NAME Rest::HtmlVis - Rest API visualizer in HTML SYNOPSIS Transform perl hash to html. Each key in perl hash is transormed to the piece of html, js and css which are include in main html. Example: use Rest::HtmlVis; my $htmlvis = Rest::HtmlVis->new({ events => Rest::HtmlVis::Events }); $htmlvis->html({ events => [ ], links => { rel => 'root', href => /, name => Root resource } form => { GET => { from => { type => 'time', default => time(), } }, POST => { DATA => { type => "text" temperature => 25 }, } } }); HtmlVis has default blocks that are show everytime: * default.baseurl Set default prefix for links in html. Default is '/static' * default.base See Rest::HtmlVis::Base. * default.content See Rest::HtmlVis::Content. These blocks can be rewrite when the base or content key is set in constructor params. SUBROUTINES/METHODS new( params ) Create new htmlvis object. You have to specify params for keys that should be transformed. params Define keys in input hash and library that manage this key. Example: { events => Rest::HtmlVis::Events } Third-party js library are primary mapped to /static URL. You have to manage this url by your http server and map this url to share directory. For example in Plack: use File::ShareDir; my $share = File::ShareDir::dist_dir('Rest-HtmlVis') || "../Rest-HtmlVis/share/"; mount "/static" => Plack::App::File->new(root => $share); html( hash_struct ) Convert input hash struct to html. Return html string. TUTORIAL AUTHOR VГЎclav DovrtД›l <> BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to github repository. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Inspired by COPYRIGHT Copyright 2015- VГЎclav DovrtД›l LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.