A couple things had to be changed to get this to compile under Linux. Basically, when you run 'doit.bin' it will fail in several places complaining about a problem with 'atol' or 'atof', etc. In these cases, find the line that mentions 'atol' (or whatever, usually as an extern) and comment it out. Then run 'doit.bin' again. You'll also run into a couple other places where something will bomb out failing to find some functions. You'll notice that these lines all have '-ldbm' in them. Find the directory with the source files mentioned in the line that fails, and execute the command yourself moving '-ldbm' to the end of the command instead of the middle. Type carefully, or use selection. The Cnews executables were placed in /usr/lib/newsbin and /usr/bin. The configuration files were placed in /var/lib/news. The news articles will go under /var/spool/news. Good luck!