# NAME Plack::Middleware::QueryCounter::DBI - DBI query counter per request middleware # SYNOPSIS Enable this middleware using Plack::Builder. use MyApp; use Plack::Builder; my $app = MyApp->psgi_app; builder { enable 'QueryCounter::DBI'; $app; }; You can specify HTTP header using prefix option. builder { enable 'QueryCounter::DBI', prefix => 'X-MyQueryCounter'; $app; }; # DESCRIPTION Plack::Middleware::QueryCounter::DBI is a middleware to count SQL query per each HTTP request. Count result outputs on HTTP header. The counted quieries classify read, write or other query. You'll get following HTTP headers. X-QueryCounter-DBI-Total: 20 X-QueryCounter-DBI-Read: 16 X-QueryCounter-DBI-Write: 4 X-QueryCounter-DBI-Other: 0 Then, you can write to access log using nginx. log_format ltsv 'host:$remote_addr\t' 'user:$remote_user\t' (snip) 'user_agent:$http_user_agent\t' 'query_total:$sent_http_x_querycounter_dbi_total\t' 'query_read:$sent_http_x_querycounter_dbi_read\t' 'query_write:$sent_http_x_querycounter_dbi_write\t' 'query_other:$sent_http_x_querycounter_dbi_other\t'; LTSV is Labeled Tab-separated Values, see [http://ltsv.org/](http://ltsv.org/) Additionally, I recommend to remove these header for end-user response. location / { proxy_hide_header 'X-QueryCounter-DBI-Total'; proxy_hide_header 'X-QueryCounter-DBI-Read'; proxy_hide_header 'X-QueryCounter-DBI-Write'; proxy_hide_header 'X-QueryCounter-DBI-Other'; proxy_pass http://backend; } # SEE ALSO [Plack](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack) [Plack::Builder](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack::Builder) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Masatoshi Kawazoe (acidlemon). This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Masatoshi Kawazoe (acidlemon) <acidlemon@cpan.org>