NAME mix-n-match - Script to handle catalog files. SYNOPSIS mix-n-match [-h] [--version] [command] [command_args ..] DESCRIPTION mix-n-match script uses Toolforge::MixNMatch::* modules to handle catalog files. ARGUMENTS * "-h" Print help. * "--version" Print version of script. * "command" Command. Possible commands are: diff, download, print * "command_args" "diff" json_file1 - JSON file #1. json_file2 - JSON file #2. [print_options] - Print options (type, count, year_months, users). It's optional. "download" catalog_id - Catalog ID. [output_file] - Output file (default is catalog_id.json). It's optional. "print" json_file or catalog_id - Catalog ID or JSON file. [print_options] - Print options (type, count, year_months, users). It's optional. EXAMPLE1 mix-n-match # Output like: # Usage: mix-n-match [-h] [--version] [command] [command_args ..] # -h Print help. # --version Print version. # command Command (diff, download, print). # # command 'diff' arguments: # json_file1 - JSON file #1 # json_file2 - JSON file #2 # [print_options] - Print options (type, count, year_months, users) # command 'download' arguments: # catalog_id - Catalog ID # [output_file] - Output file (default is catalog_id.json) # command 'print' arguments: # json_file or catalog_id - Catalog ID or JSON file # [print_options] - Print options (type, count, year_months, users) EXAMPLE2 mix-n-match print 3869 # Output like (20201219 - # Type: Q5 # Count: 875 # Year/months: # 2020/09: 432 # 2020/10: 103 # 2020/11: 44 # 2020/12: 32 # Users: # Skim (1192968): 541 # Automatic name/date matcher (3): 51 # Jklamo (2399): 6 # Michal Josef Špaček (WMCZ) (4735667): 5 # -1 (421968): 4 # Adam Harangozó (54660): 2 # Epìdosis (54694): 1 # Auxiliary data matcher (4): 1 EXAMPLE3 mix-n-match download 3869 # Output: # Catalog with '3869' ID was saved to '3869.json'. SEE ALSO Toolforge::MixNMatch::Diff Toolforge Mix'n'match tool object diff routines. Toolforge::MixNMatch::Object Toolforge Mix'n'match tool objects. Toolforge::MixNMatch::Print Toolforge Mix'n'match tool object print routines. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Špaček <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2020 Michal Josef Špaček BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.04 POD ERRORS Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 144: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'