NAME App::SocialCalc::Multiplayer - Multiplayer SocialCalc Server with WebSocket SYNOPSIS Run this in a host computer: % Accepting requests at Then connect to port 9999 with two or more browsers, and start collaboratively edit a web-based spreadsheet. DESCRIPTION This is a convenient bundle around a prototypical WebSocket-SocialCalc integration hack, based on the demonstration in a YAPC::Tiny talk for during late October 2009. Please see <> for more information. AUTHORS е”ђйіі <> COPYRIGHT This work is derived from the SocialCalc program: Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Socialtext, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The upstream source tree was derived from: Other than the CPAL license asserted by copyright holders above (see socialcalc/LEGAL.txt and socialcalc/LICENSE.txt), е”ђйіі places no additional copyright claims over the collaborative editing extensions, as detailed in the paragraph below. CC0 1.0 Universal To the extent possible under law, е”ђйіі has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to App::SocialCalc::Multiplayer. This work is published from Taiwan. <>