# BitnetRelayChat substitution # To ease BiRC ppl convertion process # Gnarfer 1991 # Copyright (C) Ove Ruben R Olsen 1991 (rubenro@viggo.blh.no) # Version:1.00 PL:9 # Updated for ircII2.2 2-7-93 # Alias C Channel $* Alias CO Admin $* Alias COntact Admin $* Alias GETOP Wallop I need some help from an Operator, can someone please help me. Alias H help load brc Alias IrcHelp help $* Alias I Invite $, $* Alias IGN Ignore $* ALL Alias LCL Who -s *$** Alias M Msg $* Alias NA Names -Pub $* Alias NI Nick $* Alias OPN Echo ##### NOT IMPLEMENTED YET ##### Alias R Stat l Alias Rates Stat l Alias REGISTER Echo ##### To register a nickname on IRC, MSG NickServ@service.de HELP Alias RULES Echo ##### IRC is Anrachy, but try your local ADMIN for rules on this server. Alias SE Echo ##### The SErver command on BITNET can't be translated into IRC. Alias S Echo ##### You are allready signed on to IRC. Alias Signon Echo ##### You are allready signed on to IRC. Alias SIN Echo ##### The SINce command on BITNET can't be translated into IRC. Alias SINce Echo ##### The SINce command on BITNET can't be translated into IRC. Alias ST Stat l Alias SW Names $* Alias TL Echo ##### The TList command on BITNET can't be translated into IRC. Alias T Topic $* Alias UNIGN Ignore $* NONE Alias UNIGNore Ignore $* NONE Alias U Luser Alias Users Luser Alias W Who $** Alias WHOI Whois $** #ent Set Input_Prompt ===> Tell Relay:$T Set Input_Prompt ===> Tell Relay:$R Set Scroll On Set Hold_Mode on Set Full_Status_Line OFF Set Status_Hold *** Holding *** Set Status_Format %H Set Show_End_Of_Msgs On Set Show_Channelnames On Set Indent on Set Continued_Line On ^Send_Public * echo <$N> $1- On ^Input "* L" list -pub On ^Input "* List" list -pub On ^Public * echo <$0> $1- On ^Send_Msg * Echo msg $* On ^Msg * Echo <*$0*> $1- On ^Signoff * echo !Sign off! $0 On ^Topic * Echo * Topic is now: $1- On ^Join * Echo !Change! $0 has joined this channel. On ^Leave * Echo !Change! $0 has left this channel. On ^Wall * Echo Broadcast message from $0 $1- Clear Echo ### Welcome to the Bitnet Relay Substitute command emulator. Echo ### Not all Bitnet commands may work. Echo ### Some commands may give a different output than Bitnet. Echo ### Echo ### /H will give you Bitnet help, Help will give you ircII help. Echo ### Admin Wait Echo Lusers