This is Mac::iPhoto for reading MacOSX iPhoto XML files. Module reads is AlbumData.xml file created by Apple's iPhoto program and pareses it into perl hash. ********************************************************************** Installation: 1) perl Makefile.PL 2) make install Usage/Documentaion: 1) pod2text Licensing: GNU GPL 2.0 or later ********************************************************************** NAME iPhoto - reads in photo albums plist files of on MacOS X and presents them as perl data structure. SYNOPSIS use Mac::iPhoto; my $a = new Mac::iPhoto("./AlbumData.xml"); $a->parse; DESCRIPTION Reads in photo albums plist files of on MacOS X and presents them as perl data structure. FUNCTIONS &new(); my $AlbumData = Mac::iPhoto->new( "/Users/Shared/Photo/AlbumData.xml" ); Creates new data object. Takes one parameter - UNIX path to AlbumData.xml file. &parse() $AlbumData->&parse(); Parses XML file and populates data structure $AlbumData->{'Data'}. Structure of the data format of Mac::iPhoto->parse() populates a hash iPhoto->{Data} that has following structure: { Properties => \%Properties, Albums => \@Albums, Images => \@Images } %Properties is hash of the top-level properties in the AlbumData.xml file. %Properties has following structure: { 'Application Version' => string, 'Archive Path' => string, 'Major Version' => string, 'Minor Version' => string, } @Albums - array describing all albums in parsed XML file. @Albums has following structure: { 'AlbumName' => string, 'BookDesignName' => string, 'RepeatSlideShow' => string, 'SecondsPerSlide' => string, 'SongPath' => string, 'KeyList' => \@KeyList, } @Images - array describing all images in the AlbumData.xml file. @Images has following structure: ( 'ImagePath' => string, 'Caption' => string, 'Comment' => string, 'Date' => string, 'ThumbPath' => string, 'ModificationDate' => string, ); CHANGES Nov 19, 2003 - 1st actually working version of module. EXAMPLE use Mac::iPhoto; my $a = new Mac::iPhoto("./AlbumData.xml"); $a->parse; printf "Created by iTunes v. %s / maj.%s / min.%s\n", $a->{'Properties'}->{'Application Version'}, $a->{Properties}->{'Major Version'}, $a->{Properties}->{'Minor Version'}; printf "Album path: %s\n", $a->{Properties}->{'Archive Path'}; for my $album (@{$a->{Data}->{Albums}}) { printf "Name: %s \n", $album->{'AlbumName'}; printf "BookDesignName: %s \n", $album->{'BookDesignName'}; for my $key ( @{$album->{'KeyList'}}) { print $key, ": \n"; printf "\t%s\n\t%s\n\t%s\n\t%s\n\t%s\n\t%s\n", $a->{Data}->{Images}->[$key]->{'Date'}, $a->{Data}->{Images}->[$key]->{'ImagePath'}, $a->{Data}->{Images}->[$key]->{'ThumbPath'}, $a->{Data}->{Images}->[$key]->{'Caption'}, $a->{Data}->{Images}->[$key]->{'Comment'}, $a->{Data}->{Images}->[$key]->{'ModificationDate'}; } } CREDITS Mac::iPhoto relies on Mac::PropertyList module for actual parsing of XML file. Thanks for Brian D Foy, <> for developing it. AUTHOR Dmytro Kovalov, 2003. kov at tokyo dot email dot ne dot jp. Homepage: SEE ALSO