d -̀\ `D$4 `0PԬ "P`[̀Can't malloc more names space! US19 ~$ $1Ґ|Œ@9 = uh`( B)P$S `u(=Լ| hT5( )DDDt\' )Њt\ )DD& $ H]]ÐUE $)D]UWVSj `195 ~c1ې$|tC|~D9~D'$'PMQ~tÌF95 e[^_]__SAMBA__LANGROUP0.0.0.0UVS1h(hb195 ~&$1|&||tCF95 u hl)195 ~d1ې$|tEhuDPq`P2t&$ـ|&||t (D ÌF95 e[^]Dump of local name table YesNo%s %s %s %d 0x%X %s UVS=Լ~ hU%195 ~x1ې$|tY=Լ~Ps|toPD&PLQ$PTRs`P$'Phv%%ÌF95 e[^]rCouldn't open hosts file %s %s%s%sIll formed hosts line [%s] UWVS]h:S_u)=Լ8Sh<$(Q_QhQ- tʀ#t thjP` thjPp` thjPN` VWQhYQ`6u-=Լ$Qh`_# ÅQe)ڍ$B$DWB0W$'P`V$P`jGV` t $L&jSV`t $DjMVe`J$|&:|/WhL`Q_[^_]GUWVS}rƅ|bWf/jj)$P`W$'P`$ffP$L&$De[^_]UVSu …|a$)6tMQ$'P^`$'P.$Dj`$De[^]Name registration request for %s (%s) nb_flags=0x%x Name doesn't exist Group name - ignoring Not my name Is my IP Someones using my name (%s), sending negative reply Not replying to broadcast address UtWVSjMQ|/%E tMEjcjP_ ]uVj Sf SSo\SIo\jS.KMMM[]=Լ~EPS_PVh$V\ƒ}#=Լh6$)Ѝ<|;&||;t=ԼhJfVhvu=Լkha7\h(MQBt+=Լ8hn)=Լ|VhxMQjM Qz-M AAjjQe-jjM QX-$jjM QH-jj M Q;-] E PST` Smj jS-jjS -$|8WjS,(jjS,MK C MK h MQ<t=Լ|6h*M QgjhMQM Q`PM Qme[^_](%s) querying name (%s) - group name. No reply sending positive reply .: unknown name sending no reply on same subnet (%s), sending no reply sending positive reply (%s) UxWVS}u jW,% tMEjcjPy_ ƅ]Sj W/c=Լ~S $Q_Phx  S"ƒ$)|&||t&=Լlh O]LD&=ԼXh F=u'=Լh SS`h h S.h h S. S誗u#=Լh |@ (!Ë!Ѓ=u=9t99u5=Լ;RV_Ph "=Լ~Q_Ph PEP QjVh)FFjjVV)jjVL)$jjV?)jj V5)^ G PST_ Sij jS)jjS ) QjS((jjS(K C K Vc $jPPV\PVi|[^_](%s) status query on name (%s) UdVS]tUEjcjPC_ uVj S`=Լ~V$R_Phdle[^]ÐUWVSuF%EFVӊNσ}u$uu M QV}u3$uu M QV}uuu M QV e[^_]Sending host announcement to %s for group %s AABO\MAILSLOT\BROWSEUWVS U=Լ~!u VEP|_EPh7 hjUR_$E Eƒ uFj)_'Ӄ*]SjEP&5(UrhjRn&00щʁºRj uVI&(jj V<&Sh<EffCS]Su VEffCS# j00щʃ2RjS)C%,00щʃ!Rj'S%00щʃ!Rj;S|%jVj=Sr%$jj?Se%jjAS[%jjCSQ%$jjESD%jjGS:%S,ÉEujS,CCC'$j jS$hS_CCC CC CCUC h0S_EPU RE]f5fsCU $jhuV00щʁRuVreEEe[^_]%s Redoing browse master ips %-15.15s%cFailed to find a master browser for %s using %s Found master browser for %s at %s New master browser for %s at %s UWVS]tUEjjPo_ u9~umȸȸ9ĸZȸ=Լ~Phe= ~+$1ɋ )D 9|Džxx9 Ut|p1ې$|Y|&| |G|<j$'PhtR_hjpR$DPtRU RUR0l $D,uO=Լ~'LQ_P$'PhB jj$ P_ $px u3=Լ~\|R"_P$'Ph 1=Լ~)|R_P$'Ph/ $|T Ìxx9 yDžxx9 ~Y1$|0t.