Bencher::Scenario::URIEscaping - Benchmark URI escaping using various

    This document describes version 0.006 of Bencher::Scenario::URIEscaping
    (from Perl distribution Bencher-Scenario-URIEscaping), released on

    To run benchmark with default option:

     % bencher -m URIEscaping

    To run module startup overhead benchmark:

     % bencher --module-startup -m URIEscaping

    For more options (dump scenario, list/include/exclude/add participants,
    list/include/exclude/add datasets, etc), see bencher or run "bencher

    Packaging a benchmark script as a Bencher scenario makes it convenient
    to include/exclude/add participants/datasets (either via CLI or Perl
    code), send the result to a central repository, among others . See
    Bencher and bencher (CLI) for more details.

    Version numbers shown below are the versions used when running the
    sample benchmark.

    URI::Escape 3.31

    URI::XSEscape 0.001000

    URI::Escape::XS 0.14

    URI::Encode 1.1.1

    URI::Encode::XS 0.11

    *   URI::Escape::uri_escape (perl_code) [escape]

        Function call template:


    *   URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8 (perl_code) [escape, utf8]

        Function call template:


    *   URI::Escape::uri_unescape (perl_code) [unescape]

        Function call template:


    *   URI::XSEscape::uri_escape (perl_code) [escape]

        Function call template:


    *   URI::XSEscape::uri_escape_utf8 (perl_code) [escape, utf8]

        Function call template:


    *   URI::XSEscape::uri_unescape (perl_code) [unescape]

        Function call template:


    *   URI::Escape::XS::uri_escape (perl_code) [escape]

        Function call template:


    *   URI::Escape::XS::uri_unescape (perl_code) [unescape]

        Function call template:


    *   URI::Encode::uri_encode (perl_code) [escape]

        Function call template:


    *   URI::Encode::uri_decode (perl_code) [unescape]

        Function call template:


    *   URI::Encode::XS::uri_encode (perl_code) [escape]

        Function call template:


    *   URI::Encode::XS::uri_decode (perl_code) [unescape]

        Function call template:


    *   empty [escape]

    *   ascii53 [escape]

    *   utf36 [escape, utf8]

    *   u_ascii53 [unescape]

    *   ascii66 [escape]

    *   u_ascii66 [unescape]

    Run on: perl: *v5.30.2*, CPU: *Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
    (4 cores)*, OS: *GNU/Linux LinuxMint version 19*, OS kernel: *Linux
    version 4.15.0-91-generic*.

    Benchmark with default options ("bencher -m URIEscaping"):

