Unicode::Block::List - List of unicode blocks.

     use Unicode::Block::List;
     my $obj = Unicode::Block->new(%parameters);
     my $block = $obj->block($block);
     my @list = $obj->list;


             Get Unicode::Block object for defined Unicode block.
             Returns Unicode::Block object.

             Get list of blocks.
             Returns array of Unicode block names.

             From Class::Utils::set_params_pub():
                     Unknown parameter '%s'.

     use strict;
     use warnings;

     use Encode qw(encode_utf8);
     use Unicode::Block::Ascii;
     use Unicode::Block::List;

     # Arguments.
     if (@ARGV < 1) {
             print STDERR "Usage: $0 block_name\n";
             exit 1;
     my $block_name = $ARGV[0];

     # Object.
     my $obj = Unicode::Block::List->new;

     # Get Unicode::Block for block name.
     my $block = $obj->block($block_name);
     if (! $block) {
             print "Block '$block_name' doesn't exist.\n";
             exit 1;

     # Get ASCII object.
     my $block_ascii = Unicode::Block::Ascii->new(%{$block});

     # Print to output.
     print encode_utf8($block_ascii->get)."\n";

     # Output:
     # Usage: /tmp/o1NG0vm_Wf block_name

     # Output with 'Block Elements' argument:
     # в”Њв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”ђ
     # в”‚             Block Elements             в”‚
     # ├────────┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┤
     # в”‚        в”‚0в”‚1в”‚2в”‚3в”‚4в”‚5в”‚6в”‚7в”‚8в”‚9в”‚Aв”‚Bв”‚Cв”‚Dв”‚Eв”‚Fв”‚
     # ├────────┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤
     # в”‚ U+258x в”‚в–Ђв”‚в–Ѓв”‚в–‚в”‚в–ѓв”‚в–„в”‚в–…в”‚в–†в”‚в–‡в”‚в–€в”‚в–‰в”‚в–Љв”‚в–‹в”‚в–Њв”‚в–Ќв”‚в–Ћв”‚в–Џв”‚
     # ├────────┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤
     # │ U+259x │▐│░│▒│▓│▔│▕│▖│▗│▘│▙│▚│▛│▜│▝│▞│▟│
     # └────────┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┘

     # Output with 'foo' argument:
     # Block 'foo' doesn't exist.

     use strict;
     use warnings;

     use Data::Printer;
     use Unicode::Block::List;

