) 2006,2007 MaroЕЎ. KollГЎr.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
    with this module.