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Connected to %s. ftp: setsockopt WVS\$1jh0`S`4 t%f0jPSh ` {SV`ƃu1ShTh ``j`1[^_ ÐfVf0V Rh4FP_jPRh `jj0P `ǃ }+h^`1[^_ ÐfT$ f2jh0W+` Fx< `4R `Phjh ` `< `j\`FFV Rh4P_ 4R`Phh ``W_jj0P `ǃ G h-D$D$PhW` }!h`ED$jD$PjjW{ `} hz`hW`hhWt`x=htu#hh ``;=tRh"`j~D=hthR_=xtxR_XD$ jD$Pj jW`}=`t h`[^_ ÐW_~Name (%s:%s): Name (%s): USER %sPassword:PASS %sAccount:ACCT %sLogin failed. init$initdUWVSl$xD$D$D$D$ D$PD$ PD$(PU|`}1[^_]dÐ|$ \$$\$k`ƅu``%P`t0tVUhd` UhQ`h< `jO\$S_0|$D. |$$ut$ \$\$ |$ a\$ ShuO|$uh_D$ \$Shu D$h_D$Ph t"hh `_1[^_]dÐ|$u|$t\$ShC=tW[^_]dÐ8ff<荙h0S<E=(~1(׹t9|[^_]d h[`h `_<=@tjh`---> PASS PASS XXXXNo control connection for command QUITWVS<=`t`h`t$|$jWh7`uh`VWh `` h[`h `_=xu!hk`1[^_Ðhdj`Ít$|$VWxR`hxR_xRK_ %Pƃ=<t tjӃSj`[^_%c%c%c421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection %s:UWVSD$D$1D$hdj`D$D$ 1hB9BwR_thP@ hB9BwR_thP@o~[IhB9BwRP_thP@ Sh>hB9BwR_thP@ Shhh, xQs_ xQ_Fuj|$(t#L$Qjk`1[^_]=th3 _h `_[^_]Ð ==~m|$ 5uf~a=t'tu=u Qhs _ `9 `w%Ph `v_  ` `XtDCУu=u~u `Xtu/ t)t؋L$AL$L$u-u|$t D$|$ u\$ ؈EE==~C|$ 5u< `9 `w%Ph `d_  `h `_|$t$L$9 tT L$EE|$ 1t L$Qj#`=t |$u轎=<t|$dt|$t jL$уD$ [^_]D$ L$ $D$RjjPj ` send aborted waiting for remote to finish abort <h _h `_jh _local: %s remote: %s -local: %s: %s %s: not a plain file. STORAPPEREST %ldr+w%s %s%s Bytes transferred: %d Bytes transferred: %d netoutsentpUWVSD$(D$=tM$tC$t$:-tRhy_$t$RhZ_=t2$R$R$RE# [^_]pÐ9tjR2D$$D$ D$D$jh 2`h _~=tj-=u=8|8R_8|$ tT$ Rj `|$x T$Rj `d hTj`D$($1t FO)ȃuD$,< `$:|utjj `D$$h$CS_D$<|$,u6S_T$$RjX`T$(Rj L`[^_]pD$$ `h$R_D$4|$,uP< `Rx_P$Rhh `_T$4Rj `[^_]pÐD$$`$@PT$0R:_P_|f$Hf%f=tT$Rhh `1_T$,RjU `T$@R{_[^_]pÐtWT$ Rj `|$tT$Rj `|$$T$,RT$(҃[^_]pÐjh ` `h _=D$t$jDRT$4RT_ }A< `R_P$Rhh `_D#DRh/tDDD$$tT$R$Rh ~T$ Rj `|$T$Rj l `x$Rht6T$ Rj> `|$DT$Rj $ `0T$RvD$,|$($jD$$R$Rh t_tT$,BB  D$ `9 `wj#h `_ # `h ` _=lt 9l$||$u=t59l$|/|$t(T$Rh_h `_ (9l$}D$T$,B9BwR^_tT$,BB u|$tFT$0 B9Bwj T$4R_ T$0BtK T$0B9Bw$%PT$4Rn_T$0BD$R=lt}|$tv9l$}3 `9 `wj#h ` _# ` `9 `wj h `_  `h `I_=t#|$tT$Rh _h `_ |$tT$Rhi_h_ T$, t=< ` t hR_D$T$0 t'< `R_P$Rhh ` _|$(tT$0RT$,҃T$$Rj_|$ tT$ Rj _j\$8S_T$4R_j|$|$SD$@PT$Rh[^_]tÐjD$8P_|$ tT$$Rj _jjv_=uT$,RF=8|8R_8|$(t|$0tT$0RT$,҃|$,t T$,R_|$~D$4PD$@PT$Rh7T$$Rj_[^_]tftp: setsockopt (reuse address)ftp: bindftp: setsockopt (ignored)ftp: listenPORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dS1D$ @ D H L=\t fB=8t 8Qw_jjj_‰8 }.h^_t \[Ð=\u'jD$ PjjR_}h*jh@ 8Qa_ }h'*mt+jD$ Pjj 8Q4_} h1*3_D$D$Ph@ 8Q_ }h_j 8Q^_} hK*_=\tuCPBPGPFPEPDPhW*u#=\u\%[Åt \D$jD$ Pjj 8Q_} h_1[Ð 8Q`_8t \[ftp: acceptSD$D$PD$P8R_à }5h-_8R_81[Ð8R_8D$jD$ PjjS)_} h(_T$ R8R,_[%ld bytes %s in %.3g secs (%.2g Kbytes/sec) .A@S\$=tqD$ PD$(PD$ D$ Pb .