     | participant                    | dataset   | ds_tags      | p_tags       | rate (/s) | time (Ојs)  | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest |  errors | samples |
     | URI::Encode::uri_encode        | ascii53   | escape       | escape       |      3410 | 293        |                 0.00% |            982933.13% | 2.8e-07 |     104 |
     | URI::Encode::uri_decode        | u_ascii53 | unescape     | unescape     |      3480 | 288        |                 1.99% |            963720.81% | 2.1e-07 |      20 |
     | URI::Encode::uri_encode        | ascii66   | escape       | escape       |      3550 | 282        |                 4.00% |            945139.90% | 2.1e-07 |      20 |
     | URI::Encode::uri_decode        | u_ascii66 | unescape     | unescape     |      3550 | 282        |                 4.06% |            944547.08% | 2.4e-07 |      24 |
     | URI::Encode::uri_encode        | empty     | escape       | escape       |      3680 | 272        |                 7.92% |            910775.23% | 2.1e-07 |      20 |
     | URI::Escape::uri_escape        | ascii53   | escape       | escape       |    132879 |   7.52563  |              3796.93% |             25125.81% | 5.5e-12 |      20 |
     | URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8   | ascii53   | escape       | escape, utf8 |    138000 |   7.27     |              3933.67% |             24270.69% |   3e-09 |      24 |
     | URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8   | utf36     | escape, utf8 | escape, utf8 |    160000 |   6.1      |              4728.44% |             20259.23% | 6.1e-09 |      24 |
     | URI::Escape::uri_unescape      | u_ascii53 | unescape     | unescape     |    165285 |   6.05014  |              4747.31% |             20179.99% | 4.8e-12 |      22 |
     | URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8   | ascii66   | escape       | escape, utf8 |    214000 |   4.67     |              6179.44% |             15554.80% | 4.6e-09 |      42 |
     | URI::Escape::uri_escape        | ascii66   | escape       | escape       |    226080 |   4.4232   |              6530.22% |             14726.55% | 5.7e-12 |      20 |
     | URI::Escape::uri_unescape      | u_ascii66 | unescape     | unescape     |    274380 |   3.64458  |              7946.72% |             12116.57% |   0     |      20 |
     | URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8   | empty     | escape       | escape, utf8 |   1730000 |   0.576    |             50780.41% |              1832.05% | 5.7e-10 |      24 |
     | URI::Escape::uri_escape        | empty     | escape       | escape       |   2400610 |   0.41656  |             70302.45% |              1296.31% |   0     |      20 |
     | URI::Escape::XS::uri_escape    | ascii53   | escape       | escape       |   2440000 |   0.41     |             71373.22% |              1275.39% | 2.1e-10 |      20 |
     | URI::Escape::XS::uri_escape    | ascii66   | escape       | escape       |   2438740 |   0.410048 |             71420.59% |              1274.48% |   0     |      20 |
     | URI::XSEscape::uri_escape_utf8 | ascii66   | escape       | escape, utf8 |   2663000 |   0.3755   |             78006.67% |              1158.58% | 5.7e-12 |      25 |
     | URI::XSEscape::uri_escape_utf8 | ascii53   | escape       | escape, utf8 |   2726030 |   0.366834 |             79845.81% |              1129.62% |   0     |      20 |
     | URI::Escape::XS::uri_unescape  | u_ascii53 | unescape     | unescape     |   2900000 |   0.35     |             84295.89% |              1064.79% | 3.9e-10 |      23 |
     | URI::XSEscape::uri_escape_utf8 | utf36     | escape, utf8 | escape, utf8 |   2890000 |   0.346    |             84571.59% |              1061.00% |   3e-10 |      21 |
     | URI::Escape::XS::uri_escape    | empty     | escape       | escape       |   3000000 |   0.334    |             87784.28% |              1018.55% |   1e-10 |      20 |
     | URI::Escape::XS::uri_unescape  | u_ascii66 | unescape     | unescape     |   3187000 |   0.3138   |             93354.20% |               951.89% | 4.8e-12 |      20 |
     | URI::XSEscape::uri_escape_utf8 | empty     | escape       | escape, utf8 |   3800000 |   0.27     |            110522.39% |               788.64% | 3.1e-10 |      37 |
     | URI::XSEscape::uri_unescape    | u_ascii53 | unescape     | unescape     |   4852000 |   0.2061   |            142183.42% |               590.90% | 1.7e-11 |      20 |
     | URI::XSEscape::uri_unescape    | u_ascii66 | unescape     | unescape     |   4986000 |   0.2006   |            146111.46% |               572.34% | 5.8e-12 |      20 |
     | URI::XSEscape::uri_escape      | ascii66   | escape       | escape       |   5293000 |   0.1889   |            155112.72% |               533.35% | 5.5e-12 |      20 |
     | URI::XSEscape::uri_escape      | ascii53   | escape       | escape       |   5670000 |   0.176    |            166067.23% |               491.59% |   1e-10 |      21 |
     | URI::XSEscape::uri_escape      | empty     | escape       | escape       |   9980000 |   0.1      |            292476.83% |               235.99% | 5.2e-11 |      20 |
     | URI::Encode::XS::uri_decode    | u_ascii66 | unescape     | unescape     |  12000000 |   0.082    |            356094.65% |               175.98% | 1.2e-10 |      56 |
     | URI::Encode::XS::uri_encode    | ascii66   | escape       | escape       |  12550000 |   0.07966  |            368038.76% |               167.03% | 5.8e-12 |      20 |
     | URI::Encode::XS::uri_encode    | ascii53   | escape       | escape       |  13000000 |   0.075    |            389431.92% |               152.36% | 1.1e-10 |      45 |
     | URI::Encode::XS::uri_decode    | u_ascii53 | unescape     | unescape     |  13500000 |   0.07407  |            395844.46% |               148.28% | 5.7e-12 |      26 |
     | URI::Encode::XS::uri_encode    | empty     | escape       | escape       |  33500000 |   0.0298   |            982933.13% |                 0.00% | 4.9e-12 |      20 |

    Benchmark module startup overhead ("bencher -m URIEscaping

     | participant         | time (ms) | mod_overhead_time | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest |  errors   | samples |
     | URI::Encode         |        17 |                12 |                 0.00% |               235.22% | 9.2e-05   |      20 |
     | URI::Escape::XS     |        10 |                 5 |                75.36% |                91.16% |   0.00033 |      20 |
     | URI::Escape         |         9 |                 4 |                85.44% |                80.77% |   0.00015 |      20 |
     | URI::XSEscape       |         8 |                 3 |               117.22% |                54.32% |   0.00018 |      22 |
     | URI::Encode::XS     |         7 |                 2 |               144.39% |                37.17% |   0.00014 |      20 |
     | perl -e1 (baseline) |         5 |                 0 |               235.22% |                 0.00% |   0.00016 |      20 |

    To display as an interactive HTML table on a browser, you can add option
    "--format html+datatables".

    URI::Encode::XS is the fastest, but it does not support custom list of
    safe characters. If you don't want to encode "/" as %2F, for example,
    you're out of luck. For URI escaping with custom character list support,
    the fastest is URI::XSEscape followed by URI::Escape::XS.

    Please visit the project's homepage at

    Source repository is at

    Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.

    perlancar <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2020, 2017, 2016 by

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.