cdrtools: cdrtools 2.01 cdrtools: cdrtools: cdrtools (formerly cdrecord) creates home-burned CDs with a CDR/CDRW cdrtools: recorder. It works as a burn engine for several applications. It supports CD cdrtools: recorders from many different vendors; all SCSI-3/mmc- and ATAPI/mmc-compliant cdrtools: drives should also work. Supported features include IDE/ATAPI, parallel port, cdrtools: and SCSI drives, audio CDs, data CDs, and mixed CDs, full multi-session support, cdrtools: CDRWs (rewritable), TAO, DAO, RAW, and human-readable error messages. cdrtools: includes remote SCSI support and can access local or remote CD writers. cdrtools: cdrtools: ..this package is patched for non root user.