NAME Module::Install::AutomatedTester - A Module::Install extension to detect whether we are being tested by CPAN Testers. SYNOPSIS # In Makefile.PL use inc::Module::Install; if ( auto_tester ) { # Do something if we are running under a CPAN Tester # like add some prereqs, etc. } DESCRIPTION CPAN Testers are great and do a worthy and thankless job, testing all the distributions uploaded to CPAN. Sometimes we want to know if our distribution is being tested by one of these gallant individuals and make them do some extra work. Module::Install::AutomatedTesters is a Module::Install extension that adds two extra commands to detect if the disttribution is being run under a CPAN Tester environment so that we can do extra stuff or skip stuff. COMMANDS This plugin adds the following Module::Install command: "auto_tester" Does nothing on the author-side. On the user side it detects whether or not automated testing is in effect. "cpan_tester" Same as the above. AUTHOR Chris "BinGOs" Williams LICENSE Copyright © Chris Williams This module may be used, modified, and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Please see the license that came with your Perl distribution for details. SEE ALSO Module::Install <>