|0t'D0 P$'PU R$D2 ƌxx9 d[^_]Doing dgram reply to %s USj_+̸~5=Լ~$R_PhQjU RUR̸]]%s %s couldn't find name %s %s Transaction %d U0WVSu1h|_hj_ƒ=^V>tqjjMQ= WVRPiEЃt;VMQ_EPhl_V=WPlVhA_uԐ=/tj_)؃<~!j Q=WUjr_ÃU1E܃=(| (ME EVjjEPhq_} =< `t݃=(|I(EEЄt6h Q=(WYEƒ ~P QEEЄh Q=W Eƒ 41҃=,uRP#SEЃty QQEЃ=Լ~=WzX=Լ~иPsEPh Q=WOи%e[^_]Get_Hostbyname: Unknown host. %s U}tWhmu&=Լ|5hh>$U Rj蕀u1]Ðhjj(hԑj _]Using broadcast %s netmask %s Name %s already exists USh(h|h=t =uEPEPh(b =u U =u U=Լ~C RF_Phd =Լ~R _Phy =uhh_h h<}e} 1uh)$'PK_$(TDD&$D=Լ~hh( ]]Incorrect program usage - is the command line correct? Usage: %s [-n name] [-B bcast address] [-D] [-p port] [-d debuglevel] [-l log basename] 1.8.05Version %s -D become a daemon -P passive only. don't respond -R only reply to queries, don't actively send claims -p port listen on the specified port -d debuglevel set the debuglevel -l log basename. Basename for log/debug files -n netbiosname. the netbios name to advertise for this host -B broadcast address the address to use for broadcasts -N netmask the netmask to use for subnet determination -L name lookup this netbios name then exit -S serve queries via DNS if not on the same subnet -A serve queries even if on the same subnet -H hosts file load a netbios hosts file -G group name add a group name to be part of -b toggles browsing support (defaults to on) U=Լ| h(URh`_hh_h_h_h(x_hrn_ ha_hW_hM_hKC_h9_h/_h %_hI _ h _h _h _h _]/var/lib/samba/log%s.nmb.debug/var/lib/samba/lmhostsC:bAL:i:B:N:Rn:l:d:Dp:hPSH:G:%s.inw%s.out%s netbios nameserver version %s started Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1994 Loaded hosts file Samba %v%v%hChecked names Dumped names %s becoming a daemon U WVS] pDžthjP_ thjPe_ h"h'"h,_4"f hK"SUR=_ /$#%D%$T&&&$$%&&&4&&t%&%&%%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&$&d&&&&&$&&&&&%&&D `Rh0D `R4=ƒD `R D `R${ GD `RzD `Rhؼ =ƒD `Rh'"h,_D `RhԸD `RP_e,Qj jD `R4_Լ2j jD `R_Sj_Sxj _ ƒ tԼ=Լ ~nthjP_ h,hi"S_ho"S<_h,hq"Sg_ ho"S_t"=tRk_ `=Լ~.hGPhx" =Լ~ h"t%P=Լ~ h"[q=0u$"0"4"8hh"h0Shh"h0S1=Լ~ h"&=Լ~ h"=,t!