A) Terms for redistributing the contents of teTeX-src-*.tar.gz or a work derived from it (e.g. binaries). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The software contained in the teTeX-src-*.tar.gz package is covered by several licenses (e.g. GPL, LGPL, X license). All of them are compatible with the requirements defined for "Open Source Software". You have to distribute the content of teTeX-src-*.tar.gz if you distribute binaries from the binaries subdirectory here or from binaries that you have build from teTeX-src-*.tar.gz. B) Terms for redistributing the contents of teTeX-texmf-*.tar.gz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistributing the files from teTeX-texmf-*.tar.gz is more complicated. Lots of individual copyrights apply, since many people have contributed to this collection of files. - Some files are derived from sources in docstrip format and may only be redistributed together with their docstrip sources. Unless you want to check each individual copyright, you should distribute the contents of teTeX-texmfsrc-*.tar.gz if you distribute files from teTeX-texmf-*.tar.gz. - Some pakages require that all files in certain subdirectories must be contained in a distibution of any files from that package. - Some files don't allow to distribute changed versions or they require to rename changed files. - Some files don't allow commercial use and some don't allow commercial distribution. So, if you plan a commercial distribution that includes teTeX, you should check the files in the teTeX-texmf-*.tar.gz for their distribution terms and leave out all files that don't allow a commercial distribution. Or, get in touch with the authors of packages that don't allow a commercial distribution and get an arrangement with them. I admit that this makes it hard to redistribute teTeX and I'll try to clean this up for future versions. 1999, Thomas Esser