     # Object.
     my $obj = Unicode::Block::List->new;

     # Get list.
     my @list = $obj->list;

     # Print out.
     p @list;

     # Output.
     # [
     #     [0]   "Aegean Numbers",
     #     [1]   "Alchemical Symbols",
     #     [2]   "Alphabetic Presentation Forms",
     #     [3]   "Ancient Greek Musical Notation",
     #     [4]   "Ancient Greek Numbers",
     #     [5]   "Ancient Symbols",
     #     [6]   "Arabic",
     #     [7]   "Arabic Presentation Forms-A",
     #     [8]   "Arabic Presentation Forms-B",
     #     [9]   "Arabic Supplement",
     #     [10]  "Armenian",
     #     [11]  "Arrows",
     #     [12]  "Avestan",
     #     [13]  "Balinese",
     #     [14]  "Bamum",
     #     [15]  "Bamum Supplement",
     #     [16]  "Basic Latin",
     #     [17]  "Batak",
     #     [18]  "Bengali",
     #     [19]  "Block Elements",
     #     [20]  "Bopomofo",
     #     [21]  "Bopomofo Extended",
     #     [22]  "Box Drawing",
     #     [23]  "Brahmi",
     #     [24]  "Braille Patterns",
     #     [25]  "Buginese",
     #     [26]  "Buhid",
     #     [27]  "Byzantine Musical Symbols",
     #     [28]  "CJK Compatibility",
     #     [29]  "CJK Compatibility Forms",
     #     [30]  "CJK Compatibility Ideographs",
     #     [31]  "CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement",
     #     [32]  "CJK Radicals Supplement",
     #     [33]  "CJK Strokes",
     #     [34]  "CJK Symbols and Punctuation",
     #     [35]  "CJK Unified Ideographs",
     #     [36]  "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A",
     #     [37]  "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B",
     #     [38]  "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C",
     #     [39]  "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D",
     #     [40]  "Carian",
     #     [41]  "Cham",
     #     [42]  "Cherokee",
     #     [43]  "Combining Diacritical Marks",
     #     [44]  "Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement",
     #     [45]  "Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols",
     #     [46]  "Combining Half Marks",
     #     [47]  "Common Indic Number Forms",
     #     [48]  "Control Pictures",
     #     [49]  "Coptic",
     #     [50]  "Counting Rod Numerals",
     #     [51]  "Cuneiform",
     #     [52]  "Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation",
     #     [53]  "Currency Symbols",
     #     [54]  "Cypriot Syllabary",
     #     [55]  "Cyrillic",
     #     [56]  "Cyrillic Extended-A",
     #     [57]  "Cyrillic Extended-B",
     #     [58]  "Cyrillic Supplement",
     #     [59]  "Deseret",
     #     [60]  "Devanagari",
     #     [61]  "Devanagari Extended",
     #     [62]  "Dingbats",
     #     [63]  "Domino Tiles",
     #     [64]  "Egyptian Hieroglyphs",
     #     [65]  "Emoticons",
     #     [66]  "Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement",
     #     [67]  "Enclosed Alphanumerics",
     #     [68]  "Enclosed CJK Letters and Months",
     #     [69]  "Enclosed Ideographic Supplement",
     #     [70]  "Ethiopic",
     #     [71]  "Ethiopic Extended",
     #     [72]  "Ethiopic Extended-A",
     #     [73]  "Ethiopic Supplement",
     #     [74]  "General Punctuation",
     #     [75]  "Geometric Shapes",
     #     [76]  "Georgian",
     #     [77]  "Georgian Supplement",
     #     [78]  "Glagolitic",
     #     [79]  "Gothic",
     #     [80]  "Greek Extended",
     #     [81]  "Greek and Coptic",
     #     [82]  "Gujarati",
     #     [83]  "Gurmukhi",
     #     [84]  "Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms",
     #     [85]  "Hangul Compatibility Jamo",
     #     [86]  "Hangul Jamo",
     #     [87]  "Hangul Jamo Extended-A",
     #     [88]  "Hangul Jamo Extended-B",
     #     [89]  "Hangul Syllables",
     #     [90]  "Hanunoo",
     #     [91]  "Hebrew",
     #     [92]  "High Private Use Surrogates",
     #     [93]  "High Surrogates",
     #     [94]  "Hiragana",
     #     [95]  "IPA Extensions",
     #     [96]  "Ideographic Description Characters",
     #     [97]  "Imperial Aramaic",
     #     [98]  "Inscriptional Pahlavi",
     #     [99]  "Inscriptional Parthian",
     #     [100] "Javanese",
     #     [101] "Kaithi",
     #     [102] "Kana Supplement",
     #     [103] "Kanbun",
     #     [104] "Kangxi Radicals",
     #     [105] "Kannada",
     #     [106] "Katakana",
     #     [107] "Katakana Phonetic Extensions",
     #     [108] "Kayah Li",
     #     [109] "Kharoshthi",
     #     [110] "Khmer",
     #     [111] "Khmer Symbols",
     #     [112] "Lao",
     #     [113] "Latin Extended Additional",
     #     [114] "Latin Extended-A",
     #     [115] "Latin Extended-B",
     #     [116] "Latin Extended-C",
     #     [117] "Latin Extended-D",
     #     [118] "Latin-1 Supplement",
     #     [119] "Lepcha",
     #     [120] "Letterlike Symbols",
     #     [121] "Limbu",
     #     [122] "Linear B Ideograms",
     #     [123] "Linear B Syllabary",
     #     [124] "Lisu",
     #     [125] "Low Surrogates",
     #     [126] "Lycian",
     #     [127] "Lydian",
     #     [128] "Mahjong Tiles",
     #     [129] "Malayalam",
     #     [130] "Mandaic",
     #     [131] "Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols",
     #     [132] "Mathematical Operators",
     #     [133] "Meetei Mayek",
     #     [134] "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A",
     #     [135] "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B",
     #     [136] "Miscellaneous Symbols",
     #     [137] "Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs",
     #     [138] "Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows",
     #     [139] "Miscellaneous Technical",
     #     [140] "Modifier Tone Letters",
     #     [141] "Mongolian",
     #     [142] "Musical Symbols",
     #     [143] "Myanmar",
     #     [144] "Myanmar Extended-A",
     #     [145] "NKo",
     #     [146] "New Tai Lue",
     #     [147] "Number Forms",
     #     [148] "Ogham",
     #     [149] "Ol Chiki",
     #     [150] "Old Italic",
     #     [151] "Old Persian",
     #     [152] "Old South Arabian",
     #     [153] "Old Turkic",
     #     [154] "Optical Character Recognition",
     #     [155] "Oriya",
     #     [156] "Osmanya",
     #     [157] "Phags-pa",
     #     [158] "Phaistos Disc",
     #     [159] "Phoenician",
     #     [160] "Phonetic Extensions",
     #     [161] "Phonetic Extensions Supplement",
     #     [162] "Playing Cards",
     #     [163] "Private Use Area",
     #     [164] "Rejang",
     #     [165] "Rumi Numeral Symbols",
     #     [166] "Runic",
     #     [167] "Samaritan",
     #     [168] "Saurashtra",
     #     [169] "Shavian",
     #     [170] "Sinhala",
     #     [171] "Small Form Variants",
     #     [172] "Spacing Modifier Letters",
     #     [173] "Specials",
     #     [174] "Sundanese",
     #     [175] "Superscripts and Subscripts",
     #     [176] "Supplemental Arrows-A",
     #     [177] "Supplemental Arrows-B",
     #     [178] "Supplemental Mathematical Operators",
     #     [179] "Supplemental Punctuation",
     #     [180] "Supplementary Private Use Area-A",
     #     [181] "Supplementary Private Use Area-B",
     #     [182] "Syloti Nagri",
     #     [183] "Syriac",
     #     [184] "Tagalog",
     #     [185] "Tagbanwa",
     #     [186] "Tags",
     #     [187] "Tai Le",
     #     [188] "Tai Tham",
     #     [189] "Tai Viet",
     #     [190] "Tai Xuan Jing Symbols",
     #     [191] "Tamil",
     #     [192] "Telugu",
     #     [193] "Thaana",
     #     [194] "Thai",
     #     [195] "Tibetan",
     #     [196] "Tifinagh",
     #     [197] "Transport And Map Symbols",
     #     [198] "Ugaritic",
     #     [199] "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics",
     #     [200] "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended",
     #     [201] "Vai",
     #     [202] "Variation Selectors",
     #     [203] "Variation Selectors Supplement",
     #     [204] "Vedic Extensions",
     #     [205] "Vertical Forms",
     #     [206] "Yi Radicals",
     #     [207] "Yi Syllables",
     #     [208] "Yijing Hexagram Symbols"
     # ]

