NAME Config::Dot::Array - Module for simple configure file parsing with arrays. SYNOPSIS my $cnf = Config::Dot::Array->new(%params); my $struct_hr = $cnf->parse($string); $cnf->reset; my $serialized = $cnf->serialize; METHODS new(%params) Constructor. * callback Callback code for adding parameter. Callback arguments are: $key_ar - Reference to array with keys. $value - Key value. Default is undef. * config Reference to hash structure with default config data. This is hash of hashes or arrays structure. Default value is reference to blank hash. * set_conflicts Set conflicts detection as error. Default value is 1. parse($string_or_array_ref) Parse string $string_or_array_ref or reference to array $string_or_array_ref and returns hash structure. reset() Reset content in class (config parameter). serialize() Serialize 'config' hash to output. PARAMETER_FILE # Comment. # blabla # White space. /^\s*$/ # Parameters. # Key must be '[-\w\.:,]+'. # Separator is '='. key=val key2.subkey.subkey=val # Arrays. key3=val1 key3=val2 ERRORS Mine: Bad 'config' parameter. Parameter 'callback' isn't code reference. From Config::Utils::conflict(): Conflict in '%s'. From Class::Utils::set_params(): Unknown parameter '%s'. EXAMPLE1 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use Config::Dot::Array; use Dumpvalue; # Object. my $struct_hr = Config::Dot::Array->new->parse(<<'END'); key1=value1 key2=value2 key2=value3 key3.subkey1=value4 key3.subkey1=value5 END # Dump my $dump = Dumpvalue->new; $dump->dumpValues($struct_hr); # Output: # 0 HASH(0x9970430) # 'key1' => 'value1' # 'key2' => ARRAY(0x9970660) # 0 'value2' # 1 'value3' # 'key3' => HASH(0x9970240) # 'subkey1' => ARRAY(0xa053658) # 0 'value4' # 1 'value5' EXAMPLE2 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use Config::Dot::Array; # Object with data. my $c = Config::Dot::Array->new( 'config' => { 'key1' => { 'subkey1' => 'value1', }, 'key2' => [ 'value2', 'value3', ], }, ); # Serialize. print $c->serialize."\n"; # Output: # key1=subkey1.value1 # key2=value2 # key2=value3 EXAMPLE3 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use Config::Dot::Array; use Dumpvalue; # Object. my $struct_hr = Config::Dot::Array->new( 'callback' => sub { my ($key_ar, $value) = @_; if ($key_ar->[0] eq 'key3' && $key_ar->[1] eq 'subkey1' && $value eq 'value3') { return 'FOOBAR'; } return $value; }, )->parse(<<'END'); key1=value1 key2=value2 key3.subkey1=value3 key3.subkey1=value4 END # Dump my $dump = Dumpvalue->new; $dump->dumpValues($struct_hr); # Output: # 0 HASH(0x87d05e8) # 'key1' => 'value1' # 'key2' => 'value2' # 'key3' => HASH(0x87e3840) # 'subkey1' => ARRAY(0x87e6f68) # 0 'FOOBAR' # 1 'value4' DEPENDENCIES Class::Utils, Config::Utils, English, Error::Pure, Readonly. SEE ALSO Cnf, Cnf::More. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Е paДЌek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT BSD license. VERSION 0.01