Lingua-Sentence version 1.05 ============================ This module allows splitting of text paragraphs into sentences. It is based on scripts developed by Philipp Koehn and Josh Schroeder for processing the Europarl corpus. The module uses punctuation and capitalization clues to split paragraphs into an newline-separated string with one sentence per line. The module provides support for Catalan, English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, Dutch and Greek. Optionally files providing hints for other languages can be provided. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Carp; File::ShareDir; Test::More COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2013 by Digital Silk Road Portions Copyright (C) 2005 by Philip Koehn and Josh Schroeder (used with permission) Portuguese nonbreaking prefix file copyright (C) 2009 by HilГЎrio Leal Fontes (used with permission) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.