=Լ~FPh#3T@uP1=,u tPtP =t R_1[^_],_u 1]ÐjP_E PURR_R_1]timediff=%d U=0uCj_EEP_t `4=Լ~t `Rh)H0,+,4]ÐUVSu UR_x؍e[^]ÐUSE] EI]EP_]]ÐUWVSUM u)˅)Ӆtm~i9|VQR"_[9v,)‰ǐSWRU_ U)))ޅ"ϐSWRU_ U)ޅe[^_]Ahh! Can't malloc UWVS} ]tfuPC_ƃu=Լ~Ch+7ߋEWPVT_ SURPWVUR7_ V_e[^_]UR_]%D %TUj_EjEPUPh+jdh/_]ÐUUE9E u]Ð~E9t߃9|1]ÐUVSu] MIt CBue[^]ÐUWVSu} FV¿ЈGKu>t .GFSVW|ރ >ue[^_]ÐU WVSMM0ҋ}Ӊ؃M1ۉ)}҉Ѓ؉EMɋE BM9t:EAM AJEE8uCBAKuԸ=Ըtij.SU9_ƃUu0։މ(و B)WSRU_ U>.u \ ;uE P=JEEe[^_]ÐUWVS}] L;E9]}FIE9]|e[^_]ÐUfUfU= t jEPE]ÐUUU= t jEP`E].make_case_independent name - searching for %s in %s find_case_independent_name - replacing %s with %s UWVS].hjPF_ 0߈щ| ?/tj/S_ǃuf.f&)PSPNG =Լ~PSh. Pf_ƃ{PZ StS=Լ~SPh3/ 0҉߈щȃPSP_ V_ƒuVo_[^_]ÐU@S]=ܼ~=(t SNEPS_ufEf%f=% 1]]ÐU@S]=ܼ~=(t SEPSE_ufEf%f=@% 1]]ÐU@EEPUR_Eԉ]ÐUjMQOP P UPB@ЈEE]ÐUSj]SHшMP@ˆUE]]ÐUS]SfESVfEE]]ÐUS]S0fESffEE]]ÐUVSu] URE3e[^]ÐUVSu] URE3e[^]ÐUWVS}u]U EEЊE  ‹ME  M U E DE %PM e[^_]ÐU(SEE؅tM]SEPEPEPEPEPURLEEEjS1]ԉ]year=%d month=%d day=%d hr=%d min=%d sec=%d U(SEE؅u 1E؊UڈU؈EڊEيUۈUوEۍ]SEPEPEPEPEPUREEE=Լ~!URURURURURh-4KjS ]ԉ]VDAHSRUS]th 5h_th 5h_ th5h_th5hu_th5h^_th5hG_]]ÐUE}%]ÐUUE tu1]ÐPR_%]ÐUS];t5 `Pt!9t  `C;uˋ]]ÐUS];t5 `Pt!9t  `C;uˋ]]ÐUE=$uP]ÐP:]ÐUEM U8t8u@8u]ÐUVSu.hjP_ j/j\V >/uVS_f.fSVl_[^]ÐUj\j/EPP]ÐUVSu] = t jEPqU3e[^]ÐUVSu] fUfU= t jEP6fUf3e[^]ÐUUEE E= tjRE]ÐUUEE ffE= tjRE]ÐUVSu] = t jEPU3e[^]ÐUVSu] fUfU= t jEPffUf3e[^]ÐUUEE E= tjR+E]ÐUUEE ffE= tjRE]size=%d smb_com=0x%x smb_rcls=%d smb_reh=%d smb_err=%d smb_flg=%d smb_flg2=%d smb_tid=%d smb_pid=%d smb_uid=%d smb_mid=%d smt_wct=%d smb_vwv[%d]=%d (0x%X) smb_bcc=%d UWVS}=ԼGPG Pj W(%PG PG PGPWPhc9 =Լ~VG$Pj"W%Pj W%PjW%PjW%Ph9}1$tI=Լ~5u%SWy%PSWi%PVh95FG$9|=Լ~%G$E%PW.%Ph:e[^_]ÐUjURfEjEPE]ÐUVSu] SjV\jFPFFSFMFB~Ne[^]ÐUWVS}] u}t^PjG'P_ _$VۍC%PW\3'CPWk؍e[^_]ÐUE@$]ÐUS]SE%PS%]]ÐUWVSu] p0щȃPSV_E uE0щȃ0tB0щȃut;u}E80ې}щȃPEP҃}щȃ)R_E u8ҋ}щM)2}t E8ve[^_]dos_clean_name [%s] \\\\..\.\UVS]=Լ~Sh=Nh=h=S= h=Sq_t>PV_j\S=_tVS_뱐h=h=S`=[^]unix_clean_name [%s] ////..UVS]=Լ~Sh>~h>h>S< h>S_t>PV_j/Sm_tVS_뱐[^]ÐUE@$E']ÐUS]SÉ؋]]ÐUWS]U 0щMJu؍e[_]chdir to %s US]=Լ~Sh?US(_]]ÐUhURS_]Very strange, couldn't stat "." Hmm, funny magic number PLEASE REPORT THIS ERROR! Hmm, back/next links inconsistant Hmm, back/back/next/next links inconsistant Weight too high