|$D$\$D$S$E@t.$$D$4PSh-]_([SL$D$ T$+@+BAy A@B[<UWVS\$<h.j_D$t$="=PEP=t7j?P^S_0҉߈щL$D$D F0FT4FX8F\<F`ET0EX4E\8E`<FDFHFLFPEDEHELEPhFdEdhxFhEhxFlElFpEpFtEtTFxExTF|E|ppjhSw_0щL$D$ƄD$D$Ph_jhHS,_0щL$0D$0Ƅ PhH_ hhS_0щL$$D$$ƄD$$D$$PhN_hhS_0щL$8D$8Ƅ(Ph_D$Pj_=<t<jD$Ѓ[^_]h[_h `_\<jh_STOUPASVproxy server does not support third party transfers. No primary connection PORT %slocal: %s remote: %s abort(UWVS1t$_Xf@}~SE @P_f=E PR@Ph<_E Phc<_ĘPE @P^P<f<f<`<df<fh<(f<f,<.4<<f<fp=$tE @P5=`u h<uXtTj h_Ãuj hw_Ãt{.uKUhh<H_tUjh<h_ |=t<f<f<tuhh<_a=tt%j h=h_ u h=T_5e[^]AIimageebcdicEtenexLusage: %s [ %s%s | ] %s: unknown mode TYPE %s %sTYPE %sVSD$ t$~a6Vh@_@|=|t RPh@_@ ;uh@_[^Ð+hh<`_[^Ð|=|t"RVR8_t;u;u vVh@_[^Ð{ t*C 8t"PSRhA SRhAuRh_C[^ftp: internal error: unknown type %d WVS\$5=u9=`u|$u |=|t9Xt8u8uShrB_[^_Ãu+=t"h@PhA @PhAu5=[^_type<hܰjz<hܰjZ@hܰj:We only support %s mode, sorry. h(hC_We only support %s format, sorry. h`h)D_We only support %s structure, sorry. hhiDU_local-fileremote-fileusage: %s local-file remote-file STOUSTORAPPEUWVS1}uEE HHG}hDE PMQ t}IhDE PMQ u0E PhD_E p@EE P,uE 9pt 9puHHE 8at#D=TtDDt<=ptE @P"1U B= tE @P3U B1ҋE 9puM9HtRE HQ@PSe[^_]local-filesusage: %s local-files mputContinue with%s U WVS}>hFE P}Wl u%E PhF_E hPj|_jhx_hxe_=njU Ra ƃ>uא=tVE P)t=t^9t$ `CuA9tCt9u/t `Pt ACu卍=pt Q/= t Q119u =HuPQVD=TtDP==D5HHhFhF(t5HDž=|=|E huҐ=tVE P;t=t^;t$ `BuC;tBt;u/t `Pt CAu卝=pt S|$Ã= t Sx&Ã19u =HuPhKVShoL==DHHhaQhFAtHWj>_[^_]/tmp/ftpXXXXXXNLSTarcan't find list of remote files, oops UWVS\$(=uL=|uX)=t Qǯ_1[^_]Ð=|u7=XuXXXu X[^_]Ð=l$ヤSfUc_ L$=ll|$,t=%P K;t%jP QVhSS;u߃|$,t=%PL$ =lhS\$S_S誺_ =uhS脴_1[^_]Ð QhhX议_ u# Q3_뻐j hX0_tX[^_]onoffU|$tUConnected to %s. Not connected. Connected for proxy commands to %s. No proxy connection. Mode: %s; Type: %s; Form: %s; Structure: %s Verbose: %s; Bell: %s; Prompting: %s; Globbing: %s Store unique: %s; Receive unique: %s Case: %s; CR stripping: %s Ntrans: (in) %s (out) %s Ntrans: off Nmap: (in) %s (out) %s Nmap: off Hash mark printing: %s; Use of PORT cmds: %s Tick counter printing: %s Macros: %s VS=Pt%RhV(_h V _=uAj=PtRh0Vڱ_hUVʱ_jhh`hh(hkV蟱_|RPHRPtRrPRbPhVX_,REPTR8PhV._LRPRPhV_ =pt'hHhhW_ h(Wʰ_= thhh5W誰_ hMW蚰_\RPlRzPhXWp_R`PhWY_=(~7hWC_1ۃ9(~ VhW%_C9([^Bell mode %s. =t%tPPhYϯ_t Packet tracing %s. =%PPhAZ_ Hash mark printing %s (%d bytes/hash mark). =l%lt=tlRPhZ_l =lthhZЮ_hZî_Tick counter printing %s (%d bytes/tick increment)=%=lt t*RNPhA[G_ =th(hZ[ _hZ_Verbose mode %s. =%PPh[ϭ_ Use of PORT cmds %s. =\%\PPhA\_\ Interactive mode %s. =H%HP6Ph\/_H Globbing %s. =|%|PPh\߬_| %s: bad debugging value. Debugging %s (debug=%d). S\$ |$~4SR'_}3[Sh1]j_[Ð=`%`t %`RR PhK]_ =`ƒ[remote-directoryusage: %s remote-directory CWD %sCWD command not recognized, trying XCWD XCWD %sU}Gh^E PUR u.E Ph)^B_]ÐE @PhE^u6=u*=t hL^_E @Phu^̨]usage: %s local-directory Local directory now %s S$$  @dSt'Sh/_^_[ÐCPu [ÐSR+_}@< `R0_P[Sh;Lh `l_[ÐD$P躦_PhJ_诩_ [usage: %s remote-file DELE %sU}GhDE PUR u.E Phf`B_]ÐE @Ph}`]mdeleteUVS}Eh_ ]]nmap: unbalanced brackets lUWVS$1DHyo<$t<\uFA8tGcy0~*A8AthD\XC;tA8u\4A8t1t;tC9tA;t9uu ;tD\\=N1<[t4<$%<\yAA9$Q `PA90u?.@C8uhσ|DX9D4@C9D4u9\u A9$ukQ `Pt\A90u&?tZ@C8uJhσ|t.DX9D4t$@C9D4u9tAC9t9,t 9]b9uh4yW_[^_]lÐIt69\uytAA9t9]u9뱐A<,u<]tvIkQ `PtQA90u?tI@C8u<hσ|t(DX9D4t@C9D4uCA9=\t\[^_]lÐ[^_]lStore unique %s. =T%TPPh|_T Receive unique %s. =%PPh}迌_ CDUPCDUP command not recognized, trying XCUP XCUPhQ}^u/=u#=t hV}C_h}*restart: offset not specified execute get, put or append to initiate transferrestarting at %ld. %s D$|$th}诋_Ð@PK_Dh}Ph~膋_h<^Limit of 16 macros have already been defined macro nameUsage: %s macro_name Enter macro line by line, terminating it with a null line macdef:end of file encountered Macro not defined - 4k buffer exceeded UVS=(uh~}Jh~E PMQ踻 u1E Ph~E_=Ht h~_jE @P(PX_ =(u@HUh$iK\([((H@(Htx@ `9D `wh< `5_t@ `@ `R< u"(9\ H{=CHu@ `9D `wh< `_t@ `@ ` tutJ@ `9D `wh< `_t@ `@ ` rhD\_e[^]filenameusage: %s filename SIZE %sU}GhE PURU u.E PhÁ_]ÐE @Phׁ觅]%s %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT US}ChE PUR u*E PhÁN_=`u E @PhJLu^EPEPEPEPEPEPhRLh諊_ URURURURURURE @PhT识_ hhF蕆_]]STAT %sSTATD$@P|$~{PILocal file "%s" is newer than remote file "%s" S\$ hKjST$RytSR[Sh_ [!