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Riji - Simple, git based blog tool


    % cpanm -qn Riji           # install `riji` cli
    % rjji setup               # setup new blog site
    % $EDITOR riji.yml         # adjust configuration
    % riji new-entry your-slug # create new blog entry in Markdown
    % git add article/ && git commit -m "add new entry"
    % riji server              # local server for staging starts on the port 3650.
    % riji publish             # static site will be created in the ./riji directory


Japanese: [http://songmu.github.io/p5-Riji/blog/](http://songmu.github.io/p5-Riji/blog/)

English [http://perlmaven.com/blogging-with-riji](http://perlmaven.com/blogging-with-riji)


Riji is a static site generator using Markdown, featuring RSS generation from git history.

'Riji'(ж—Ґи®°) means diary in Chinese.


- Static site generation with Markdown files.
- All operations can be performed with the cli "riji".
- Commits Markdown files to your git repository and automatically generates RSS from the git log.
- Name of markdown file will be directly mapped to the URL as HTML.
- YAML Frontmatter can be written optionally in Markdown file for meta-information, like tags, etc.
- Customizable site template with Text::Xslate Kolon format.
- Kolon template notation can also be used in Markdown files.
- Your own template macros can be defined in the functions.pl file.


docker container is also available.

    % docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/riji -v $(PWD)/.git:/riji/.git -i ghcr.io/songmu/riji publish


Copyright (C) Masayuki Matsuki.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Thanks to Gabor Szabo <szabgab@gmail.com> for great English tutorial.


Masayuki Matsuki <y.songmu@gmail.com>