% /u/sy/beebe/tex/bib/litprog.bib, Wed Mar 11 07:57:40 1992 % Edit by Nelson H. F. Beebe % %%% ==================================================================== %%% BibTeX-file{ %%% author = "Nelson H. F. Beebe", %%% version = "1.38", %%% date = "16 December 1993", %%% time = "09:13:59 MST", %%% filename = "litprog.bib", %%% address = "Center for Scientific Computing %%% Department of Mathematics %%% University of Utah %%% Salt Lake City, UT 84112 %%% USA", %%% telephone = "+1 801 581 5254", %%% FAX = "+1 801 581 4148", %%% checksum = "03487 1113 4110 36861", %%% email = "beebe at eros.math.utah.edu (Internet)", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "bibliography, literate programming", %%% supported = "yes", %%% docstring = "This BibTeX file records books and articles %%% about literate programming. The ISBN fields will %%% be printed if the is-alpha.bst or is-plain.bst %%% style files are used. %%% %%% CONVENTIONS %%% %%% Books are tagged by the first author's last %%% name, a colon, up to 3 upper-case letters %%% taken from the first three upper-case words %%% in the title (ignoring words like A, And, %%% The), followed by the last two digits of %%% the publication year. If there is a volume %%% entry, it is appended to the tag, prefixed %%% by a hyphen. %%% %%% For Dutch authors, a van part is included %%% in the author tag. For names with accented %%% letters, accents are dropped in the author %%% tag. %%% %%% This scheme is systematic enough that it %%% can be programmed: most of the %%% Addison-Wesley book entries were created %%% with an awk program from a dump of the AW %%% database supplied by Mona Zeftel. Older %%% entries in this bibliography were modified %%% on 28-Nov-1990 to conform to this tagging %%% scheme. %%% %%% The choice of a limit of 3 letters was %%% determined from experiments on the %%% Addison-Wesley collection. Long tags are %%% undesirable because they are a nuisance to %%% type, and also interfere with the tagged %%% bibliography output produced using the %%% LaTeX showtags style option. %%% %%% Journal article tags look like %%% author:abbrev-volume-number-page, where the %%% author part is the last name of the first %%% author: for example, VanWyk:CACM-33-3-361. %%% %%% Technical report tags look like %%% author:abbrev-number: for example, %%% Billawala:STAN-CS-89-1256. %%% %%% The Como InProceedings entries look like %%% author:TEX85-page: for example, %%% Agostini:TEX85-117. Other InProceedings %%% entries should follow a similar style. %%% %%% Entries are stored ordered by the BibTeX %%% tag name, independent of the entry type %%% (the GNU Emacs function sort-bibtex-entries %%% can be used to ensure correct ordering). %%% However, entries that are cross-referenced %%% by others are stored at the end of the %%% file, since that order is required by %%% BibTeX. %%% %%% With few exceptions, value fields for %%% acknowledgement, address, journal, and %%% publisher keywords should use macros %%% defined in the string preamble below. This %%% helps to ensure consistency, and reduces %%% the entry sizes. Address entries must %%% always include the country. %%% %%% The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 %%% checksum as the first value, followed by the %%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word %%% count) utility output of lines, words, and %%% characters. This is produced by Robert %%% Solovay's checksum utility." %%% } %%% ==================================================================== %%% %%% Thanks go to: %%% Mark B. Motl for additions