$accountappendasciibellbinarybyecasecdcdupchmodclosecrdeletedebugdirdisconnectformgetglobhashhelpidleimagelcdlsmacdefmdeletemdirmgetmkdirmlsmodemodtimemputnewernmapnlistntransopenpromptproxysendportputpwdquitquoterecvregetrstatusrhelprenameresetrestartrmdirruniquesendsitesizestatusstructsystemsuniquetenexticktracetypeuserumaskverbose?macro nameUsage: %s macro_name. '%s' macro not found. ?Ambiguous command ?Invalid command Not connected. %s UWVSDž$Dž0}:hM QUR uE Ph˅uDž449(~5j SE @P葇_ t449 (Ӌ49(u%E @Ph_h88P_44 9_,5 `Ft CFu8;$t\CK `J$tc1C Jt*< |zCAuKE9|qU TRV_E |0>{iuJDž0C$9U~9E PVDž_$U <эtF;t C;P9ƃuh,u h ~ t*=Pu!h_=th8h/_h 0QV ҃=tt1~t+5 `95 `wjh `8w_  `8Ph8覄_ 0ME ,49\7t C9\70t$$9Ea [^_]`{[*?VS$t$D$ fhh\$ S f=hu SJ[^İÐ$ptƄ$pxD$PqlV=lu5ht,\R0 \1[^İÐ\R \[^İD$\`d{{}WVD$ ƿ)tƿ+u$h.P t^_ÐP ^_SD$` p tp|P9`t[WVS`=\5,^9s"RR_~9r߃G9r͉=[^_Unknown user name after ~@WVS|$P5t;~95pj~r CP uP u;-uPC? ̐;t;/urp@9tt8tp@P t =p@P dQ pQ_ pQ~ t QP u];uH=|D$ P pQR_h. pQlPCF닐9v;/tK t9v;/u;/uCtt:{u;jSc[^_@Ðh. pQ?S:5t[^_@./Bad directory components@WVS|$Pp8u pIpR{_ƃu=|D$ PRv_|lfD$f%f=@t < `QV{_t38tWX SdtSpR@lŐV"s_[^_@Vs_L[^_@UWVS$,1ҍ|$$|$ AG|$ 9{ui}tVE<{t<[t3><}t7B*t JE}t}]uE}u1҉9Z{t8,tQ[(4}t+=t4 B tJ\$Q|$$WT$$}_EP0\$ |$ Wi}_\$(T$$0t2|$W$4ST$$ T$tA[^_]Ð=t|$\$ST$ h|$=t\$T$T$NT$t-1[^_]ÐF>t >]u>uNF91[^_]SD$ T$ |L$8.u:.t1[ÐRPL$ |[@UWVSt$T\$X|FC?a/*7/G"[t+{FPCP[^_]@Ð1ҽCtH]u u6-u9C99uBCu5t^K+;u[^_]@Ð;/u C|NSVuÊFu1[^_]@Ð%[^_]@Ð9뿐믐u5-t>tPFn>uj/_D$P=pW&z_ u@fD$f%f=@u1;u#h.=pWlSj-tE1[^_]@WVSt$\$FC?*[1ҿCtO]uu>-u9C99uBCuet`K[;u [^_ÐN>t5SV!uF>u%[^_Ð91[^_Ð1[^_Arguments too longWVSt$\$0҉ЍD9d~ =`~>[^_Ð`B`)d\SVJ `\D[^_Pathname too longT$t9xwÐttUWVSl$T$wu?;~t3޿)tH޿+u3 hCtPT$҃CT$u]u[^_]S\$RP{th{u  fh[T$1Ɉ<v <v_uD$< %L$T$:tB9uÐ1T$1 AuS\$T$ Ktu[S\$;tPl_;u[Out of memoryWVS\$t$0҉ЍDPEp_ǃu hSWu_VWu_[^_VSt$ VPo_Ãu hVS [^D$8t @8uWS\$ Sm_tP0ЍD9xw[_ÐRSt_1[_tcpftpftp: ftp/tcp: unknown service ftp: %c: unknown option WVS$$ 1h0h4l_Xuh8h `j_jj_|H$$0К `qhXHD$4|$PhWh `i_jh_B:N~ 8-h< `1i_Pl_DtL\lj_…t Rk_ǃuRk_%Pj_ǃtD$ dWPsr_~Tjh蠃_hd_t jg_h`j̃_hpj _CPFPgjhL_hd_؅th`j|_hpj p_S^𐐐jhp_=Pts=xt0jxRg_Pwp_xRCg_x =8|'j8RGp_8R{e_8 Pj=PtC=xt0jxRBg_Po_xRf_x Pj衑ftp> sorry, input line too long ?Ambiguous command ?Invalid command Not connected. 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Commands are: %s ?Ambiguous help command %s ?Invalid help command %s %-*s %s UWVS|$0l$4~1hf_9s;0I9~̓9rEŃPD$ uD$ D$ JЙ|$ D$D$(9D$(D$$D$ 9D$$\D$T$D$(;=t{ tPhآe_x;tj;01tW0Ґ  `9  `w&j h `T$&\_T$  `F;щH9rT$ڡ9rhۢ=e_r;0щO9};Gǃ `9 `wj h `[_Ր  `ƐD$D$D$$D$ 9D$$D$(D$9D$(|[^_]ÐuVtÃu Vhݢ uVhqd_"CPSj hMd_O[^_]Su1҃=tB8uЅtЃu[Sd=dt Ѓ;uhĥ^[_[=$u$S\$̀} أ4[SV\$̀} أ4[S\$L$ T$̀} أ4[S[\$L$ ̀} أ4[/lib/ld.so: can't load dynamic linker '/lib/ld.so' 8WVSt$H\$L=XD$@ bh#t\|$ ft8t@8u+PSj