YAMLScript - Program in YAML — Code is Data


        #!/usr/bin/env ys-0
        defn main(name='world'):
          say: "Hello, $name!"
    =head2 DESCRIPTION

    YAMLScript is a functional programming language with a stylized YAML

    YAMLScript can be used for:

      * Writing new programs and applications

	* Run with ys file.ys

	* Or compile to binary executable with ys -C file.ys

      * Enhancing ordinary YAML files with new functional magics

	* Import parts of other YAML files to any node

	* String interpolation including function calls

	* Any other functionality you can dream up!

      * Writing reusable shared libraries

	* High level code instead of C

	* Bindable to almost any programming language

    YAMLScript should be a drop-in replacement for your YAML loader!

    Most existing YAML files are already valid YAMLScript files. This means
    that YAMLScript works as a normal YAML loader, but can also evaluate
    functional expressions if asked to.

    Under the hood, YAMLScript code compiles to the Clojure programming
    language. This makes YAMLScript a complete functional programming
    language right out of the box.

    Even though YAMLScript compiles to Clojure, and Clojure compiles to
    Java, there is no dependency on Java or the JVM. YAMLScript is compiled
    to a native shared library ( that can be used by any
    programming language that can load shared libraries.

    To see the Clojure code that YAMLScript compiles to, you can use the
    YAMLScript command line utility, ys, to run:

        $ ys --compile file.ys
    =head2 PERL USAGE


        use YAMLScript;
        use JSON;
        my $ys = YAMLScript->new;
        my $input = do { local $/; open my $fh, '<', 'file.ys'; <$fh> };
        my $data = $ys->load($input);
        print encode_json $data;
    File C<file.ys>:
        name =: "World"
          foo: [1, 2, ! inc(41)]
          bar:: load("other.yaml")
          baz:: "Hello, $name!"
    File C<other.yaml>:
        oh: Hello
        $ perl
        {"foo":[1,2,42],"baz":"Hello, World!","bar":{"oh":"Hello"}}

    You can install this module like any other Perl module:

        $ cpanm YAMLScript
    but you will need to have a system install of C<>.

    One simple way to do that is with:

        $ curl | bash
    Note: The above command will install the latest version of the YAMLScript command line utility, C<ys>, and the shared library, C<>, into C<~/local/bin> and C<~/.local/lib> respectively.

    See for more


      * The YAMLScript Web Site <>

      * The YAMLScript Blog <>

      * The YAMLScript Source Code <>

      * YAML <>

      * Clojure <>


      * Ingy döt Net <>

      * JosГ© JoaquГ­n Atria <>


    Copyright 2022-2025 Ingy döt Net <>

    This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See
    LICENSE <> for more