     use strict;
     use warnings;
     use Curses::UI;
     use Encode qw(encode_utf8);
     use Unicode::Block::Ascii;
     use Unicode::Block::List;
     # Get unicode block list.
     my $list = Unicode::Block::List->new;
     my @unicode_block_list = $list->list;
     # Window.
     my $cui = Curses::UI->new;
     my $win = $cui->add('window_id', 'Window');
     $win->set_binding(\&exit, "\cQ", "\cC");
     # Popup menu.
     my $popupbox = $win->add(
             'mypopupbox', 'Popupmenu',
             '-labels' => {
                     map { $_, $_ } @unicode_block_list,
             '-onchange' => sub {
                     my $self = shift;
                     my $block = $list->block($self->get);
                     my $block_ascii = Unicode::Block::Ascii->new(%{$block});
                     print encode_utf8($block_ascii->get)."\n";
                     exit 0;
             '-values' => \@unicode_block_list,
     # Loop.

     # Output after select 'Arrows' item:
     # в”Њв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”Ђв”ђ
     # в”‚                 Arrows                 в”‚
     # ├────────┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┤
     # в”‚        в”‚0в”‚1в”‚2в”‚3в”‚4в”‚5в”‚6в”‚7в”‚8в”‚9в”‚Aв”‚Bв”‚Cв”‚Dв”‚Eв”‚Fв”‚
     # ├────────┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤
     # │ U+219x │←│↑│→│↓│↔│↕│↖│↗│↘│↙│↚│↛│↜│↝│↞│↟│
     # ├────────┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤
     # │ U+21ax │↠│↡│↢│↣│↤│↥│↦│↧│↨│↩│↪│↫│↬│↭│↮│↯│
     # ├────────┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤
     # │ U+21bx │↰│↱│↲│↳│↴│↵│↶│↷│↸│↹│↺│↻│↼│↽│↾│↿│
     # ├────────┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤
     # │ U+21cx │⇀│⇁│⇂│⇃│⇄│⇅│⇆│⇇│⇈│⇉│⇊│⇋│⇌│⇍│⇎│⇏│
     # ├────────┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤
     # │ U+21dx │⇐│⇑│⇒│⇓│⇔│⇕│⇖│⇗│⇘│⇙│⇚│⇛│⇜│⇝│⇞│⇟│
     # ├────────┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤
     # │ U+21ex │⇠│⇡│⇢│⇣│⇤│⇥│⇦│⇧│⇨│⇩│⇪│⇫│⇬│⇭│⇮│⇯│
     # ├────────┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤
     # │ U+21fx │⇰│⇱│⇲│⇳│⇴│⇵│⇶│⇷│⇸│⇹│⇺│⇻│⇼│⇽│⇾│⇿│
     # └────────┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┘

    Class::Utils, Unicode::Block, Unicode::UCD.


    Michal Josef Е paДЌek <>


     В© 2013-2018 Michal Josef Е paДЌek
     BSD 2-Clause License
