IGNOREPATH=/boot:/dev:/home:/mnt:/proc:/root:/tmp:/var STRIPLIB=y STRIPBIN=y SETATTR=y aspell_v=.33.7.1 pspell_v=.12.2 PROGNAME="aspell" # |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| SLACKDESC="\ aspell: aspell-$aspell_v\n\ aspell:\n\ aspell: Aspell is an Open Source spell checker designed to eventually replace\n\ aspell: Ispell. Its main feature is that it does a much better job of coming\n\ aspell: up with possible suggestions than Ispell does. In fact recent tests\n\ aspell: shows that it even does better than Microsoft Word 97's spell checker\n\ aspell: in some cases. In addition it has both compile time and run time\n\ aspell: support for other non English languages. Aspell also doubles as a\n\ aspell: powerful C++ library with C and Perl interfaces in the works.\n\ aspell: This package also includes pspell-$pspell_v, required by aspell.\n\ aspell:" # maintainer ARCH=i386 BUILD=4rob MAINTAINER="Robert Stan " SOURCE=http://aspell.sourceforge.net/ LOCATION=ftp://ftp.linuxpackages.net/pub/Slackware-8/robert/ap/ # package name PKGNAME="aspell-${aspell_v}-${ARCH}-${BUILD}" compile() { tar xvzf $CWD/pspell-$pspell_v.tar.gz cd pspell-$pspell_v CFLAGS=-O2 LDFLAGS=-s ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --host=i386-slackware-linux \ --build=i386-slackware-linux || exit 1 CFLAGS=-O2 LDFLAGS=-s make -j2 || exit 1 CFLAGS=-O2 make install || exit 1 cd .. tar xvzf $CWD/aspell-$aspell_v.tar.gz cd aspell-$aspell_v cat $CWD/aspell-.33-fix2.diff | patch -p0 CFLAGS=-O2 LDFLAGS=-s ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --host=i386-slackware-linux \ --build=i386-slackware-linux || exit 1 CFLAGS=-O2 LDFLAGS=-s make -j2 || exit 1 cd ../pspell-$pspell_v make uninstall } install() { make install cd ../aspell-$aspell_v make install } attributes() { echo "No special attributes..." } special() { # Package description echo -e $SLACKDESC > $CTL/slack-desc echo -e $SLACKDESC > $CWD/$PKGNAME.txt } subpacks() { echo "No subpacks..." }