Finance::Bank::SuomenVerkkomaksut - Process payments through JSON API of
    Suomen Verkkomaksut in Finland. Enables payments from all Finnish Banks
    online: Nordea, Osuuspankki, Sampo, Tapiola, Aktia, Nooa,
    Paikallisosuuspankit, Säästöpankit, Handelsbanken, S-Pankki,
    Г…landsbanken, also from Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard credit cards
    through Luottokunta, and PayPal, billing through Collector and Klarna.

    version 0.002

        use Finance::Bank::SuomenVerkkomaksut;

        # Creating a new payment
        my $tx = Finance::Bank::SuomenVerkkomaksut->new({merchant_id => 'XXX', merchant_secret => 'YYY'});
        # All content in accordance to field specs
                orderNumber => 1,
                referenceNumber => 13,
                description => 'Order 1',
                currency => 'EUR',
                locale => 'fi_FI',
                urlSet => {success => $c->uri_for('/payment/success').'/',
                           failure => $c->uri_for('/payment/failure').'/',
                           pending => $c->uri_for('/payment/pending').'/',
                           notification => $c->uri_for('/payment/notification').'/',
                orderDetails => {
                    includeVat => 1,
                    contact => {
                        firstName => 'First',
                        lastName => 'Last',
                        email => '',
                        telephone => '555123',
                        address => {
                            street => 'Street 123',
                            postalCode => '00100',
                            postalOffice => 'Helsinki',
                            country => 'FI',
                    products => [
                            "title" => 'Product title',
                            "amount" => "1.00",
                            "price" => 123,
                            "vat" => "0.00",
                            "discount" => "0.00",
                            "type" => "1", # 1=normal product row


        # set to 1 when you are developing, 0 in production

        my $submit_result = $tx->submit();
        if ($submit_result) {
            print "Please go to ". $tx->url() ." $url to pay your order number ". $tx->order_number().', see you soon.';
        } else {
            die 'Failed to generate payment';

        # Verifying the payment when the user returns or when the notify address receives a request
        my $tx = Finance::Bank::SuomenVerkkomaksut->new({merchant_id => 'XXX', merchant_secret => 'YYY'});
        my $checksum_matches = $tx->verify_return({
                ORDER_NUMBER => $c->req->params->{ORDER_NUMBER},
                TIMESTAMP => $c->req->params->{TIMESTAMP},
                PAID => $c->req->params->{PAID},
                METHOD => $c->req->params->{METHOD},
                RETURN_AUTHCODE => $c->req->params->{RETURN_AUTHCODE}
        if ($checksum_matches) {
            # depending on the return address, mark payment as paid (if returned to RETURN_ADDRESS),
            # as pending (if returned to PENDING_ADDRESS) or as canceled (if returned to CANCEL_ADDRESS).
            if ($url eq $return_url) {
                # &ship_products();
        } else {
            print "Checksum mismatch, returning not processed. Please contact our customer service if you believe this to be an error.";

        When the end-user has completed the payment he will return to your specified RETURN_ADDRESS,
        CANCEL_ADDRESS or PENDING_ADDRESS. Before you process the returning any further you must
        check that the parameters given to this address have the correct checksum.

        This sub verifies the checksum and returns true or false stating if the checksum matched or did not.

        After you know that the checksum matched you can mark the payment as paid (if returned to RETURN_ADDRESS),
        as pending (if returned to PENDING_ADDRESS) or canceled (if returned to CANCEL_ADDRESS).

        Also the NOTIFY_ADDRESS should call verify_return first to verify the checksum and only then proceed with
        the information received in the NOTIFY_ADDRESS.

    Finance::Bank::SuomenVerkkomaksut - Process payments through JSON API of
    Suomen Verkkomaksut in Finland. Enables payments from all Finnish Banks
    online: Nordea, Osuuspankki, Sampo, Tapiola, Aktia, Nooa,
    Paikallisosuuspankit, Säästöpankit, Handelsbanken, S-Pankki,
    Г…landsbanken, also from Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard credit cards
    through Luottokunta, and PayPal, billing through Collector and Klarna.

        Don't allow user to set the test_transaction to true! If the user can set it to true when returning he
        will get his payment registered as processed.

        Don't allow user to set the 'type' parameter of verify_return.


    Oskari Okko Ojala <>, Frantic Oy

    Copyright (C) Oskari Ojala 2011.

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at
    your option, any later version of Perl you may have available.

    Oskari Okko Ojala <>, Frantic Oy

    This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Oskari Ojala.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.