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<6>%s: transmit timed out, FIFO underrun <7>%s: unknown PCB received - %2.2x %s: failed to read PCB on interrupt %s: request to open device %s: Opening a non-existent physical device 3c505%s: could not allocate DMA channel Could not allocate DMA buffer %s: sending 3c505 memory configuration command %s: couldn't send memory configuration command elp_open%s: sending 82586 configure command %s: couldn't send 82586 configure command %s: %d receive PCBs active %s: transmit blocked %s: tx: DMA %d in progress %s: DMA transfer started %s: start_xmit aborted (in irq) interruptcommand%s: transmit timed out, lost %s? %s: status %#02x %s: request to send packet of length %d %s: transmitter access conflict %s: failed to transmit packet %s: packet of length %d sent %s: request for stats %s: couldn't send get statistics command elp_get_stats%s: request to close device %s: request to set multicast list %s: couldn't send set_multicast command elp_set_mc_list%s: out of memory %s: command register wouldn't drain, assuming 3c505 still starting %s: 3c505 failed to start 3c505 is sulking %s: could not send first PCB %s: could not read first PCB %s: first PCB wrong (%d, %d) <6>%s: resetting adapter %s: failed to initialise 3c505 %s: warning, irq %d configured but %d detected %s: No IRQ reported by autoirq_report(). %s: Check the jumpers of your 3c505 board. %s: Impossible IRQ %d reported by autoirq_report(). %s: 3c505 at %#lx, irq %d, dma %d, addr %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, %s: not responding to second PCB rev %d.%d, %dk %s: could not configure adapter memory %s: adapter configuration failed 3c505: You should not use auto-probing with insmod! 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