and corrections %%% [05-Jul-1990] %%% @Preamble{"\input bibnames.sty " # "\hyphenation{Ker-n-i-ghan Port-able Post-Script Pren-tice Richt-er Spring-er} " } @String{ack-bc = "S. Bart Childs, e-mail: \path|bart@cs.tamu.edu|"} @String{ack-bnb = "Barbara N. Beeton e-mail: \path|bnb@math.ams.com|"} @String{ack-dl = "Dave Love, e-mail: \path|d.love@daresbury.ac.uk|"} @String{ack-eg = "Eitan M. Gurari, e-mail: \path|gurari@cis.ohio-state.edu|"} @String{ack-ma = "M. Afzal e-mail: \path|M.Afzal@greenwich.ac.uk|"} @String{ack-nhfb = "Nelson H. F. Beebe, Center for Scientific Computing, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA, Tel: +1 801 581 5254, FAX: +1 801 581 4148, e-mail: \path|beebe@math.utah.edu|"} @String{ack-nr = "Norman Ramsey, e-mail: \path|norman@bellcore.com|"} @String{ack-pb = "Preston Briggs, e-mail: \path|preston@cs.rice.edu|"} @String{ack-pt = "Piet Tutelaers e-mail: \path|rcpt@urc.tue.nl|"} @String{j-ACM-ADALET = "ACM Ada Letters"} @String{j-ACM-COMPREV = "ACM Computing Reviews"} @String{j-CACM = "Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery"} @String{j-CJ = "The Computer Journal"} @String{j-COMPLANG = "Computer Language"} @String{j-COMPUTER = "Computer"} @String{j-IEEE-SOFTWARE = "IEEE Software"} @String{j-LNCS = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"} @String{j-OOP = "Journal of Object Oriented Programming"} @String{j-SIGPLAN = "ACM SIGPLAN Notices"} @String{j-SEJ = "Software Engineering Journal"} @String{j-SP = "Journal of Structured Programming"} @String{j-SPE = "Soft{\-}ware\emdash Prac{\-}tice and Experience"} @String{j-TEXHAX = "{\TeX{}{\-}hax}"} @String{j-TUGboat = "{\TUB{}}"} @String{pub-ACM = "ACM Press"} @String{pub-ACM:adr = "New York, NY 10036, USA"} @String{pub-AW = "Ad{\-d}i{\-s}on-Wes{\-l}ey"} @String{pub-AW:adr = "Reading, MA, USA"} @String{pub-IEEE-CSP = "IEEE CS Press"} @String{pub-MH = "McGraw-Hill"} @String{pub-MH:adr = "New York, NY, USA"} @String{pub-PH = "Pren{\-}tice-Hall"} @String{pub-PH:adr = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, USA"} @String{pub-SUCSLI = "Stanford University Center for the Study of Language and Information"} @String{pub-SUCSLI:adr = "Stanford, CA, USA"} @String{pub-TEXPLORATOR = "The {\TeX}plorators Corporation"} @String{pub-TEXPLORATOR:adr = "3701 W. Alabama, Suite 450-273, Houston, TX 77027, USA"} @String{pub-VNR = "Van Nostrand Reinhold"} @String{pub-VNR:adr = "New York, NY, USA"} @Article{Appelt:TB7-1-20, author = "W. Appelt and K. Horn", title = "{{Multiple changefiles in \WEB{}}}", journal = j-TUGboat, year = "1986", volume = "7", number = "1", pages = "20", month = Mar, } @Article{Avenarius:SIGPLAN-25-1-52, author = "Adrian Avenarius and Siegfried Oppermann", title = "{\FWEB}: A Literate Programming System for {Fortran 8X}", journal = j-SIGPLAN, year = "1990", volume = "25", number = "1", pages = "52--58", month = jan, } @Inproceedings{Baecker:CHI86-51, author = "Ronald Baecker and Aaron Marcus", title = "Design Principles for the Enhanced Presentation of Computer Program Source Text", booktitle = "Proceedings {CHI}'86 (Human Factors in Computing Systems)", year = "1986", pages = "51--58", organization ="Association for Computing Machinery", address = "New York, {NY}, {USA}", month = apr, } @Book{Baecker:HFT90, author = "Ronald Baecker and Aaron Marcus", title = "Human Factors and Typography for More Readable Programs", publisher = pub-AW, year = "1990", ISBN = "0-201-10745-7", address = pub-AW:adr, } @Article{Becker:TB7-2-109, author = "Helmut Becker", title = "{{\WEB{} system extensions}}", journal = j-TUGboat, year = "1986", volume = "7", number = "2", pages = "109", month = Jun, } @Article{Ben-Ari:j-SPE-16-10-915, author = "Mordechai Ben-Ari", title = "{FOREET}: {A} Tool for Design and Documentation of Fortran Programs", journal = j-SPE, volume = "16", number = "10", year = "1986", pages = "915--924", acknowledgement = ack-eg, } @Article{Bentley:CACM-29-5-364, author = "Jon Bentley", title = "Programming Pearls\emdash{}Literate Programming", journal = j-CACM, year = "1986", volume = "29", number = "5", pages = "364--369", month = may, } @Article{Bentley:CACM-29-6-471, author = "Jon Bentley and Donald E. Knuth and Doug McIlroy", title = "Programming Pearls\emdash{}A Literate Program", journal = j-CACM, year = "1986", volume = "29", number = "6", pages = "471--483", month = jun, } @Article{Bentley:CACM-30-4-284, author = "Jon Bentley and David Gries", title = "Programming Pearls\emdash{}Abstract data types", journal = j-CACM, year = "1987", volume = "30", number = "4", pages = "284--290", month = apr, } @Article{Bishop:SP-13-1-23, author = "Judy M. Bishop and Kevin M. Gregson", title = "Literate Programming and the {LIPED} Environment", journal = j-SP, year = "1992", volume = "13", number = "1", pages = "23--34", acknowledgement = ack-bnb # " and " # ack-pt, } @TechReport{Briggs:NUWEB-93, author = "Preston Briggs", title = "Nuweb, {A} Simple Literate Programming Tool", institution = "Rice University", year = "1993", type = "\path|cs.rice.edu:/public/preston|", address = "Houston, TX", acknowledgement = ack-bc, bibdate = "Mon Oct 4 17:27:43 1993", } @Phdthesis{Brown:lit-prog-thesis, author = "Marcus E. Brown", title = "An Interactive Environment for Literate Programming", school = "Texas A\&M University", address = "College Station, TX", year = "1988", month = aug, } @InProceedings{Brown:PCE90-548, author = "Marcus E. Brown and David Cordes", title = "A Literate Programming Design Language", booktitle = "Proc. Comp. Euro 90, IEEE International Conference", year = "1990", pages = "548--549", publisher = pub-IEEE-CSP, address = "Los Alamitos, CA", } @Article{Brown:SP-11-1-11, author = "Marcus E. Brown and Bart Childs", title = "An Interactive Environment for Literate Programming", journal = j-SP, year = "1990", volume = "11", number = "1", pages = "11--25", } @Article{Brown:SP-11-2-85, author = "Marcus E. Brown and David Cordes", title = "Literate Programming Applied to Conventional Software Design", journal = j-SP, year = "1990", volume = "11", number = "2", pages = "85--98", } @Article{Brown:j-LNCS-468-250, author = "Marcus Brown", title = "A Hypertext for Literate Programming", journal = j-LNCS, volume = "468", year = "1990", pages = "250--259", acknowledgement = ack-eg, } @Article{Childs:TB-13-3-261, author = "Bart Childs", title = "Literate Programming, {A} Practitioner's View", journal = j-TUGboat, year = "1992", volume = "13", number = "3", pages = "261--268", month = oct, acknowledgement = ack-bc, bibdate = "Mon Oct 4 17:21:07 1993", } @TechReport{Childs:LP92, author = "Bart Childs", title = "An Introduction to the {WEB} Style of Literate Programming", institution = "Texas A\&M University", year = "1992", type = "\path|ftp.cs.tamu.edu:/pub/tex-web/web/DOCs|", address = "College Station, TX", acknowledgement = ack-bc, bibdate = "Mon Oct 4 17:21:07 1993", } @TechReport{Childs:LP93, author = "Bart Childs", title = "{GNU} Emacs Reference Card (with web-mode)", institution = "Texas A\&M University", year = "1993", type = "\path|ftp.cs.tamu.edu:/pub/tex-web/web/DOCs|", address = "College Station, TX", acknowledgement = ack-bc, bibdate = "Mon Oct 4 17:21:07 1993", } @Article{Cordes:COMPUTER-24-6-52, author = "David Cordes and Marcus Brown", title = "The Literate-Programming Paradigm", journal = j-COMPUTER, year = "1991", volume = "24", number = "6", pages = "52--61", month = jun, } @Article{Denning:CACM-30-7-593, author = "Peter J. Denning", title = "Announcing Literate Programming", journal = j-CACM, year = "1987", volume = "30", number = "7", pages = "593", month = jul, } @Article{Fox:TB11-4-511-513, author = "Jim Fox", title = "{{Webless literate programming}}", journal = j-TUGboat, year = "1990", volume = "11", number = "4", pages = "511--513", month = Nov, } @Article{Guntermann:TB7-3-134-2, author = "Klaus Guntermann and Joachim Schrod", title = "{{\WEB\ adapted to C}}", journal = j-TUGboat, year = "1986", volume = "7", number = "3", pages = "134--137", month = Oct, } @Article{Gurari:ACMCSC-94-1991, author = "Eitan M. Gurari and Jesse Wu", title = "A {WYSIWYG} Literate Programming System (Preliminary Report)", journal = "Nineteenth ACM Computer Science Conference", year = "1991", pages = "94--104", acknowledgement = ack-eg, } @Book{Gurari:TLD94, author = "Eitan M. Gurari", title = "{\TeX} and {\LaTeX}: Drawing and Literate Programming", publisher = pub-MH, ISBN = "0-07-025208-4", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47G87, 686.2'2544536-dc20, 93-8603 CIP", year = "1994", price = "US\$34.95", address = pub-MH:adr, bibdate = "Wed Sep 29 17:55:14 1993", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Hamilton:CACM-31-12-1376, author = "Eric Hamilton", title = "Literate Programming\emdash{}Expanding Generalized Regular Expressions", journal = j-CACM, year = "1988", volume = "31", number = "12", pages = "1376--1385", month = dec, } @Article{Hanson:CACM-30-7-594, author = "David R. Hanson", title = "Literate Programming\emdash{}Printing Common Words", journal = j-CACM, year = "1987", volume = "30", number = "7", pages = "594--599", month = jul, } @Book{Holub:CDC90, author = "Allen I. Holub", title = "Compiler Design in {C}", publisher = pub-PH, year = "1990", note = pub-PH # " Software Series, Editor: Brian W. Kernighan.", ISBN = "0-13-155045-4", } @Article{Hyman:COMPLANG-7-7-67, author = "Marco S. Hyman", title = "Literate {C++}", journal = j-COMPLANG, year = "1990", volume = "7", number = "7", pages = "67--79", month = jul, } @Article{Jackson:CACM-30-12-1000, author = "Michael A. Jackson", title = "Literate Programming\emdash{}Processing Transactions", journal = j-CACM, year = "1987", volume = "30", number = "12", pages = "1000--1010", month = dec, } @Article{Kennedy:TB9-2-124-125, author = "David Kennedy", title = "{{\TeX\ adapted to \CWEB{}}}", journal = j-TUGboat, year = "1988", volume = "9", number = "2", pages = "124--125", month = Aug, } @Article{Knuth:CJ-27-2-97, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "Literate Programming", journal = j-CJ, year = "1984", volume = "27", number = "2", pages = "97--111", month = may, } @Book{Knuth:CSS93, author = "Donald E. Knuth and Silvio Levy", title = "The {CWEB} System of Structured Documentation, Version 3.0", publisher = pub-AW, year = "1993", ISBN = "0-201-57569-8", LCCN = "QA76.9.D3 K6 1993", address = pub-AW:adr, acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bibdate = "Thu Dec 16 09:04:49 1993", } @Book{Knuth:ct-b, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "\TeX{}: The Program", publisher = pub-AW, year = "{\noopsort{1986b}}1986", volume = "B", series = "Computers \& Typesetting", address = pub-AW:adr, ISBN = "0-201-13437-3", } @Book{Knuth:ct-d, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "\MF{}: The Program", publisher = pub-AW, year = "{\noopsort{1986d}}1986", volume = "D", series = "Computers \& Typesetting", address = pub-AW:adr, ISBN = "0-201-13438-1", } @Book{Knuth:LP92, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "Literate Programming", publisher = pub-SUCSLI, address = pub-SUCSLI:adr, series = "CSLI Lecture Notes Number 27", year = "1992", ISBN = "0-937-07380-6 (paper), 0-937-07381-4 (cloth)", LCCN = "QA76.6.K644", pages = "xv + 368", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Knuth:TB12-2-313, author = "Donald Knuth", title = "{{Fixed-point glue setting: Errata}}", journal = j-TUGboat, year = "1991", volume = "12", number = "2", pages = "313", month = Jun, } @Article{Knuth:TB3-1-10, author = "Donald Knuth", title = "{{Fixed-point glue setting\emdash{}an example of {\tt WEB}}}", journal = j-TUGboat, year = "1982", volume = "3", number = "1", pages = "10", month = Mar, } @Techreport{Knuth:web83, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "The {\WEB{}} System of Structured Documentation", institution = "Stanford University", year = "1983", type = "Stanford Computer Science Report", number = "{CS}980", address = "Stanford, {CA}", month = sep, } @Book{Knuth:SGB94, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "The Stanford GraphBase: {A} Platform for Combinatorial Computing", publisher = pub-ACM, year = "1994", address = pub-ACM:adr, price = "US\$45.25", bibdate = "Sat Oct 2 11:47:55 1993", note = "[From the publisher]: \ldots{} represents Knuth's final preparation for Volume 4 of {\em The Art of Computer Programming}. Through the use of about 30 examples, the book demonstrates the art of literate programming. Each example is a programmatic essay, a short story that can be read by human beings, as well as read and interpreted by machines. In these essays/programs, Knuth makes new contributions to the exposition of several important algorithms and data structures.", acknowledgement = ack-pb, } @Article{Krommes:fortran-web, author = "John Krommes", title = "{\FWEB} ({Krommes}) vs. {\FWEB} ({Avenarius} and {Oppermann})", journal = j-TEXHAX, year = "1990", volume = "90", number = "19", month = feb, } @Article{Lecarme:j-ACM-COMPREV-26-1-75, author = "O. Lecarme", title = "Literate Programming", journal = j-ACM-COMPREV, volume = "26", number = "1", year = "1985", pages = "75", acknowledgement = ack-eg, } @Article{Levy:TB8-1-12, author = "Silvio Levy", title = "{{\WEB{} adapted to C, another approach}}", journal = j-TUGboat, year = "1987", volume = "8", number = "1", pages = "12--13", month = Apr, } @Article{Levy:j-COMPLANG-10-1-67, author = "Silvio Levy", title = "Literate Programming and Cweb", journal = j-COMPLANG, year = "1993", volume = "10", number = "1", pages = "67--68, 70", month = jan, bibdate = "Thu Dec 3 09:11:03 1992", } @Article{Lindsay:CACM-32-6-740, author = "Donald C. Lindsay", title = "Literate Programming\emdash{}A File Difference Program", journal = j-CACM, year = "1989", volume = "32", number = "6", pages = "740--755", month = jun, } @Article{Lins:JSP-10-1-60, author = "Charles Lins", title = "A First Look at Literate Programming", journal = j-SP, year = "1989", volume = "10", number = "1", pages = "60--62", } @Article{Lins:JSP-10-2-107, author = "Charles Lins", title = "An Introduction to Literate Programming", journal = j-SP, year = "1989", volume = "10", number = "2", pages = "107--112", } @Article{Mittelbach:j-TUGboat-9-3-298, author = "Frank Mittelbach", title = "A New Implementation