[incr Tcl] - CHANGE LOG ========================================================================== ------------------------ RELEASE 1.1 - 7/23/93 ------------------------- ========================================================================== 07/29/93 ... BUG FIX: #auto objects that created other #auto objects in their constructor were returing the wrong #auto name. 07/29/93 ... BUG FIX: "errorInfo" in class interps was causing error information to grow without bound, eating huge amounts of memory. 07/30/93 ... BUG FIX: "free-memory-read" during object delete. 08/06/93 ... BUG FIX: "delete" method now returns error message on error. 08/06/93 ... BUG FIX: Widget classes in "demos/widgets" now have proper destructors, allowing the widgets to be deleted and recreated. 08/20/93 ... Added "virtual" command for accessing most-specific class scope. This provides a cleaner way of invoking virtual commands from within a class method than the trick "$this method" described previously. 08/25/93 ... Abandoned notion of using "unknown" proc to intercept calls like "class::proc" and invoke them as "class :: proc". Removed "init.tcl" from "library" directory, so installation no longer fiddles with library files. As a convenience, I have provided a version of "auto_mkindex" that recognizes class definitions along with procs, but it is up to the user to install or use this code. 08/25/93 ... Added "itcl_reload" procedures to the "library" directory. This procedures can be used during debugging to unload and reload class definitions. 08/29/93 ... BUG FIX: changed a few stray calls to "malloc" to "ckalloc" to be consistent with the rest of Tcl/Tk. 09/09/93 ... Removed commands like "open" from class interps. Such commands create/access common facilities, and should only exist in the main interpreter. 09/09/93 ... Fixed "upvar" and "uplevel" to work across interp boundaries. This means that they should work properly even if invoked from within a class method to access variables that exist in the main interpreter. 09/09/93 ... Changed semantics of "::" or unknown command. Command is still sent to global scope, but the local call frame is retained. Thus, "::set globalvar val" is no longer a proper way to set a global variable. This has been superceded by "global globalvar; set globalvar val". This change will fix many problems people have had accessing Expect and TclX commands from within class methods. 09/23/93 ... BUG FIX: changed code calling Tcl_AppendResult() and Tcl_AppendElement() to always clear result first via Tcl_SetResult(). ========================================================================== ------------------------ RELEASE 1.2 - 9/23/93 ------------------------- ========================================================================== 10/11/93 ... UPGRADE: made compatible with Tcl7.0 10/12/93 ... UPGRADE: changed Makefiles to use GNU's "autoconf" 10/14/93 ... UPGRADE: added support for building shared library 10/14/93 ... BUG FIX: fixed "#auto" to look for names already in use and keep incrementing ID integer until a unique name is found. ========================================================================== ------------------------ RELEASE 1.3 - 10/15/93 ------------------------ ========================================================================== 10/25/93 ... BUG FIX: fixed ckfree() to check for NULL pointers. 10/25/93 ... BUG FIX: fixed virtual command to set up scope properly. Commands like "virtual set x" (where the command is run in a base class and "x" is defined in a derived class) should now work properly. 10/27/93 ... MINOR FIX: changed "extern" to "EXTERN" for better integration into C++ applications. 11/17/93 ... BUG FIX: fixed access to "errorInfo" variable for proper traceback of errors. 3/22/94 ... BUG FIX: fixed error traceback to include errorCode information in addition to errorInfo. ... BUG FIX: fixed error reporting for public variable configuration. Error messages were coming back as empty strings. 3/23/94 ... CONFIGURATION: fixed "configure" script to handle shared libraries better. Script now checks the machine type, and if shared libraries can be built, it asks the user if they should be built. ... INSTALLATION: added "library/" directory to installation procedure. 3/25/94 ... CONFIGURATION: fixed "configure" script to perform a better search for Tcl/Tk library and include files. ========================================================================== ------------------------ RELEASE 1.4 - 3/25/94 ------------------------ ========================================================================== 4/4/94 ... DEMOS: fixed "demos/widgets/ListBox" to remove archaic notion of "-width expand". The choice of whether or not the window should expand falls on the packing of its outermost frame. 4/7/94 ... BUG FIX: fixed "config" argument processing so that inherited methods correctly process arguments in the most-specific class scope, and not in the scope where the method was defined. 4/8/94 ... LIBRARY: added "destroy" procedure to replace the usual Tk "destroy" command. The new procedure recognizes [incr Tcl] objects as well as Tk windows, and destroys whatever the widget is in an appropriate manner. 4/25/94 ... BUG FIX: fixed handling of formal arguments in methods and procs so that public/protected/common variables with the same name do not get clobbered. ========================================================================== ------------------------ RELEASE 1.5 - 4/25/94 ------------------------ ==========================================================================