These are the compile options for other applications I use with qmail. You really need to read the INSTALL files for each of these don't just go about it in the blind. There are users and groups to add and startup scripts to be made. Do not try and run the pop server through inetd it just didn't work for me and had permission issues that kept the roaming relay from working. 1. qmail 2. autorespond 3. vpopmail 4. qmailadmin 5. sqwebmail vpopmail-5.3.8 (with mysql support) edit vmysql.h file and set the account options up. Add the vpopmail db to mysql before you do a convert or start adding domains. ./configure --enable-roaming-users=y --enable-mysql=y --enable-file-sync=n --enable-auth-logging=y --enable-many-domains=y --enable-clear-passwd=y autorespond 2.0.2 ./configure --prefix=/usr exmilm-0.53 Edit conf-bin conf-man and set to /usr as the prefix. qmailadmin-1.0.6 ./configure -with-htmllibdir=/var/www --enable-cgipath=/var/www/cgi-bin --enable-ezmlmdir=/usr/bin/ezmlm -enable-autoresponder-bin=/usr/bin sqwebmail-(current snapshot) ./configure --enable-cgi-bindir=/var/www/cgi-bin \ --enable-imagedir=/var/www/htdocs/images --with-module=authvchkpw \ --enable-default-domain=ADDDYOURDOMAIN --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc/sqwebmail --prefix=/usr --with-htmldir=/var/www/sqwebmail \ --enable-mimetypes=/etc/apache/mime.types