DOCS="AUTHORS BUGS COPYING FAQ NEWS README THANKS TODO" IGNOREPATH=/boot:/dev:/home:/mnt:/proc:/root:/tmp:/var STRIPLIB=y STRIPBIN=y SETATTR=y # pkginfo VERSION=1.0 PROGNAME="Sawfish" # |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| SLACKDESC="\ sawfish: sawfish-$VERSION\n\ sawfish:\n\ sawfish: This is an extensible window manager using a LISP-based scripting\n\ sawfish: language--all window decorations are configurable, the basic idea is\n\ sawfish: to have as much user-interface policy as possible controlled through\n\ sawfish: the Lisp language. Sawfish is the default window manager for GNOME.\n\ sawfish:\n\ sawfish:\n\ sawfish:\n\ sawfish:\n\ sawfish:" # maintainer ARCH=i586 BUILD=1rob MAINTAINER="Robert Stan " SOURCE= LOCATION= # package name PKGNAME="sawfish-${VERSION}-${ARCH}-${BUILD}" # compiler flags PKGOPT="-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=$ARCH" compile() { tar xvyf $CWD/sawfish-$VERSION.tar.bz2 ; cd sawfish-$VERSION CFLAGS=$PKGOPT ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnome \ --sysconfdir=/etc/opt/gnome \ --localstatedir=/var/lib \ --with-readline \ --with-audiofile \ --with-esd \ --enable-capplet \ --enable-themer \ --enable-linguas="az ca cs da de el en_GB es fi fr ga gl hu it ja ko nl no pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sv tr uk wa zh_CN.GB2312 zh_CN zh_TW" \ $ARCH-slackware-linux || exit 1 CFLAGS=$PKGOPT make || exit 1 } install() { make install mkdir -p /usr/doc/sawfish-$VERSION cp -a $DOCS /usr/doc/sawfish-$VERSION } special() { mkdir -p $PKG/etc/X11/xinit cat $CWD/xinitrc.sawfish > $PKG/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.sawfish chmod 755 $PKG/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.sawfish # Package description echo -e $SLACKDESC > $CTL/slack-desc echo -e $SLACKDESC > $CWD/$PKGNAME.txt } subpacks() { echo "We don't have subpacks..." } attributes() { echo "No special attributes..." }