#!../blt_wish -f if [file exists ../library] { set blt_library ../library } set graph .graph blt_bitmap define pattern1 { {4 4} {01 02 04 08} } blt_bitmap define pattern2 { {4 4} {08 04 02 01} } blt_bitmap define pattern3 { {2 2} {01 02 } } blt_bitmap define pattern4 { {4 4} {0f 00 00 00} } blt_bitmap define pattern5 { {4 4} {01 01 01 01} } blt_bitmap define pattern6 { {2 2} {01 00 } } blt_bitmap define pattern7 { {4 4} {0f 01 01 01} } blt_bitmap define pattern8 { {8 8} {ff 00 ff 00 ff 00 ff 00 } } blt_bitmap define pattern9 { {4 4} {03 03 0c 0c} } blt_bitmap define hobbes { {25 25} { 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 03 00 78 e0 07 00 fc f8 07 00 cc 07 04 00 0c f0 0b 00 7c 1c 06 00 38 00 00 00 e0 03 10 00 e0 41 11 00 20 40 11 00 e0 07 10 00 e0 c1 17 00 10 e0 2f 00 20 e0 6f 00 18 e0 2f 00 20 c6 67 00 18 84 2b 00 20 08 64 00 70 f0 13 00 80 01 08 00 00 fe 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 } } option add *Blt_htext.font *Times-Bold-R*14* option add *Blt_barchart*TagFont *Helvetica-Bold-R*14* option add *Blt_barchart*xTitle "Simulator" option add *Blt_barchart*yTitle "Time (hrs)" option add *Blt_barchart*title "A Simple Barchart" option add *Blt_barchart*xFont *Times-Bold-R*14* option add *Blt_barchart.font *Helvetica-Bold-R*14* option add *Blt_barchart*legendMapped false option add *Blt_barchart*elemBackground white option add *Blt_barchart*elemActiveBackground white option add *Blt_barchart*elemRelief raised set visual [winfo screenvisual .] if { $visual != "staticgray" && $visual != "grayscale" } { option add *print.background yellow option add *quit.background red } blt_htext .header -text \ {This is an example of the blt_barchart widget. The barchart has many components; x and y axis, legend, crosshairs, elements, etc. You can configure any component by pressing this %% button $blt_htext(widget).config -text button \ -command "exec [list ../blt_wish -f ./grconf.tcl [winfo name .] $graph &]"\ -bg green $blt_htext(widget) append $blt_htext(widget).config %%. To create a postscript file "bar.ps", press the %% button $blt_htext(widget).print -text {Print} -command { $graph postscript bar.ps -pagewidth 6.5i -pageheight 9i -landscape true } $blt_htext(widget) append $blt_htext(widget).print %% button.} blt_barchart $graph $graph xaxis configure -rotate 0 blt_htext .footer -text {Hit the %% button $blt_htext(widget).quit -text quit -command {destroy .} $blt_htext(widget) append $blt_htext(widget).quit %% button when you've seen enough.%% label $blt_htext(widget).logo -bitmap BLT $blt_htext(widget) append $blt_htext(widget).logo -padx 20 %%} set names { One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight } if { $visual == "staticgray" || $visual == "grayscale" } { set fgcolors { white white white white white white white white } set bgcolors { black black black black black black black black } } else { set fgcolors { red green blue purple orange brown cyan navy } set bgcolors { green blue purple orange brown cyan navy red } } set numColors [llength $names] set labels { { Read In } { Setup } { Load } { Solve } { Other } } set colors { green orange violet dodgerblue red } set stipples { pattern1 pattern2 pattern3 pattern4 pattern5 pattern6 pattern7 pattern8 pattern9 hobbes } set stipples { pattern9 hobbes } set data { { A1 { 0.729111111 0.003120278 11.534444444 1.015750000 0.022018611 } } { B1 { 0.002250000 0.004638889 3.879722222 0.462888889 0.516333333 } } { A2 { 0.09108333 0.01113889 4.54444444 0.49394444 0.54772222 } } { B2 { 0.006416667 0.048888889 4.460277778 0.429166667 0.177638889 } } { C1 { 0.026509167 0.001814722 2.334055556 1.053694444 0.021703889 } } { D1 { 0.007027778 0.291388889 1.262194444 0.466111111 0.134305556 } } { C2 { 0.1628611 0.0503500 1.8009444 1.4152500 0.5189278 } } { A3 { 0.06405278 0.13876389 4.12194444 2.17538889 0.07957222 } } { E1 { 0.08786667 0.04513333 3.24527778 2.55294444 0.41155556 } } } set count 1 foreach i $data { set name [lindex $i 0] set y-values [lindex $i 1] $graph element create $name \ -ydata ${y-values} \ -xdata $count \ -fg $colors \ -stipple $stipples \ -stacked true \ -bd 2 set label {} incr count } set count 0 foreach i $labels { set name [lindex $i 0] set y-values [lindex $i 1] set tag [$graph tag create text "Inf 8+$count" ] $graph tag configure $tag \ -text $i \ -bg [lindex $colors $count ] \ -fg black \ -xoffset -10 \ -anchor e incr count } pack append . \ .header { padx 20 pady 10 } \ .graph {} \ .footer { padx 20 pady 10 } wm min . 0 0 source features.tcl SetClosestPoint .graph