This is alpha software.  Use it only if you
	know what you are doing.  Patches welcome :-)

FileSelection of alpha release Tk800.003 does not work (my fault!).
So FileEntrys FileSelction dialog will not work.  For other known
bugs see BUGS sections in the documentation and the TODO file.

Achim Bohnet <>


Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
FcyEntry       bdpO  Entry with bg color depending on -state	   ACH
FileEntry      adpO  Primitive clone of Tix FileEntry widget       ACH


Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
ptksh	       rdpO  pTk shell: TRL support & persistent history   ACH


Version: 0.02 09-Apr-1998

	o ptksh
		o POD updates and markup adapted to 'perl/Tk' standard
		o 'o' cmd extention:
		  -  rest of 'o' line splitted with split "". So
		     ptksh> o $w  opt1 opt2 ...    # accepts input like qw(...)
		  -  ptksh> o $w  /regexp/         # list all option of $w
							 matching regexp
		o ./.ptksh_init file sourced on startup
		o $ARGV[0] sourced on startup (please make sure there
		  is no MainLoop otherwise ptksh will hang)

	o &
		o minor POD corrections additions
		o use Tk::<colname>() instead of hardcoded colors

	o ex/
		o added fcyentry example script

	o Start for application widgets (not ready for public)

Version: 0.01	19-Jan-1998

	o ptksh: added utility functions p, u, o to ptksh

	o FileEntry:  Creation of FileSelect is delayed until
	              it's really needed.