if unknown gen_sigma : readfrom("gen_sigma") fi def dims = 10u#,x_height#,desc_depth# enddef; def ital = 0 enddef; def fit_params = 0,0 enddef; def gen_letter= pickup fine.nib; begingroup save t; t:=superness; save superness; superness:=.95t; pos2(curve,90); top y2r=h+oo; %top of left branch pos1(hair,180); bot y1=top y2r-4/3curve; %tip of hook lft x1r=hround .5u; x2-x1=y2-y1; %central arc is round pos3(hair,0); pos4(hair,-180); rt x3r-lft x4r=stem; %bottom of cusp y4=y3; .5[x3,x4]=.5w; if monowidth: y3=0 else: y3-.5stem=vround(-.8d) fi; pos5(curve,-270); top y5r=h+oo; x5+.5curve=hround(w-.75u); %right branch pos5'(curve,0); z5'=z5; filldraw stroke z1e{up}...z2e{right}; drawloop(2,3,4,5); %hook and cusp filldraw z5l{right}...z5'r{up}...z5r{left}--cycle; %right branch if monowidth: %complete stem x3'=x3r; x4'=x4r; y3'=y4'; y3'-.5stem=vround(-.8d); filldraw z3r--z3'{down}...{up}z4'--z4r--cycle; fi endgroup; enddef; cmchar "Lowercase gamma"; beginchar("g",dims); this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,3',4,4',5); endchar; if boolean barebones: picture savedpicture; endinput; fi cmchar "Lowercase sigma followed by gamma"; begindoublechar(oct"007",dim_sigma); mid_sigma; middoublechar(dims); this_letter; endchar; picture savedpicture;