of the Array- and Tabular- Environments", journal = j-TUGboat, volume = "9", number = "3", year = "1988", pages = "298--314", acknowledgement = ack-eg, } @PhdThesis{Motl:LPE90, author = "Mark B. Motl", title = "A Literate Programming Environment Based on an Extensible Editor", school = "Texas A\&M University", year = "1990", address = "College Station, {TX}", month = dec, acknowledgement = ack-bc, bibdate = "Mon Oct 4 17:21:07 1993", } @TechReport{Motl:UMG91, author = "Mark B. Motl and Bart Childs", title = "A User's Manual for {GNU} Emacs' Web-mode", institution = "Texas A\&M University", year = "1991", type = "\path|ftp.cs.tamu.edu:/pub/tex-web/web/DOCs|", address = "College Station, {TX}", acknowledgement = ack-bc, bibdate = "Mon Oct 4 17:21:07 1993", } @Article{Oman:CACM-33-5-506, author = "Paul W. Oman and Curtis Cook", title = "Typographic Style is More than Cosmetic", journal = j-CACM, year = "1990", volume = "33", number = "5", pages = "506--520", month = may, } @Article{Oman:IEEESOFTWARE-7-1-39, author = "Paul W. Oman and Curtis Cook", title = "The Book Paradigm for Improved Maintenance", journal = j-IEEE-SOFTWARE, year = "1990", volume = "7", number = "1", pages = "39--45", month = jan, } @Phdthesis{Oman:oman88a, author = "Paul W. Oman", title = "A Taxonomic Analysis of Typographic Programming Style", school = "Oregon State University", year = "1988", address = "Corvallis, {OR}", month = dec, } @Techreport{Oman:OSUTR-88-60-20, author = "Paul W. Oman and Curtis Cook", title = "A Programming Style Taxonomy", institution = "Oregon State University", year = "1988", type = "Technical Report", number = "88-60-20", address = "Corvallis, {OR}", } @Article{Oman:SIGPLAN-23-12-69, author = "Paul W. Oman and Curtis Cook", title = "A Paradigm for Programming Style Research", journal = j-SIGPLAN, year = "1988", volume = "23", number = "12", pages = "69--78", month = dec, } @InProceedings{Pappas:proc-ada-tech90-500, author = "T. L. Pappas", title = "Literate Programming for Reusability: {A} Queue Package Example", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference on Ada Technology", year = "1990", pages = "500--514", organization = "ANCOST, Inc. (Sponsor)", address = "Atlanta, Georgia, USA", month = mar, review = "This paper begins with a set of guidelines for writing and documenting reusable Ada software. {\tt AdaWeb}, a literate programming system combining Ada and {\TeX} is described. A sample {\tt AdaWeb} package, {\em Bounded Generic Queue Package}, is provided. Features of {\tt AdaWeb} are explained as they are used in the literate program.", } @Book{PeytonJones:IFL92, author = "Simon L. {Peyton Jones} and David R. Lester", title = "Implementing functional languages", publisher = pub-PH, year = "1992", address = pub-PH:adr, ISBN = "0-13-721952-0", price = "US\$42.00", acknowledgement = ack-dl, bibdate = "Thu Aug 26 10:51:16 1993", note = "Presents literate programs in {\TeX} and Miranda.", } @Book{Plauger:SCL92, author = "P. J. Plauger", title = "The {Standard C} Library", publisher = pub-PH, year = "1992", ISBN = "0-13-838012-0", } @Article{Ramsdell:TEXHAX-88-39, author = "J. D. Ramsdell", title = "Scheme{\TeX}{}\emdash{}Simple support for literate programming in Lisp", journal = j-TEXHAX, year = "1988", volume = "88", number = "39", month = apr, } @Article{Ramsey:CACM-32-9-1051, author = "Norman Ramsey", title = "Weaving a Language-Independent {{\WEB}}", journal = j-CACM, year = "1989", volume = "32", number = "9", pages = "1051--1055", month = sep, } @Article{Ramsey:j-SPE-21-7-677, author = "Norman Ramsey