NAME Parse::CPAN::Cached - Parse CPAN meta files & cache the results VERSION Version 0.02 SYNOPSIS Ensure you already have a CPAN::Mini mirror setup, then: use Parse::CPAN::Cached; my $parsers = Parse::CPAN::Cached->new(); # $authors is a Parse::CPAN::Authors (or Parse::CPAN::Whois) object my $authors = $parsers->parse_cpan('authors'); # $distributions is a Parse::CPAN::Packages object my $distributions = $parsers->parse_cpan('packages'); DESCRIPTION Parsing the CPAN meta data files can take a few seconds if you do it normally: my $p = Parse::CPAN::Packages->new($filename); this wraps the parsing/loading with App::Cache which in turn stores the initial parse in a storable file. Provided the cache hasn't expired, subsequent calls are loaded from this storable file rather than being re-parsed from the original cpan metadata file. If the cache has expired, we re-parse the source. This is probably redundant unless you are repeatadly opening these files (in different processes perhaps). Note: 02packages.details.txt.gz (circa 2009-03) is ~730KB on disk but 13MB as a (App::Cached generated) Storable file. We're trading disk & memory for speed. CONSTRUCTOR METHODS All are optional. cpan_mini_config Defaults to the result of calling CPAN::Mini->read_config. We only use the 'local' value returned, so you could say: my $parsers = Parse::CPAN::Cached->new( cpan_mini_config => { local => '/path/to/mini_cpan/' } ); cache Defaults to App::Cache->new(). If you want to change any of the defaults in App::Cache, construct your own App::Cache first and pass it in. info A coderef that is called to emit some information about what is going on. By default, we're silent under normal operation but if you want a little more detail about what is happening pass in a coderef that accepts a single string parameter. my $parsers = Parse::CPAN::Cached->new( info => sub { warn @_, "\n" } ); Currently the only time this is used is when we're about to parse one of the cpan meta data files form scratch, rather than loading in the data via the cache. METHODS There is only one. parse_cpan Give it the key, get back the appropriate Parse::CPAN::Foo object. my $parsers = Parse::CPAN::Cached->new(); my $result = $parsers->parse_cpan($key); Where $key is one of: packages Returns a Parse::CPAN::Packages object. authors Returns either a Parse::CPAN::Authors object or a (api compatible) Parse::CPAN::Whois object if the 00whois.xml file exists. whois Returns a Parse::CPAN::Whois object. AUTHOR Sysmon, "<sysmonblog at>" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-parse-cpan-cached at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Parse::CPAN::Cached * RT: CPAN's request tracker <> * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * Search CPAN <> COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Sysmon, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.