for %s, %d swap %s (%d) and %s (%d) Oh dear, Backpointer NULL Hmm, funny magic number looking back Found cached GetWd %s [%d, %d] cached string %s bad Getcwd failed, errno %d GetWd %s, inode %d, dev %x Oh dear, malloc failed extending list of directories UWVS.hjP_ =`Ph._u=Լ?h@0=8'~C8885@t$FFFFFFvu15@>ͫt=ԼRh:@*~tZF9pt"=Լ,hn@Vzt'B@9pt=Լh@V8+F|Й|N~&=ԼQv Vh@ ~V9J=Լ~BPR RQF Ph@^{u=Լ|Lh@'S:ͫtU=Լ|#hAB=Լ| hS@,`EP||rFC^F9F ff9FPF PQ_|9u^ff9uNff%f=@u=8F=Լ~FPWF Ph5AXv V=Լ~F PhUA)^FCF Px_Vr_ރG~tFpvahS_u)=Լ|< `PhkA1]=Լ~PPShAd~%t!F Pܾ_F@Ij$_ƃu0=Լ| hA=Pͫ@FF<5@F ffF8F8FF0҉߈҅uR_ƒV u2=Լ| hAF@V_SRE_SEP;_Ep[^_]..Illegal file name? (%s) reduce_name [%s] [%s] couldn't getwd for %s %s couldn't chdir to %s couldn't getwd for %s couldn't chdir for %s %s basename=%s couldn't get wd for %s %s Bad access attempt? s=%s dir=%s newname=%s l=%d ./reduced to %s U WVS].hjP_ .hjP_ .hjP_ .hjP`_ u>/%tAVjhFV_A=ԼVhFk=Լ~U RuVhGE h>h>UR2Su,=Լu VURh(Gnu Vwt =Լ|JVhBG=PTu-=Լ|U RhXGS1IuVSL_j/S_tG9tCCؿ.u BؿFu /Wt1P=Լ[Wu VURhoGCSdu=PA=ԼPuVhGt$9th>S _@PS_0ЉÃ+/uKSVW+_ t8P=ԼbSWVURhGLt'+/u D;PPUR WuVr_P0}uf5GUf2GuV=Լ~URhGB[^_]UWVSj*MQ_ƒ0}Ѓ} )lj+u .hjQ[_ MQQ_Wj?S7_MDPS__QMQO_$_[^_]???????????Mask expanded to [%s] U WVSu.hjP薻_ .hjPt_ .hjPR_ .hjP0_ Dž>\%j\V*_tPV@SV"ASS_j.S_t&Dž@PP_S.0ЃvPR虿_ƅu$LLLu} tu LjP$tjP PV_u th=Vƾ_PV趾_h.V諾_PV螾_=Լ~ VhL[^_]ÐUU:t+  `At]ÐB:u1]ÐUU:t+  `At]ÐB:u1]ÐUUM 1:t 8 u@B:u]search_lanman2 - searching for %s in %s search_lanman2 - replacing %s with %s UDWVS=Լ~URU Rh#P UR _R_U Rp V.hjPٷ_ URS_0Ѓ/th>S輼_VS貼_PS}_Et:VUR謼_=Լ~URU RhLP R躰_17R0_U RURX_R脰_[^_]Converting name %s to lanman2 name (home=%s) search_lanman2 fail : Converted to lanman2 name %s Converted to lanman2 name %s UWVS].hjPF_ .hjP$_ .hjP_ .hjP_ UR =Լ~U RURhQ URSӺ_SQރ jhGV_ u琐j/Vh_Ã)PVR 9uf.f++PRPd h@RRPRt+RUR_=ԼURhR0ЃPRV__ s>t`)PRShRVSu(0ЃPRV_ PUR'_=Լ~URhHR4[^_]mmatch [%s] [%s] %d Matching [%8.8s.%3.3s] to [%8.8s.%3.3s] Matched correctly UWVS]u .hjPC_ .hjP!_ .hjP_ .hjPݲ_ Dž=Լ~EPVShUVSշ_TSWͷ_VS_}uWSSS蛷_j.S{_ƒtDžBRPo_A.0ɉ߈щȃvPR3_ƅu"LLLu}tu LjWtjPh.SsuhFSat:1ۃ}t+hLWGthLP/؉hLWthLPPS _j.S_ƒt.BRS_j.Sɵ_t1R.jj Pjj V~jj Ph$jj PO0ۋ s^щȃ>щȃщȃщȃ҃щȃ9҃щȃ9~t  `BAX:u=Լ~)PPPPh2U"t9?t 8A:tB9u单t9?t 8A:tB9u=Լ~ h[U[^_]ÐUWVS] .hjV_ SP(_EtEj j ]CSѭ_j.V_0ҋщ΃w!