In case you are interested in the discussion I had with pod people:

The offending bytes are in Text::Capitalize line 28 and come from an
UTF-8 Гј.

So I went forward with the following patch:

--- lib/Text/     2012-09-22 19:45:43.788330869 +0200
+++ lib/Text/      2012-09-22 19:45:59.544748630 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 package Text::Capitalize;
+=encoding utf-8
 =head1 NAME
 Text::Capitalize - capitalize strings ("to WORK AS titles" becomes "To
Work as Titles")

and it works.

Would be really nice to have.

Feel free to toss the whole pod.t, maybe it is not doing a service at
the moment.
