Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Include - Support for including sections of Pod
    from other files

    version v0.1.3

        # weaver.ini
        pod_path = lib:bin:docs/pod
        insert_errors = 0

    This is a Pod::Weaver plugin for making it possible to include segments
    of Pod documentation being included from one file into another. This is
    useful when one has a piece of documentation which is nice to have
    included into a couple of documentations. So, instead of telling a user
    to 'go see this info in *that* file' one could simply have this info
    included from *that* file into *this* file.

    For example, let's say we have a script "useful_tool" which is handling
    its command line processing to a module "Core". In turn, the module
    gathers information about standard command line options from modules
    "Core::Mod1", "Core::Mod2", etc. So far, so good until one writes
    another script "noless_useful", which is based upon the module "Core"
    too. Yet, even worse – it adds its own command lines the list gathered
    by "Core"! With standard Pod documentation for the common set of options
    would have to be copy-pasted into each script documentation. For the
    latter one it's own options must be included. And then if any
    documentation would be changed in the original modules we would have not
    forget update both scripts' docs too!


    "Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Include" solves the issue by defining a concept of
    template (borrowed from archaic Pod::Template) and allowing a template
    to be included by a third-party pod:

        # File lib/Core/
        package Core::Mod1;
        # Template options won't be included into resulting Pod.
        Here we define command line options for later use by calling module.
        =tmpl -options
        =item B<--option1>
        document it
        =item B<--option2>
        # File lib/Core/
        package Core::Mod2
        =head1 Options
        Here is the options we declare in this module:
        =over 4
        =tmpl options
        =item B<--file=>I<source_file>
        Whatever it means.
        =item B<--ignore-something>
        ... we'll document it. Some day...
        You will find these in your script documentation too.
        # File lib/
        package Core;
        =srcAlias mod2opts Core/
        =tmpl coreOpts
        =over 4
        =item B<--help>
        Display this help
        =include options@Core::Mod1
        =include options@mod2opts

    Now, after processing this code by "Include" plugin, resulting
    lib/ documentation will contain options from both "Core::Mod1"
    and "Core::Mod2". Yet, the "noless_useful" script would has the
    following section in its documentation:

        # File: noless_useful
        =head1 OPTIONS
        =over 4
        include coreOpts@Core
        =item B<--script-opt>
        This is added by the script code

    and this section will have all the options defined by the modules plus
    what is been added by the script itself.

    Three Pod commands are added by this plugin:

        =tmpl [[-]tmplName]
        =srcAlias alias source
        =include tmplName@source

        Declares a template if *tmplName* is defined. Prefixing the name
        with a dash tells the plugin that template body is 'hidden' and must
        not be included into enclosing documentation and will only be
        visible as a result of "=include" command.

        Template's name must start with either a alpha char or underscore
        ("_") and continued with alpha-numeric or underscore.

        A template body is terminated either by another "=tmpl" command or
        by "=cut". If "=tmpl" doesn't have a name defined then it acts as a
        terminating command only. For example:

            =head1 SECTION
            Section docs...
            =tmpl tmpl1
            Template 1
            =tmpl -tmpl2
            Template 2
            Some more docs
            =tmpl -tmpl3
            Template 3

        The above code declares three templates of which *tmpl2* and *tmpl3*
        are hidden and *tmpl1* is included into the resulting Pod. The
        *"Some more docs"* paragraph is not a part of any template.

        Defines an alias for a source. The source could be either a file
        name or a module name.

            =srcAlias mod1 Some::Very::Long::Module::Name1
            =srcAlias aPodFile pod/templates/some.pod

        This command tries to locate a template defined by name *tmplName*
        in a source defined by either a file name, a module name, or by an
        alias and include it into the output.

        Missing template is an "Error Case" (see below).

  Error Cases
    Plugin does its best as to not abort the building process. Errors are
    ignored and only error messages are logged. But some error reports could
    be included into generated pod if "insert_errors" option is set to
    *true* in weaver.ini. In this case the error message is also inserted
    into the resulting Pod with *Pod INCLUDE ERROR:* prefix.

  Configuration variables
        Semicolon-separated list of directories to search for template

        Default: *lib*

        Insert some error message into the resulting Pod.

    Vadim Belman <>

    This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Vadim Belman.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The (three-clause) BSD License