Log/Dispatch/File/Rolling version 1.00


This module is mostly untested at the moment. Please review the code 
before using it. I'd love if you'd give me feedback on errors or 


This module subclasses Log::Dispatch::File for logging to date/time 
stamped files. It uses flock to ensure being safe in a multitasking 
environment. It recognizes a fork() and will reopen the logfile, if 
configured so even with a process specific filename.


This module requires Log::Dispatch::File, included in the Log::Dispatch 
distribution and Log::Log4perl::DateFormat, included in the 
Log::Log4perl distribution.

Basic Installation

Log::Dispatch::File::Rolling may be installed through the CPAN shell in 
the usual manner:

  # perl -MCPAN -e 'install Log::Dispatch::File::Rolling'

You can also read this README from the CPAN shell:

  # perl -MCPAN -e shell
  cpan> readme Log::Dispatch::File::Rolling

And you can install the component from the CPAN prompt as well:

  cpan> install Log::Dispatch::File::Rolling

Manual Installation

Log::Dispatch::File::Rolling can also be installed manually.  The latest 
CPAN version can be found at <http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-
authors/id/J/JA/JACOB/> or in a similarly named directory at your 
favorite CPAN mirror.

Downloading and unpacking the distribution are left as exercises for the 
reader.  To build and test it:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test

When you're ready to install the component:

  make install

It should now be ready to use.

On Win32 systems, replace "make" in the above commands with "nmake". The 
nmake utility can be downloaded from 


Copyright (C) 2003 M. Jacob <jacob@j-e-b.net>

Based on:
  Log::Dispatch::File::Stamped by Eric Cholet <cholet@logilune.com>
  Log::Dispatch::FileRotate by Mark Pfeiffer, <markpf@mlp-consulting.com.au>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
under the same terms as Perl itself.