% File: MF Inputs hbary.mf % Author: Pierre A. MacKay % Internet: mackay@cs.washington.edu % Date: Friday, 06 May 1994 % Copyright 1994 by Pierre A. MacKay % The contents of this file are licensed free for % use and redistribution under the terms of the % GNU General Public License. For the terms of % this license see any publication of the Free % Software Foundation or any software packages % distributed by the Free Software Foundation. % savedpicture = barypicture; % it was cleared at the end of h.mf %% but the dimensions set in h.mf remain. cmchar "Lowercase eta with rough breathing and grave"; beginchar(h_asprbary,width#,acc_ht#,desc_depth#); this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)<; endchar; cmchar "Lowercase eta with smooth breathing and grave"; beginchar(h_lenbary,width#,acc_ht#,desc_depth#); this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)>; endchar; cmchar "Lowercase eta with rough breathing, grave and iota subscript"; beginchar(h_asprbaryisub,width#,acc_ht#,desc_depth#); this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)<; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar; cmchar "Lowercase eta with smooth breathing and grave and iota subscript"; beginchar(h_lenbaryisub,width#,acc_ht#,desc_depth#); this_letter; spirit_grave(x_baryctr)>; iota_sub(pos_stem); endchar; picture barypicture; picture pic.iota; picture savedpicture;