NAME SysV::Init::Service - Class for SysV init service manipulation. SYNOPSIS use SysV::Init::Service; my $obj = SysV::Init::Service->new(%parameters); my @commands = $obj->commands; my $name = $obj->name; my $exit_code = $obj->start; my $exit_code = $obj->status; my $exit_code = $obj->stop; METHODS "new(%parameters)" Constructor. * "service" Service. Default value is undef. It is required. * "service_dir" Service directory. Default value is '/etc/init.d'. "commands()" Get service commands. Be avare, command might not print any information to stdout in some configuration (rewrited /etc/ routines to blank code for quiet output). Returns array of possible commands alphabetically sorted. "name()" Get service name. Returns string with service name. "start()" Run service start command. Returns exit code. "status()" Run service status command and return exit code. Returns exit code. "stop()" Run service stop command. Returns exit code. ERRORS new(): Parameter 'service' is required. Service '%s' doesn't present. Service with .sh suffix doesn't possible. From Class::Utils::set_params(): Unknown parameter '%s'. start(): Problem with service '%s' start. STDERR: %s Exit code: %s status(): Problem with service '%s' status. STDERR: %s Exit code: %s stop(): Problem with service '%s' stop. STDERR: %s Exit code: %s THEORY Exit codes of init.d script in status command. see Debian Wheezy /lib/lsb/init-functions pidofproc() and status_of_proc() routines. Exit codes: 0 - Program is running (pidfile exist). 0 - Program is running, but not owned by this user (pidfile exist). 0 - Program is running (pidfile doesn't exist and is defined PID). 1 - Program is dead (pidfile exist). 3 - Program is not running (pidfile doesn't exist and is defined PID). 3 - Program probably stopped (pidfile doesn't exist and is defined PID). 3 - Almost certain program is not running (pidfile doesn't exist). 4 - PID file not readable, hence status is unknown. 4 - Unable to determine status (pidfile doesn't exist). EXAMPLE # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir); use IO::Barf qw(barf); use SysV::Init::Service; # Temporary directory. my $temp_dir = tempdir('CLEANUP' => 1); # Create fake service. my $fake = <<'END'; #!/bin/sh echo "[ ok ] Usage: /fake {start|stop|status}." END # Save to file. my $fake_file = catfile($temp_dir, 'fake'); barf($fake_file, $fake); # Chmod. chmod 0755, $fake_file; # Service object. my $obj = SysV::Init::Service->new( 'service' => 'fake', 'service_dir' => $temp_dir, ); # Get commands. my @commands = $obj->commands; # Print commands to output. map { print $_."\n"; } @commands; # Clean. unlink $fake_file; # Output: # start # stop # status DEPENDENCIES Capture::Tiny, Class::Utils, English, Error::Pure, File::Spec::Functions. SEE ALSO service. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Е paДЌek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT В© 2013-2015 Michal Е paДЌek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.05