# NAME Lingua::ZH::MMSEG Mandarin Chinese segmentation # SYNOPSIS #!/usr/bin/perl use utf8; use Lingua::ZH::MMSEG; my $zh_string="現代漢語的複合動詞可分三個結構語意關係來探討"; my @phrases = mmseg($zh_string); # use MMSEG algorithm my @phrases = fmm($zh_string); # use Forward Maximum Matching algorithm while (<>) { chomp; push @phrases, mmseg; } # mmseg and fmm will parse $_ automaticly print $_, word_freq($_) for @phrases; # you can get phrase frequency by calling word_freq # DESCRIPTION A problem in computational analysis of Chinese text is that there are no word boundaries in conventionally printed text. Since the word is such a fundamental linguistic unit, it is necessary to identify words in Chinese text so that higher-level analyses can be performed. Lingua::ZH::MMSEG implements [MMSEG](http://technology.chtsai.org/mmseg/) original developed by [Chih-Hao-Tsai](http://chtsai.org/). The whole module is rewritten in pure Perl, and the phrase library is [ж–°й…·йџі forked from OpenFoundry](http://www.openfoundry.org/of/projects/436). # INSTALL To install this module, just type cpanm Lingua::ZH::MMSEG If you don't have cpanm, curl -LO http://bit.ly/cpanm chmod +x cpanm sudo cp cpanm /usr/local/bin # FUNCTIONS ## mmseg @phrases = mmseg($zh_string); @phrases = mmseg; # use $_ automatically `mmseg` convert a mandarin Chinese string to a sequence of phrases using [MMSEG](http://technology.chtsai.org/mmseg/) algorithm. If there were any english containted in the input string, it simply parse the linked ascii code as one phrase. For example: $_ = "йЂ™иЈЎжњ‰дёж–‡Today is Wednesday.йЂ™й‚ЉеЏ€жњ‰дёж–‡ I go to school on Friday."; print "$_\n" for mmseg; йЂ™иЈЎжњ‰ дёж–‡ Today is Wednesday. йЂ™й‚Љ еЏ€жњ‰ дёж–‡ I go to school on Friday. The ascii characters are recognized by `/[ -~]+/`. ## fmm (Forward Maximum Matching) @phrases = fmm($zh_string); @phrases = fmm; # use $_ automatically `fmm` uses forward maximum matching (so called longest match principle) to convert a mandarin Chinese string to a sequence of phrases. It uses the same rule of `mmseg` to deal with ascii string. The advantage of `fmm` is it has lower complexity compare to `mmseg`; the disadvantage is it cannot solve ambiguity when there is multiple way to seperate a string. ## word_freq $freq = word_freq($phrase); $freq = word_freq; # use $_ automatically `word_freq` return the phrase frequency defined in [ж–°й…·йџі](http://www.openfoundry.org/of/projects/436). # AUTHOR Felix Ren-Chyan Chern (dryman) `<idryman@gmail.com>` # LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT [GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1 ](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php)