щʃRSPA_ u B0ۉ׈щ΃wуQRP_ .e0ۉ׈щ΃ wу QRPq_ jjuVn_EuFEPjVUuVjEPU$uVjEP@j uV]SS[^_] %s Transaction %d (%d) logged %d bytes out US] =tJSRPh\R?_RjSUR褧_$R赦_=Լ~ Sh\]]logged %d bytes in US] =tJSRPh\R详_RjSUR_$R%_=Լ~ Sh]2]]write_socket(%d,%d) write_socket(%d,%d) gave %d UWVS}u=ؼt D=Լ~VWh^ VU RW該_Ã=Լ~ SVWh.^؍e[^_]read socket failed. ERRNO=%d read %d bytes UWVS} uEjj]Sѩ_jjh$é_EPSjVWUR٫_Ã0$=Լ~< `Rh^1>U$fE%=Լ~=Լ~ Sh^؍e[^_]ÐUS]jjS+_ u} t PjS_]]ÐUS]U EJ+H+Ѕ}@BHK|#~| %]]ÐUXWVS]1} 1u}"URM Q}W5_EExu\jEPURM Q}W_ƃu =< ` u1jEP+عÉU]})Ẽ}tEPEP~_UUMȉM1}EEURjjMQhB_Ã} =< `t؃ct})WE PUR_à RRhR_pj_=p} p]ÐUE9hu h9xu x]client timeout (timeout was %d) couldn't read from client Got keepalive packet UWVSE 11ۅt u}~*jURjjVURjVURà uK}~%=Լ~URhh访Y=Լ~ hh荿j_Vǃ>u=Լ~ hh]1ۅ@e[^_]Invalid packet length! (%d bytes) couldn't read %d bytes from client UWVSu] =hjVu_SVWÃu1~(=Լ|Shj蔾~ j_SFPW u.=Լ|Sh#jZjט_CPVe[^_]Error writing %d bytes to client. %d. Exiting UWVS}U1WpVW 9}H)PPUR &=Լ|PVhk葽 j_9|e[^_]Invalid qdcount? qdcount=%d UWVS ]jSG%EjS7%EjS'%Ej S%E }dv&=Լ~URhkϼ1o19u~]S |8F9u1EEE9}3E쐐]S |8]jS%|8 F9u҉e[^_]No bytes from client received packet from (%s) nmb_len=%d len=%d UVSuU RhVRÉ}#=Լ| hl(j=_ 1ASV=Լ~%SVIP$R譙_Phmke[^]sending a packet of len %d to (%s) on port 137 of type DGRAM Send packet failed. 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Probably got SIGPIPE U=Լ| hZjq_Ujw}_EEP u_@ @@Pv_]ÐULWVj5}_EjUR}܉ jEP} }O~E9E|uE9E| uE@9E~ 1 e^_]Registering name %s (%s) nb_flags=0x%x Sending reg request for %s at (%s) Someone (%s) gave us a negative name regregistration response! %s gave negative name regregistration for %s?? Sending reg demand for %s at (%s) U|WVSht_ǃht_ƃ Mf=u*er_j{_UfUffס tuU 1f=Լ~)MA&PQR#s_PE'PhڔPjVwF)FjjVejjV[$jjVNjj VD^ SE'PD Sj jSjjSC j jS(jjSjjS跢jjSݢMI&K C URS $EMM=Լ~$URR#r_PE'Phڒړ VaM QVPVbjWjW跢WڊOMWʋUʉUOMf9XURj WE'PMQt2=Լ$R-q_Ph=Լ|!UR $Qp_Ph>蹒 }tW:VdPWU҃M}fMy&}KWm_Vm_U OWm_Vm_M 1'PjVРF(FjjV辠jjV贠$jjV觠jj V蝠^ SU'UR蚕 Sj jSujjSkC j jST(jjSGjjS jjS3MI&K C URS =Լ~!MIQo_PURhnF $VM QVPV&Wl_V|l_U ؍x[^_]gethostname failed Get_Hostbyname: Unknown host %s. 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