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All Rights Reserved.a' $(,048<@DHLPX\p@HP` @T`dh!8<'!h@`@|0$@1A &@ &"$@1&1&$f&&$@ $&&? $! !(@!3'3` (&@ &"$@1&1&$f&&$@ $&&?'G ! p>&@ &@&$! !(@!3'3` (&@ &"$@1&1&$Rf&&O$@ $&&?G ! @!@*q@! # # w!&$@ $&~& $@ 0$&>&@ &BD@R&R&$f&&$@ $&&?>$`$!Q@B$`!C$&!@$' ';'$$C40,($ 8PQ$@%$E$$&d! s"&! 8?!($RQ$E!  = >?!@@ &@40,($ 8'!H$L? ! !X $? 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EEPROM Failure: Wrote %04x at %d, got %04x ###Frame %d did not arrive ### Frame %d, len %d, byte %d, want %x got %x ###Frame %d wrong length (want %d got %d) ###Frame %d: got seq %d ### %d CRC errors occured ### %d Align errors occured ### %d Short errors occured ### %d Overrun errors occured ### CU still running: %x ### cmd still busy: %x ### status still busy: %x CB=%x, TBD=%x, BUF=%x test_ether.c%d frames of length %d sent in %d msecs *** 8254 Timer 0 OK, count was %d *** 8254 Timer 0 not interrupting %d *** 8254 Timer 0 speed wrong, got %d should be 1000 %x: want %x got %x --- RAM Test of %x to %x failed *** RAM Test of %x to %x passed ### DMA DONE never occurred. csr = %x ### Host never got DMA interrupt. bc_cnt = %d ### DMA error at index %d: wanted %02x got %02x ### Illegal Host addr (=%x) or length (=%d) ### Count cannot be > 1024*1024 *** lcl.Buf1 = %x --> host.Buf = %x --> lcl.Buf2 = %x *** > Db %d (burst); > Dw %d (waitstates) ### Second arg must be 'r' or 'w' or 'l' *** DMA %s in %4d byte chunks: to hostfrom host%8d bytes/sec. time too short to measure P%d->%s transmit pending on %d transmit config on %d transmit tcn tcn exp forward_delay exp %d message_age exp %d hold exp %d TxCONFIG%d TxTCN%d rcv config on %d ZERO root! at %x supercedes %d ARPREQ %x! ARPREP %x! Send UDP %d No RBD's in UDP (%d %d) Sent UDP %d SNMP '%c' len %d Envoy rc=%d Gen trap %d rc=%d Bad UDP checksum %x len %d Bad UDP length want %d got %d Bad ICMP checksum No RBD's in ICMP Bad IP checksum Truncated IP SENT IPX! no sysNamerightswitch-No RBD's in send_sap No RBD's in IPX Truncated IPX Malloc returns NULL!Digi Intl. RightSwitch SE-XIntel 82596$\p$4Ph (Hp$<@\|<<<<X$Dh (L|Xt@\|no sysContactno sysNameno sysLocation%s:%d: failed assertion `%s' numregs <= NVRAM_NREGS && numregs > 0firstreg < NVRAM_NREGS && firstreg >= 0 ERROR -T0H././///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////l.l.l.../l.22822h22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222828222|5`5`5`5`5`5`5`5`5`5`5`5`5`5X5@5P5H5@5S$S$S$S$SS,S,S,S,S,SS,SXXXXXHH,llll̈8x4PxHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHU @d`\XTP0123456789ABCDEF&@` -010ț&| -010&C -010@&P -010|& ` -010&Hp -010&p -0100ܛT̜D&x0 -010LL|LLBLLLLCLALALALALALALALALALALALBLL8`؞ ( P x  ȟ@h0 (&p< -0108&x< -010t&LA -010&LA -010&L A -010(&LA -010d&LA -010&LA -010ܣ&LA -010&L A -010T&L$A -010&L(A -010̤&x, -010&L0A -010D&L4A -010&L8A -010&L<A -010&L@A -0104&LDA -010p@,Xx,Xx@,Xx,Xx,XxԦ$L8@T4T4T4T4T4T4@T4T4TT4@T4T4Tܧ,T|̨   D l HT4T4@T4T4<dX&LHA -010LĢ<x , h   XХ H@P`(&LA -010&LA -010L&LA -010&LA -010Ĭ&LA -010&LA -010<&LA -010x&LA -010&LA -010&LA -010,&LA -010h&LA -010&LA -010&LA -010&LA -010X&LA -010&LA -010Я&LA -010 &LA -010H&LA -010&LA -010&LA -010&LA -0108&LA -010t&LA -010&LA -010$`جPȭ  @ |  0l \԰Lı&LpA -010&LtA -010<&LxA -010x&L|A -010&@ -010&p -010,@xPȳ,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,,8`ص  ( P xȶ 0@(8HPX&\A -010&\A -010D&\A -010&\A -010&\A -010&\A -0104&\A -010p&\A -010&\A -010&\A -010$&\A -010`&\A -010&\A -010ػ&\A -010&\A -010P&\A -010&\A -010ȼ&\A -010&\A -010@&\A -010|&\A -010&\A -010&\A -0100&\A -010l&\A -010&\A -010&\A -010 &h -010\Xй H   8 t (dܼT̽D4p&  -010&x( -010&p -010,,,A,A,4\p x&p -010d&\<  -010&hC -010&hA -010&p  -010T&x  -010&x  -010&\  -010&\  -010D&\  -010&\  -010&\<  -010&\<  -0104&\<  -010phhhhhhhhhAh$Lt  x,h X    H&LA -010,&x< -010h,$0,$0,$0,,A,A,A,Lt@|0hp ` h (8@H0PX`hpx publicprivateSNMP_trapL0123456789ABCDEFUUUUU@(#) Copyright (c) 1986 - 1995 Epilogue Technology Corporation H N S E main.c07timer.cddsrc dst %02X 000000000001> %x %x: %x %s DUMP %02x %d pps wwBLKFWDLRNLISDISHELLO tc exp from WeirdPAD%d SENT! UDP ICMP ECHO IP IPX! lX t,ܪP(hhxȷзط(0@HPhpи,<<$<DT| $,4<DL|$4D  nvram.crc0xd 01.01$Id: dgrs.c,v 1.12 1996/12/21 13:43:58 rick Exp $skput:over: %p:%dskpush:under: %p:%d%s: can't *remap() the DMA regs %s: DMA done never occurred. DMA disabled. %s: rcv len=%ld %s: dev_alloc_skb failed for rcv buffer %s: cbp = %x %s: Chained DMA failure %s: Single DMA failed %s: xmit len=%d %s: NO RFD's %s: NO RBD's %s: interrupt: irq %d %s: RUC start %s: cannot map in board memory %s: Illegal IRQ %d %s: Bus Master DMA is enabled. %s: download compare failed %s: board not operating %s: Digi RightSwitch io=%lx mem=%lx irq=%d plx=%lx dma=%lx %s: Ethernet address%c%2.2x %s: Illegal Ethernet Address RightSwitch%s: Not interrupting on IRQ %d (%d) %s: Digi RightSwitch port %d Setting the PCI Master Bit! Overriding PCI latency timer: was %d, now is 255. dgrs: SW=%s FW=Build %d %s GCC: (GNU)! 8 +l1 ( ;<@<FP2NW@ # 0-K8LHSc&m"x@ L`%4 $8@ x #&-5D Q ^l,v  $(,#2;CQ`lr|~LZ #>Wqdgrs.cgcc2_compiled.versiondgrs_root_devproc_resetcheck_board_dmado_plx_dmadgrs_start_xmitdgrs_opendgrs_closedgrs_get_statsdgrs_set_multicast_listdgrs_ioctlcnt.338dgrs_intriv2is.341dgrs_downloaddgrs_found_deviceis2iv.350dgrs_scandebugdmahashexpirespantreeipaddriptrapipxnetnicmodekernel_versiondgrs_firmnumdgrs_firmverdgrs_firmdatedgrs_codedgrs_ncodedgrs_debugdgrs_dmadgrs_spantreedgrs_hashexpiredgrs_ipaddrdgrs_iptrapdgrs_ipxnetdgrs_nicmodevremapprintkloops_per_secdgrs_rcv_framedev_alloc_skbpaniceth_type_transnetif_rxjiffiesdev_kfree_skbmod_use_count_verify_areavfreedgrs_probe1request_irqrequest_regiondgrs_initclonekmallocether_setupregister_netdevpcibios_presentpcibios_find_devicepcibios_read_config_bytepcibios_read_config_dwordpcibios_write_config_dwordpcibios_read_config_wordpcibios_write_config_wordpcibios_write_config_byteEISA_businit_modulecleanup_moduleunregister_netdevrelease_regionfree_irqkfreeW*12320X5lq262 222780 ) 2(9}0: ;;-;3;z<<F < 3 0 1  2' > C 2  2 (& (- 'J 'P (g =y ~ 2 0+,,;-I.X/r99922 2%*2:?2jq{?9992@)3^c222B=>CCIU[Dz0B4A:C@LRDEFG$HQH~HH I"HBJQV2{KG2LMt)*0,+ -#).4E/K)S&Y$_di2rP==QR S&