j*D$Pj h񐐐hlhPL$XQSD$PPD$XЋL$(QL$(Q jU[^_8fT$fur|$fD$f%fD$f%?fT$f fD$l$libc.so.4DLL Jump 4.4pl4$Id: ftp.c,v 1.3 1993/09/23 23:15:42 mycroft Exp $$Id: cmds.c,v 1.2 1993/08/01 18:15:31 mycroft Exp $<@<@@@@@@@xC}C$Id: cmdtab.c,v 1.2 1993/08/01 18:15:30 mycroft Exp $send account command to remote serverappend to a fileset ascii transfer typebeep when command completedset binary transfer typetoggle mget upper/lower case id mappingchange remote working directorychange remote working directory to parent directorychange file permissions of remote fileconnect to remote tftptoggle carriage return stripping on ascii getsdelete remote filetoggle/set debugging modelist contents of remote directoryterminate ftp sessionexecute macroset file transfer formattoggle metacharacter expansion of local file namestoggle printing `#' for each buffer transferredprint local help informationget (set) idle timer on remote sidechange local working directorylist contents of remote directorydefine a macrodelete multiple fileslist contents of multiple remote directoriesget multiple filesmake directory on the remote machinelist contents of multiple remote directoriesshow last modification time of remote fileset file transfer modesend multiple filesget file if remote file is newer than local file nlist contents of remote directoryset templates for default file name mappingset translation table for default file name mappingtoggle use of PORT cmd for each data connectionforce interactive prompting on multiple commandsissue command on alternate connectionprint working directory on remote machineterminate ftp session and exitsend arbitrary ftp commandreceive fileget file restarting at end of local fileget help from remote serverrename filerestart file transfer at bytecountremove directory on the remote machineshow status of remote machinetoggle store unique for local filesclear queued command repliessend one filesend site specific command to remote server Try "rhelp site" or "site help" for more informationescape to the shellshow size of remote fileshow current statusset file transfer structuretoggle store unique on remote machineshow remote system typeset tenex file transfer typetoggle printing byte counter during transferstoggle packet tracingset file transfer typeget (set) umask on remote sidesend new user informationtoggle verbose mode$%f&@("r0H E7YC=q ZBCIspMuRα^U}Z"