and Carla Marceau", title = "Literate Programming on a Team Project", journal = j-SPE, year = "1991", volume = "21", number = "7", pages = "677-683", month = jul, acknowledgement = ack-bnb, } @TechReport{Ramsey:LPT92, author = "Norman Ramsey", title = "Literate-Programming Tools Need Not Be Complex", institution = "Department of Computer Science, Princeton University", year = "1992", number = "CS-TR-351-91", keywords = "literate programming, readability, programming languages", month = aug, note = "Submitted to {\em IEEE Software}.", type = "Report at \path|ftp.cs.princeton.edu| in \path|/reports/1991/351.ps.Z|. Software at \path|ftp.cs.princeton.edu| in \path|/pub/noweb.shar.Z| and at \path|bellcore.com| in \path|/pub/norman/noweb.shar.Z|.", bibdate = "Tue Oct 12 10:28:45 1993", acknowledgement = ack-bc # " and " # ack-nr, } @InProceedings{Reenskaug:OOPSLA89-337, author = "Trygve Reenskaug and Anne Lise Skaar", title = "An Environment for Literate Smalltalk Programming", booktitle = "OOPSLA'89 Proceedings", year = "1989", pages = "337--345", abstract = "The programming environment described in this paper is an adaptation of Donald Knuth's concept of literate programming, applied to Smalltalk programs. The environment provides a multi-media document production system including media for Smalltalk class and method definitions.\par There are two outputs from the system. The first output is a document which contains general descriptions and discussions intermixed with precise definitions of program fragments, test inputs and test results. The second output consists of compiled Smalltalk programs installed and ready for execution.\par The main idea was to produce program documentation that was just as interesting and fascinating to read as ordinary literature. Our experience showed an added benefit, namely that the literate programming environment was an active aid in the problem solving process. The simultaneous programming and documentation lead to significantly improved quality of both programs and documentation.", } @Article{Sametinger:j-OOP-4-8-24, author = "J. Sametinger", title = "A Hypertext System for Literate {C}++ Programming", journal = j-OOP, volume = "4", number = "8", year = "1992", pages = "24--29", acknowledgement = ack-eg, } @Article{Sewell:TB8-2-118, author = "E. Wayne Sewell", title = "{{How to {\tt MANGLE} your software: the \WEB{} system for Modula-2}}", journal = j-TUGboat, year = "1987", volume = "8", number = "2", pages = "118--122", month = Jul, } @Article{Sewell:TB8-2-123, author = "E. Wayne Sewell", title = "{{The {\tt SCANTEX} processor}}", journal = j-TUGboat, year = "1987", volume = "8", number = "2", pages = "123--128", month = Jul, } @Book{Sewell:WPL89, author = "E. Wayne Sewell", title = "Weaving a Program: Literate Programming in {\WEB}", publisher = pub-VNR, address = pub-VNR:adr, year = "1989", ISBN = "0-442-31946-0", } @Article{Shum:SEJ-8-3-113, author = "Stephen Shum and Curtis Cook", title = "{AOPS}: an Abstraction-Oriented Programming System for Literate Programming", journal = j-SEJ, year = "1993", volume = "8", number = "3", pages = "113--120", month = may, acknowledgement = ack-ma, } @Article{Smith:SP-13-1-35, author = "Lisa M. Smith and Mansur H. Samadzadeh", title = "Measuring Complexity and Stability of {WEB} programs", journal = j-SP, year = "1992", volume = "13", number = "1", pages = "35--50", acknowledgement = ack-pt, } @Book{Spivak:LTW91, author = "Michael D. Spivak", title = "The {\LAMSTeX} Wizard's Manual", publisher = pub-TEXPLORATOR, address = pub-TEXPLORATOR:adr, year = "1991", } @Article{Thimbleby:CJ-29-3-201, author = "Harold Thimbleby", title = "Experiences of `Literate Programming' using {{\tt cweb}} (a variant of {K}nuth's {\WEB{}})", journal = j-CJ, year = "1986", volume = "29", number = "3", pages = "201--211", month = jun, } @TechReport{Thimbleby:cwebman, author = "Harold W. Thimbleby", title = "Literate Programming in C", institution = "University of York", address = "Department of Computer Science, University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD, England", year = "1984", abstract = "{\bf Cweb} is a system of structured documentation based of Knuth's {\tt WEB}. The philosophy behind both {\bf cweb} and {\tt WEB} is that an experienced programmer, who wants to provide the best possible documentation of his or her software products, needs two things simultaneously: a language for formatting and a language for programming. When both are appropriately combined we obtain a system much more useful than either language separately. {\bf Cweb} combines {\bf C} source with ({\bf di}){\bf troff} (or {\bf nroff}) documentation (whereas {\tt WEB} operates with Pascal and \TeX). The full facilities of {\bf C} and {\bf troff} are available to the user.\par {\bf Cweb} operates effectively with existing Unix text and program development tools, such as {\bf make}, {\bf tbl}, {\bf eqn}. If speed is important, {\bf cweb} has a built-in formatter which is much faster (and less resource consuming) the {\bf troff} for drafting or using with a lineprinter.", } @Article{Tung:JSP-10-2-113, author = "{Sho-Huan} Tung", title = "A Structured Method for Literate Programming", journal = j-SP, year = "1989", volume = "10", number = "2", pages = "113--120", } @InProceedings{vanAmmers:ECC92-371, author = "Eric W. van Ammers and Mark R. Kramer", title = "{VAMP}: {A} Tool for Literate Programming Independent of Programming Language and Formatter", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 6th Annual European Computer Conference CompEuro'92", year = "1992", pages = "371--376", month = may # " 4--8", bibdate = "Mon Feb 8 09:15:57 1993", } @Article{VandenBosch:j-ACM-COMPREV-31-7-343, author = "P. N. Van den Bosch", title = "Weaving a Program: Literate Programming in {WEB}", journal = j-ACM-COMPREV, volume = "31", number = "7", year = "1990", pages = "343--344", acknowledgement = ack-eg, } @Article{VanWyk:CACM-33-3-361, author = "Christopher J. {Van Wyk}", title = "Literate Programming\emdash{}An Assessment", journal = j-CACM, year = "1990", volume = "33", number = "3", pages = "361, 365", month = mar, } @Article{Waite:SIGPLAN-28-2-21, author = "W. M. Waite", title = "An Executable Language Definition", journal = j-SIGPLAN, year = "1993", volume = "28", number = "2", pages = "21--40", month = feb, note = "This paper describes a subset of C, called C--, defined as a literate program using the Eli and FunnelWeb systems.", bibdate = "Tue Mar 9 17:51:21 1993", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @TechReport{Williams:FUM92, author = "Ross Williams", title = "FunnelWeb User's Manual", institution = "University of Adelaide", year = "1992", type = "\path|ftp.adelaide.edu.au| in \path|/pub/compression| and \path|/pub/funnelweb|", address = "Adelaide, South Australia, Australia", acknowledgement = ack-bc, bibdate = "Mon Oct 4 17:25:40 1993", } @Article{Wu:J-ACM-ADALET-9-5-84, author = "Y. C. Wu and Ted P. Baker", title = "A Source Code Documentation System for Ada", journal = j-ACM-ADALET, volume = "9", number = "5", year = "1989", pages = "84--88", acknowledgement = ack-eg, }