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greple -Mjq - greple module to search JSON data with jq


greple -Mjq --glob JSON-DATA --IN label pattern


Version 0.06


This is an experimental module for [App::Greple](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3AGreple) to search JSON
formatted text using [jq(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/jq) as a backend.

Search top level json object which includes both `Marvin` and
`Zaphod` somewhere in its text representation.

    greple -Mjq 'Marvin Zaphod'

You can search object `.commit.author.name` includes `Marvin` like this:

    greple -Mjq --IN .commit.author.name Marvin

Search first `name` field including `Marvin` under `.commit`:

    greple -Mjq --IN .commit..name Marvin

Search any `author.name` field including `Marvin`:

    greple -Mjq --IN author.name Marvin

Search `name` is `Marvin` and `type` is `Robot` or `Android`:

    greple -Mjq --IN name Marvin --IN type 'Robot|Android'

Please be aware that this is just a text matching tool for indented
result of [jq(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/jq) command.  So, for example, `.commit.author`
includes everything under it and it matches `committer` field name.
Use [jq(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/jq) filter for more complex and precise operation.


[greple(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/greple) commands read entire input before processing.  So it
should not be used for gigantic data or infinite stream.



    $ cpanm App::Greple::jq


- **--IN** _label_ _pattern_

    Search _pattern_ included in _label_ field.

    Character `%` can be used as a wildcard in _label_ string.  So
    `%name` matches labels end with `name`, and `name%` matches labels
    start with `name`.

    If the label is simple string like `name`, it matches any level of
    JSON data.

    If the label string contains period (`.`), it is considered as a
    nested labels.  Name `.name` matches only `name` label at the top
    level.  Name `process.name` matches only `name` entry of some
    `process` hash.

    If labels are separated by two or more dots (`..`), they don't have
    to have direct relationship.

- **--NOT** _label_ _pattern_

    Specify negative condition.

- **--MUST** _label_ _pattern_

    Specify required condition.  If there is one or more required
    condition, all other positive rules move to optional.  They are not
    required but highlighted if exist.


- **.file**

    `file` at the top level.

- **.file.path**

    `path` under `.file`.

- **.file..path**

    `path` in descendants of `.file`.

- **path**

    `path` at any level.

- **file.path**

    `file.path` at any level.

- **file..path**

    Some `path` in descendants of some `file`.

- **%path**

    Any labels end with `path`.

- **path%**

    Any labels start with `path`.

- **%path%**

    Any labels include `path`.


Search from any `name` labels.

    greple -Mjq --IN name _mina

Search from `.process.name` label.

    greple -Mjq --IN .process.name _mina

Object `.process.name` contains `_mina` and `.event` contains

    greple -Mjq --IN .process.name _mina --IN .event EXEC

Object `ppid` is 803 and `.event` contains `FORK` or `EXEC`.

    greple -Mjq --IN ppid 803 --IN event 'FORK|EXEC'

Object `name` is `_mina` and `.event` contains `CREATE`.

    greple -Mjq --IN name _mina --IN event 'CREATE'

Object `ancestors` contains `1132` and `.event` contains `EXEC`
with `arguments` highlighted.

    greple -Mjq --IN ancestors 1132 --IN event EXEC --IN arguments .

Object `*pid` label contains 803.

    greple -Mjq --IN %pid 803

Object any <path> contains `_mina` under `.file` and `.event`
contains `WRITE`.

    greple -Mjq --IN .file..path _mina --IN .event WRITE


- Use `--all` option to show entire data.
- Use `--nocolor` option or set `NO_COLOR=1` to disable colored
- Use `-o` option to show only matched part.
- Use `--blockend=` option to cancel showing block separator.
- Since this module implements original search function, [greple(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/greple)
**-i** does not take effect.  Set modifier in regex like `(?i)pattern`
if you want case-insensitive match.
- Use `-Mjq::set=debug` to see actual regex.
- Use `-Mjq::set=noif` if you don't have to use [jq](https://metacpan.org/pod/jq) as an input
filter.  Data have to be well-formatted in that case.
- Use `--color=always` and set `LESSANSIENDCHARS=mK` if you want to
see the output using [less(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/less).  Put next line in your `~/.greplerc`
to enable colored output always.

        option default --color=always


[App::Greple](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3AGreple), [https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple](https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/greple)



Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright В©пёЋ 2022-2024 Kazumasa Utashiro

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.