(in-package 'si) ;; (load "gprof.o") ;; You must have a kcl image with profiling information and monstartup ;; typically saved_kcp. NOTE: if monstartup calls sbrk (true in ;; most 4.3bsd's except sun >= OS 4.0) you must be very careful to ;; allocate all the space you will use prior to calling monstartup. ;; If subsequent storage allocation causes the hole to move you will ;; most certainly lose. See below for instructions ;; on how to construct saved_kcp. ;; If you want function invocation counts to be kept do ;; (setq compiler::*cc* (concatentate 'string compiler::*cc* " -pg ")) ;; before compiling the relevant files. (This is done when you load ;; lsp/gprof.o) ;; In the image saved_kcp Load in your files. Load in gprof.o: (load ;; "lsp/gprof.o") Invoke monstartup once to setup buffers: (monstartup ;; lowpc highpc) eg. (monstartup #x800 3000000) [highpc should be a bit ;; bigger than the highest address you have seen when loading your files] ;; Use moncontrol to toggle profiling on and off: (moncontrol 0) to turn ;; profiling off, and (moncontrol 1) to turn it on. Use ;; (wrtie-gmons+syms) to terminate with writing a gmon.out and syms.out ;; in the current directory. I know of no way of clearing the buffers, ;; since secret routines set up the buffers, and we don't know where they ;; are or how large. Thus all information is cumulative. ;; % gprof syms.out ;; will display the output (add -b) to make it briefer. ;; A sample session on rascal: #| /usr2/skcl/unixport/saved_kcp GCL (Austin Kyoto Common Lisp) Version(1.147) Sun May 14 15:26:07 CDT 1989 Contains Enhancements by W. Schelter >(load "/tmp/fo") Loading /tmp/fo.o start address -T 1d04e0 Finished loading /tmp/fo.o 528 >(load "/usr2/skcl/lsp/gprof") Loading gprof.o Adding -pg to the *cc* commandstart address -T 1d0800 Finished loading gprof.o 2112 ;; NOTE: If the following calls sbrk [eg 4.3bsd or sun OS3 ] but not Sun OS4, ;; then you MUST make sure to allocate sufficient memory before doing ;; monstartup, so that the hole will not have to be moved. >(si::monstartup #x800 2000000) 2584576 >(si::goo)(si::goo) ;;defined in /tmp/foo.lisp NIL >NIL >(si::write-gmon+syms) writing syms.. 0 [NOTE: The safest way to exit the lisp is to stop it with Ctrl-Z and then kill it. We do NOT want to run the exit code which normally writes out a monitoring file]. rascal% gprof -b syms.out ... called/total parents index %time self descendents called+self name index called/total children 0.00 0.00 1/200 _call_or_link [8] 0.02 0.02 199/200 GOO [2] [1] 49.6 0.02 0.02 200 FOO [1] 0.02 0.00 200/203 _make_cons [4] ... Interpretation: Foo is called 199 times by (parent) goo and once by (parent) call_or_link (the setting up of the fast link). Foo itself calls (child) make_cons 200 of the 203 times that make_cons is called... Lower down we would see that goo is called twice. -- /tmp/fo.lisp -- (defun foo () (cons nil nil)) (defun goo () (sloop::sloop for i below 100 do (foo))) -- end of file -- |# ;; Creating saved_kcp ;; On a sun in sun0S 3 or 4.0 ;; make gcrt0.o-V ;; mkdir gcl/go ;; (cd gcl/go ; ln -s ../o/makefile ../o/*.o .) ;; remove a few .o files and do ;; (cd go ; make "CFLAGS = -I../h -pg -g -c") ;; then (cd unixport ; make kcp) (clines #-aix3 "#include \"gprof.hc\"" #+aix3 "#include \"aix_gprof.hc\"" ) (eval-when (load) (progn (setq compiler::*cc* (CONCATENATE 'string compiler::*cc* " -pg ")) (format t "~% Adding -pg to the *cc* command")) ) (defun write-gmon+syms() (monitor2 0 0 0 0) (princ "writing syms..") (set-up-combined) (write_outsyms) ) (defentry monstartup (int int) (int "mymonstartup")) (defentry monitor2 (int int int int) (int "mymonitor")) (defentry moncontrol (int) (int "moncontrol")) (defentry write_outsyms () (int "write_outsyms"))